The Autopsy of Jane Doe Quotes

  • Emma: What's that for?

    Tommy: To make sure he's dead. There used to be a time it was hard to tell a comatose person from a dead one, so coroners tied bells to everybody in the morgue. So if they heard a 'ting', they knew somebody down there wasn't quite ready to go.

    Emma: So, why do you have one?

    Tommy: Well, I'm... I'm a bit of a traditionalist.

  • Tommy: Let's get the fuck out of here.

  • Tommy: This amount of lung damage, though, I'd expect the body to be covered in third degree burns. It's like finding a bullet in a brain, but with no gunshot wound.

  • Tommy: [to Austin] All these mistakes... my mistakes... and you had to pay for them.

  • [first lines]

    Deputy Ballard: [over radio] Sheriff, you gotta get down here.

    Sheriff Burke: [crouching down] We got an ID on her?

    Deputy Ballard: No, sir. No relation to Paul and Carol.

    Lieutenant Wade: Who's she?

    Sheriff Burke: Well, for now, she's a Jane Doe.

  • Tommy: You can't kill someone this way without leaving a trace on the outside. She doesn't even have a broken nail.

  • Austin: Whatever the hell happened in here... We are way past possible.

  • Austin: I told her to come back for me. I told her to come back.

    Tommy: No, you didn't do this. You shouldn't be here. All this is my fault.

    Austin: You couldn't have known.

    Tommy: Yeah. Yeah, that's what everyone told me... About your mom. You know why I used to call her Ray? Ray of sunshine.

  • Austin: Why hasn't she killed us yet?

    Tommy: Well, it's not for want of trying.

    Austin: Well, look what she can do... if she wanted us dead. When we cut into her. She tried to stop us each time. It's like there's something she doesn't want us to find.

  • Tommy: That's why we couldn't find cause of death. She's still alive.

    Austin: Alive? We lit her on fire. We took out her heart.

    Tommy: There's something, some energy. Call it what you want, something is keeping her going.

  • [last lines]

    Radio Evangelist: And you know what Hebrews chapter four says, "the word of God is powerful."