The Bay Quotes

  • Dr. Williams: This is Dr. Williams in Communical Disease. You believe you may have a bacterial case?

    Dr. Abrams: Not one, we have thirty.

    Dr. Williams: What?

    Dr. Abrams: I have thirty people in my waiting room right now.

    Dr. Williams: What are the symptoms?

  • Activist: There's forty-five million pounds of chicken shit dumped into the bay each year.

    Activist: I mean look at that, that's entirely made of chicken shit.

  • [last lines]

    Officer Jimson: [taking aim at a fellow officer] You don't have to die this way sir

  • [last lines]

    Officer Paul: Jim it's me... it's

    [is cut off by gun-shots]

  • [last lines]

    Sheriff Lee Roberts: Put that gun down deputy...

  • Ms Crustacean: I think it is every girl's dream to be Miss Crustacean.

  • Officer Jimson: [on the parasitic outbreak] Why do I have to die this way?... No one should have to die this way!

    [repeated line]

    Officer Jimson: I shouldn't have to die like this