Tape Quotes

  • Vin: Do you have any idea how much those drugs cost?

    Amy: There'll be other drugs, Vincent.

    Vin: I know... but, I really liked those ones.

  • Vince: What you think I'm a dick?

    Jon: Uh, no. But I do know that occasionally you have a tendency to act in a phallic fashion.

  • Jon: She's probably scared.

    Vin: Oh god, of *what*? I never threatened her!

    Jon: ...You sometimes present a threatening appearance.

    Vin: Dude... we have been going together for three years.

    Jon: So what?

    Vin: So... I mean, you'd think she would be used to it by now.

  • Jon: Since when are you all high and mighty?

    Vin: I'm not high and mighty. I'm too high to be high and mighty.

  • Amy: People change. They end up having nothing to say to each other even if they were best friends years before.

  • Jon: Thanks, Vince.

    Vince: [confused] What?

    Jon: Thanks.

    Vince: For what?

    Jon: For all your *honesty*.

  • Jon: What's up man?

    Vince: Oh, nothin' much.

    Jon: You're not dressed.

    Vince: Lay off.

    Jon: Not that I don't like it...

    Vince: What?

    Jon: Nothing.

    Vince: So?

    Jon: So nothing.

    Vince: Okay.

    Jon: Okay.

  • Vin: She thinks I have violet tendencies.

    Jon: Oh, boy.

    Vin: Jon, I never touched her.

    Jon: I never said you did.

    Vin: well, she thinks I have, uh, "unresolved issues, which occasionally manifest themselves in potentially violet ways."

    Jon: [...] Women these days have no reason to hang around potentially violet guys. It's not an attractive quality anymore. Too many guys out there with "resolved" violet tendencies.

    Vin: Oh, so I'm out of fashion?

  • Jon: You don't like my work?

    Vin: I like it like I like a shot of whiskey first thing in the morning: it's good for about 10 minutes and then I want my coffee.

  • Amy: I have a boyfriend.

    Vince: Who is he?

    Amy: He's the District Attorney.

    Vince: Oh, God. That is so typical.

    Amy: Typical. Why?

    Vince: It just is.


Director: Richard Linklater

Language: English Release date: July 12, 2002