[first lines]
Jeff Megan: [to Suzie] That's a lion out there. And a triangle.
Jeff Megan: [to Suzie] I'm about to go where no man has gone before.
Major Bill Keane MD: [to Jeremy] Charlene was right. There's never been anything like Andromeda anywhere on the Earth. This is terra incognita. This is alien.
General George W. Mancheck: I need to know. What have you got to fight this thing?
Dr. Jeremy Stone: Nothing. At this point, not a single thing.
General George W. Mancheck: We suspect a biological agent now code named Andromeda. Whatever Andromeda is it killed those two soldiers so quickly they didn't even have time to jump out of their vehicle.
Private Brooks: It's like a war zone.
Private Connors: Tell me I'm not seeing this.
Private Brooks: This town is full of bodies.
Kyle Tobler: Over here! Over here! Help me, men! You've got to help me!
Lt. Amy Deacon: It's disintegrating. It's all just falling apart.
General George W. Mancheck: What do you need, Stone? Tell me what you need to kill this thing, and I'll get it.
Major Bill Keane MD: [to the President] Andromeda's mutation rate is increasing. There's a very real chance that we won't be able to contain this.
Dr. Angela Noyce: [to Jeremy] Most die immediately with exposure. Those that don't exhibit violent behavior within minutes.
Major Bill Keane MD: You're saying it thinks?
Dr. Jeremy Stone: I'm saying we need to consider the possibility and act accordingly.
Major Bill Keane MD: [to Jeremy] If you set out to deliberately exterminate mankind, you couldn't do better than Andromeda.
Dr. Jeremy Stone: So, you're saying they survived Andromeda because they had the same level of stomach acid? That's brilliant.
Jack Nash: My name's Jack Nash. I'm a reporter with M.N.T. You probably know my face.
Leila: I just watch "Colbert". Sometimes "South Park".
Ed Dewitt: Are you religious man, Chuck?
Charles 'Chuck' Beeter: Sir?
Ed Dewitt: I don't mean every four years. I mean, do you have faith?
Charles 'Chuck' Beeter: Yes, sir.
Ed Dewitt: Then you can pray.
Wildfire Computer: Wildfire is infected. Wildfire Labs is now initiating lockdown procedures and beginning countdown to auto self destruct.
Dr. Jeremy Stone: What's happening?
Dr. Jeremy Stone: How else do you explain it?
Dr. Jeremy Stone: What happened out there?
Kyle Tobler: They all died.
General George W. Mancheck: What we're dealing with induces death within minutes.
Jeff Megan: [to Suzie] This is so sick. Look at that thing.
Dr. Jeremy Stone: [on the phone to Jack] It's lethal... Beyond comprehension.
[last lines]
Dr. Jeremy Stone: We would seem to have been successful in the short run, but it's probably fair to say whoever it is, we've gotten their attention. What happens next is anybody's guess.
Dr. Angela Noyce: I think a linear time frame is a key part of what means to be human. If our really important choices could be sampled like a box of chocolates, then our decisions would lose their meaning. What would be at stake?
The Andromeda Strain Quotes
Alejandrin 2022-03-16 09:01:07
Japan is rich in little monsters, the United States is rich in conspiracies
Chet 2022-03-19 09:01:08
The only feeling after reading is that the germs are made by modern people and used for ulterior purposes