The Babysitter: Killer Queen Quotes

  • John: First Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner break up now this?

  • Cole: I really don't have good luck with women, they end up being murderers.

  • Cole: Could this night get any more erotic?

  • Melanie: Is that a can of silly string in your left pocket or are you just really happy to see me?

    Cole: The, um, silly string's in my right pocket.

  • Jimmy: I'm no math major, but i do know that out of the 8 of us, 73% are dead, which leaves 49% alive, and only 6% will make it out of here.

  • Allison: I wanna be the world's best journalist. Renowned, respected, like Geraldo. Only... fuckable.

  • Principal Highbridge: So, Phoebe, tell us three things about yourself.

    Phoebe: Well, I think snakes are the most misunderstood reptiles... my favorite movie vacillates between Deliverance or anything by Rob Reiner, and I'm late.

    Principal Highbridge: What are you talking about? You're right on time.

    Phoebe: Oh no, Principal Highbridge, my period. I'm nine days late.

    Principal Highbridge: Oh.

    Phoebe: And Goddamn it, I was on the fence about it, but I think I might keep it now. Because, looking... at all of your beautiful faces, I... I'm just so overcome with optimism for our future... I just wanna fucking scream.

  • Phoebe: What was that?

    Cole: Wait. You saw that? You saw the dead girl, the bloodthirsty maniacs? You saw all that?

    Phoebe: Did I see that? Of course I saw that shit! Why'd they kill that girl?

    Cole: OK, look, I... i know this is gonna sound crazy, but basically, they're a blood cult, and they made a deal with the Devil, and in exchange for their souls, they get any life they want.

    Phoebe: Oh thank god. I thought they were zombies. I hate zombies.

    Cole: You... you believe me?

    Phoebe: Yes, what else do you expect from a collection of attention-seeking social media millennials with esteem issues?

  • Max: You fucking stud, Cole! I'm not even mad, bro! Respect!

  • Sonya: [aiming a flamethrower at Deacon] Silence, rapist.

    [burns him]

  • Cole: [after Allison shoots a deer] Oh my god! Did you just kill Bambi?

    Allison: Boo-hoo. Watch a kids' movie. The parents always die!

    [deliberately fires a shot away from them; chuckles sadistically]

    Cole: God!

    Allison: Too bad Bee's not here to blow my head all over your face like a bukkake movie.

  • Phoebe: [trying to reason with Allison] We can walk away from all this and forget it ever happened.

    Cole: Uh-huh.

    Allison: That's my line, A-cups!

    [fires a shot that ricochets off the cliff wall and hits her in the boob while Cole and Phoebe run off]

    Allison: My boob! Fuck me! Again? You little shits! Where'd you go?

  • Cole: [seeing Bee emerge from the water] You.

    Bee: Hey, Coley.

    Cole: I should've known tonight would end with you.

  • Bee: [after the cult drinks the blood] "The blood of the sacrificed mixed with the blood of the innocent."

    [to Cole]

    Bee: But you're not so innocent anymore, are ya?

    Melanie: He's a virgin! He has to be!

    Allison: [referring to Phoebe] Look at that skinny little creep. Who'd have sex with that?

    Bee: [to Cole and Phoebe] You wanna tell 'em, or should I?

    Sonya: No, no! If the blood offering is tainted, then...

    [lurches over]

    Melanie: [to Bee] You betrayed us!

  • Bee: [after drinking the tainted blood; whispering] Bye, Phoebe.

    Phoebe: [whispering] Bye, Bee.

    Bee: [to Cole] Bye, Cee.

    [holds up her finger]

    Cole: Bye, Bee.

    [presses his finger to hers]