Suspiria Quotes

  • Dr. Frank Mandel: Bad luck isn't brought by broken mirrors, but by broken minds.

  • Sarah: Susie, do you know anything about... witches?

  • Olga: Susie... Sarah... I once read that names which begin with the letter 'S' are the names of SNAKES! Sssss! Ssssss!

    Sarah: [sticks her tongue out at Olga] Mmmmmmm!

    Olga: Ssssss!

    Olga: Mmmmm!

  • Helena Markos: [aroused from her snoring slumber] Who is it? Who's there? Ah, I've been expecting you! The American girl! I knew you'd come. You want to kill me! You want to kill Helena Markos!

    [vanishes, laughing]

    Helena Markos: You wanted to kill me! You wanted to kill me! What are you gonna do now, huh? Now death is coming for you! You wanted to kill Helena Markos! Hell is behind that door! You're going to meet death now... the LIVING DEAD!

  • Miss Tanner: I had no idea you were so strong willed. I can see that once you make up your mind about something, nothing will change it for you. My compliments.

  • Suzy Bannion: Hey, thanks, my room is really pretty.

    Olga: Do you like it? You're sweet, I bet we'll do fine together.

    Suzy Bannion: Even if I have the name of a snake?

    Olga: Oh, I was just kidding! Don't tell me you're as touchy as Sarah.

    Suzy Bannion: No.

  • [first lines]

    Narrator: Suzy Banyon decided to perfect her ballet studies in the most famous school of dance in Europe. She chose the celebrated academy of Freiburg. One day, at nine in the morning, she left Kennedy airport, New York, and arrived in Germany at 10:40 p.m. local time...

  • Miss Tanner: Enough. Enough! Do you know what's happened? Do you know?

    Daniel: What is it?

    Miss Tanner: Your lousy, disgusting dog has bitten Albert! He took a piece out of Albert's arm.

    Daniel: What?

    Miss Tanner: Did you all hear that? That miserable dog tried to mutilate a child. Madame Blanc had to rush Albert to a first aid center to have stitches put in!

    Daniel: That's impossible.

    Miss Tanner: Let's go to the first aid center. Even if you can't see the blood, at least you can hear that poor child's crying!

    Daniel: That's enough now! My dog is a peaceful, faithful animal. He's never hurt anyone. The boy must have done something to him first.

    Miss Tanner: Oh, the poor little animal! The poor little puppy! If I ever see him within a mile of this school again, I'll have him put to death!

    Daniel: Stop it! I won't allow such talk, you understand?

    Miss Tanner: *You* won't allow it? Then get out, you and your dog! Get moving!

    Daniel: You bitch!

    Miss Tanner: Out!

    Daniel: I'm going. I'm going! But try to understand that I'm blind, not deaf. Get it? Huh? Not deaf. Not deaf, you understand that? You understand? Ahh, fresh air! Let me out of this goddamned place!

    Miss Tanner: Get out. Get out of here. Good riddance!

  • Miss Tanner: This is Pavlo, our general handyman. He's really ugly, isn't he? Don't be afraid to say so. Can't understand you anyway, he speaks only Romanian. You see that gorgeous smile? He's felt very handsome ever since he got those false teeth.

  • Madame Blanc: We must get rid of that bitch of an American girl. Vanish! She must vanish! Make her disappear! Understand? Vanish, she must vanish. She must die! Die! Die! Helena, give me power. Sickness! Sickness! Away with her! Away with trouble. Death, death, death!

  • Sonia: If you want you can stay as long as you please.

    Pat Hingle: Thanks, but... I'm leaving town in the morning. I'm going away forever!

    Sonia: Oh, big deal, kid! So what if you got thrown out of school? I always got thrown out of school. Beginning in kindergarten.

    Pat Hingle: No, that's not it. I don't give a damn about getting thrown out. You wouldn't believe me if I told it to you. It all seems so... absurd! So fantastic!

  • Dr. Frank Mandel: A coven deprived of its leader is like a headless cobra: Harmless.

  • Prof. Milius: In other words: "Quandum ubique, quandum semper, quandum ad omnibus creditur est", which means that magic is everywhere, and all over the world, it's a recognized fact.

  • Madame Blanc: He's my nephew: I'm very attached to him.

  • Suzy Bannion: What do witches do?

    Dr. Frank Mandel: They are malefic, negative and destructive. Their knowledge of the art of the occult gives them tremendous powers. They can change the course of events and people's lives, through harm. You don't believe me? Their goal is to accumulate great personal wealth. It can only be achieved by injury to others. They can cause suffering, sickness, and even the death of those who for whatever reason offended them. Why do you have all this interest in the occult?

    Suzy Bannion: Because friends spoke to me about witches. I read some stuff.