The 24th Day Quotes

  • Dan: Do you have a boyfriend?

    Tom: No. I have beer.

  • Dan: Putting people in fucking boxes - you're straight or you're gay - it's nonsense. Human beings are too complex. Being with a man or wanting to be with a man doesn't make you gay. It's totally messed up. If a girl goes to her boyfriend and says she wants to fuck around with another girl, you think he's going to be weirded out by that? Fuck no. He's gonna want to watch, maybe even join in. But if a guy asks his girlfriend the same question, she's fucking flip her lid. It's totally messed up for guys who prefer women and have a slight curiosity about men. They're forced into repressing it. And even if they do act on those urges, they're made to feel like there's something wrong with them - when it isn't the act that's wrong. In fact, that's what's natural. What's wrong is how society makes you feel about it because nobody can admit that people aren't completely gay or completely straight. It's nonsense.

  • Tom: You are sitting there because you are the only possible reason why I am here doing this.!

  • Tom: You know you are a perfect example of what is wrong with this world. No one will take a stand and say that it's me. I'm guilty, I did it. You fucked up. You lived by your own rules and not you have to pay for that.

    Dan: Because I met you at a bar and came back with you, I deserve this?

    Tom: You came home with me twice.

    Dan: And that makes me some kind of monster? And by the way if you remember correctly you invited me back here. God damn it, you set me up.

    Tom: You always have to play like you're the innocent one.

  • Tom: You know what the worse thing about adultery is? Once you do it, no how many years your faithful you're always an adulterer, life is harsh like that. You fuck once you can never be a virgin again, you steel once you're always a thief, and you lie once you're always a liar.

  • Tom: You see this lie? You had sex last Tuesday but you wanted to appear pure but you're not are you? You're not pure. I watched you for a short time and I caught you in a lie. I didn't come looking to do this but after watching you seeing the way you are it only made sense what I had to do. I can only imagine the other 5 years, how many blondies have there been.

    Dan: I never forced anyone to be with me.

    Tom: This isn't only about us how many others have you got sick? They don't count?

    Dan: I'm not sick!

    Tom: You played god with that kid, why would you want to do that? You do whatever you want and when people get hurt, to bad for them.

    Dan: What and now I'm responsible for everyone?

    Tom: Why not?

    Dan: Fuck you man. People make choices, you made a choice. I owe you nothing.

    Tom: Then why so many tests? If you felt no responsibility to protect other people then why so many tests?

    Dan: For me, for me. If I was sick I would want to know so I could take care of myself.

    Tom: But how is it possible for someone who is always safe to get sick?

    Dan: A lot of safe people get tested.

    Tom: And a lot unsafe people don't. Why is that?

    Dan: I didn't trick anyone, you cheated on your wife, no one but you.

  • Tom: Dan before you go I need to know something. Where you ever really tested before?

    Dan: What does it matter now?

    Tom: It doesn't.

    Dan: No, I wasn't.

    Tom: Why?

    Dan: I guess I was, I guess I was afraid.

    Tom: You guess?

    Dan: I was afraid.

    Tom: You didn't want to know?

    Dan: No I didn't. I just knew. I just knew I didn't have it. I really am sorry about your wife.

  • Tom: Today is day 26 and it seems different. Isabella would have had every reason to do what I did to you. I promised things to her. I loved her. I was supposed to protect her. And in the end I'm the only one responsible for what happened to her. But with you, I put my life in your hands. Someone I didn't even know. And I got what I deserved, and you're probably getting what you deserve. Now you don't deserve this, no one deserves this.

    Dan: Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this? Why are you fucking with me? I'm healthy. Look at me. You look at me. Look at me!

  • [first lines]

    Tom: I walk home. I'm all scratched up, I got blood all over my face. I'm crying my eyes out. Anyway, my mother see's me. She runs in screaming, "What happened, who did thisa to you?" So I tell her Stevie Bellow jumped me from behind in the schoolyard while his pals stood there and made sure no one broke it up. So, take a guess what my mom does? She takes me back to the school yard. She finds Stevie, she tells him we're gonna fight again this time it's gonna be a fair fight.

  • [last lines]

    Dan: Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this! Why are you fucking with me? I'm healthy. Look at me... You look at me.


    Dan: Look at me!

The 24th Day

Director: Tony Piccirillo

Language: English Release date: May 6, 2004

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