Sydney White Quotes

  • Tyler: Do I make you nervous?

    Sydney White: No... Tyler, was it?

  • Lenny: Did they really make you sing Celine Dion?

    Sydney White: Yeah.

    Lenny: Do you need a place to stay?

  • Lenny: You really are a dork.

  • Sydney White: I'm sorry, I'm still learning to speak priss.

  • Lenny: [talking about Spanky] He keeps himself happy.

  • Gurkin: You can't even make it from Junior Tiger Guide to Tiger Guide

    George: I'm only one badge away!

    [looks at his velcro shoes]

    George: Knots are hard!

  • Lenny: So, uh, are you all set? Do you need anything? A hypoallergenic pillow? Humidifier? Dehumidifier? Ionizer?

    Sydney White: Nope, I think I'm all goon on the medical-supply front. I've actually got

    Lenny: Are you sure? There's a lot of dust. I've got loads of allergy medicine.

    Sydney White: You? Allergies? I never would have guessed.

  • Lenny: Oh, um, I don't know if you need any sort of special... lady products.

  • Lenny: You may find this hard to believe, but most of the guys here don't have a lot of experience with girls.

  • [staring at a drying sports bra]

    Spanky: Dudes... that thing has touched boobs.

    Terrence Lubinecki: Of course. The sturdy, breathable fabric is designed to maintain mammary elasticity.

    Spanky: Shut up, Terrence. You're ruining the moment for me.

  • Tyler: The Kappa's are our sorority sisters.

    Sydney White: Oh! So we'll be like brother and sister?

    [Tyler gives her a weird look]

    Sydney White: Oh, not in the related, familiar way, but more the fraternal-sororal, sororital... is that a word? ok.

  • Gurkin: Things are looking grim, brothers.

  • Gurkin: [marching past Rachel Witchburn] Hi, ho.

    Lenny: Bye, ho.

  • Sydney White: I tried to eat a plastic flower once, kinda hurt.

  • Rachel Witchburn: Welcome to Hell, Skanks!

  • Sydney White: Just to clarify, I spend a normal amount of time in the bathroom.

  • Gurkin: [updating his blog] Does anyone know another word for "douchebaggery"? I don't want to use it a third time.

  • Sydney White: If it makes you feel any better they threw bologna at us while we sang Celine Dion songs!

  • Tyler: Who are you Sydney White? You throw a football like Matt Leinart, fearlessly conquer fraternity bathrooms, and clean up nice to boot.

    Sydney White: Well, I'm more of a Peyton Manning. Leinart's a lefty.

    Tyler: Marry me.

  • Demetria Rosemead 'Dinky' Hotchkiss: My name's Dinky and I think I'm in love with a dork!

  • Rachel Witchburn: I'm the last person you wanna mess with.

    Sydney White: No. You're the first.

  • Gurkin: [to Tyler about his date with Sydney] If you try any funny stuff, I will unleash the power of the internet on you. I will register you as a sex offender in all 50 states... and Canada.

  • Demetria Rosemead 'Dinky' Hotchkiss: I wish we had the same size feet.

    Sydney White: It is fine. Isn't it part of this whole sisterhood thing that they like you for who you are?

    Demetria Rosemead 'Dinky' Hotchkiss: Sure.

  • Rachel Witchburn: [to Dinky] Dinky, we're over there.

    [to Sydney]

    Rachel Witchburn: Hi, Sydney. Nice to find some people you fit in with.

    Sydney White: It is nice, isn't it? If only there were a place where a superficial, materialistic bitch could fit in. Oh wait, there is.

  • Sydney White: [Frisbee lands between dorks, all jump and move away] Go on. Pick it up and throw it on back.

    Rachel Witchburn: [George picks up Frisbee, throws off screen]

    [Hits Rachel in the head]

    Rachel Witchburn: Ow!

    Sydney White: Heads up!

  • Amy: Hey Rachel. Check it out. My diet's working. I lost five pounds!

    Rachel Witchburn: [looks at Amy's butt as she walks away] I think your ass found it.

  • Sydney White: Green and White.

    Rachel Witchburn: Wrong. Emerald and Pearl

    Sydney White: I'm sorry. I'm still learning how to speak priss.

  • Rachel Witchburn: Sydney, what are the Kappa colors?

    Sydney White: Green and White.

    Rachel Witchburn: Emerald and Pearl.

    Sydney White: Sorry, I'm still learning to speak priss.

  • Sororitiy Sisters: Here comes the Kappa, Queen of the row. She's hot, She's cool, She ain't no hoe. She's got style, She's got class

    Rachel Witchburn: Gucci...

    Sororitiy Sisters: And from behind a kicking...

    Rachel Witchburn: Prada...

    Sororitiy Sisters: [slaps butt]

    Rachel Witchburn: [screams]

  • Sydney White: Hey! You're a guy, right?

    Lenny: [uncertainly, looking unsure of himself] ... Yeah?

Extended Reading
  • Cleve 2022-03-23 09:02:24

    Thank you Meibao for giving me the opportunity to watch such a movie, I definitely didn’t feel bad for myself, and I enjoyed it a lot, I’m a weirdo!

  • Kieran 2021-12-24 08:01:42

    American youth film, new story of Snow White