The American Friend Quotes

  • [first lines]

    Derwatt: Who is it?

    Tom Ripley: It's Ripley.

    Derwatt: The door is open.

  • [last lines]

    Tom Ripley: We made it anyway, Jonathan. Be careful.

    Tom Ripley: [singing] Pity the poor immigrant... whose...

  • Jonathan Zimmermann: Why did you spread this rumor that I am with one foot in the grave?

    Tom Ripley: Remember that day we were introduced at the auction? You said, "I've heard of you." You said that in a very nasty way.

    Jonathan Zimmermann: That was all?

    Tom Ripley: Isn't that enough?

  • Derwatt: What's wrong with you?

    Tom Ripley: I'm confused.

    Derwatt: Don't try to be a nice guy.

    Tom Ripley: I want to go home.

    Derwatt: Let me love you for your money.

    Tom Ripley: I'm confused!

    Derwatt: Close the doors, they'll come in through the windows... A little older, a little more confused.

  • Tom Ripley: It's December 6th, 1976. There's nothing to fear but fear itself. I know less and less about who I am, or who anybody else is.

  • Derwatt: Do you wear that hat in Hamburg?

    Tom Ripley: What's wrong with a cowboy in Hamburg?

  • Tom Ripley: Even this river - this river reminds me of another river.

  • Tom Ripley: I like this room. It's got a good feel to it. It's quiet and peaceful. Just like you. I envy you. The smell of paint and wood. Must be good to work here. Then when you finish something, you can see what you've done.

    Jonathan Zimmermann: It's not that easy. Not that safe and easy. What do you make?

    Tom Ripley: I make money. And I travel a lot. I'm bringing the Beatles back to Hamburg.

  • Derwatt: I think you're not a very serious man.

    Tom Ripley: [Hands Derwatt a wad of cash] I think this is serious. I sold one painting, I'm ready to sell another one.

    Derwatt: How much?

    Tom Ripley: That's $2,000 for you. I told you I've got a good eye.

    Derwatt: Take care of it. A new one's hard to find.

    Tom Ripley: Don't you think I know that?

  • Tom Ripley: Listen. I know rock musicians. I know lawyers. I know art dealers, pimps, politicians. But murder? I don't want to be involved. Period.

  • Tom Ripley: Gantner told me you were a good craftsman. I admire that. I've always wanted to be able to make something with my hands. But, well, some people have it and some people don't.

  • Jonathan Zimmermann: I don't like people who buy paintings as an investment.

    Tom Ripley: Well, you count me out.

    Jonathan Zimmermann: No. I count you in.

  • Tom Ripley: I would like to be your friend. But friendship isn't possible.

    Jonathan Zimmermann: That makes me feel very comfortable.

  • Tom Ripley: You throw a gangster out of a train going 80 miles an hour, then you throw a second one: how much time passes between the two events, if the train doesn't change speed?

  • Marianne Zimmermann: I feel so deserted and betrayed. The worst part is you're using your illness to deceive me. Fine! I don't care what you do with your American friend!

  • Marianne Zimmermann: 97,000 marks. Where'd it come from?

    Jonathan Zimmermann: The doctors in Paris and Munich made a bet. A bet on my life, so to speak.

    Marianne Zimmermann: Who do you think will win?

  • Jonathan Zimmermann: [singing] There is too much on my mind, And there is nothing I can say, There is too much on my mind, And there is nothing I can do.

The American Friend

Director: Wim Wenders

Language: German,English,French Release date: September 28, 1977