Summer with Monika Quotes

  • Harry Lund: Monika, I'm going to start night school. You can become an engineer if you keep at it. I've always liked engines. I fixed the engine on the boat last autumn.

    Monika Eriksson: You study to be an engineer, and then we'll get married, okay? Harry. I think I'm pregnant.

    Harry Lund: What? Seriously?

    Monika Eriksson: Hmm.

    Harry Lund: We have to go back so I can start working. You need proper food.

    Monika Eriksson: No, I'm not going back. I want summer to go on just like this. Harry, I don't know anyone as sweet as you.

    Harry Lund: Monika, we have to make something real out of our lives. We'll care for each other. I'll study and get a decent job, so we can get married and have a nice house, you and me and the little one on its way.

    Monika Eriksson: You'll come home from work and I'll have dinner ready. We'll take the children for Sunday walks. I won't work. I'll stay at home with the kids. We'll have nice clothes.

    Harry Lund: We'll have a good life. We'll always stay together.

    Monika Eriksson: Just you and me.

  • Monika Eriksson: Spring is here. Did you notice?

    Harry Lund: Yes.

    Monika Eriksson: One shouldn't work on a day like this.

    Harry Lund: No, it's really crazy.

    Monika Eriksson: Let's go away and never come back. We'll see the whole wide world. Are you game?

    Harry Lund: Sure, let's go.

  • Monika Eriksson: You know where I work?

    Harry Lund: Yes. It must be cold there.

    Monika Eriksson: I thought I'd freeze my ass off last winter.

  • Monika Eriksson: Hey. You'll have to hold me or I'll freeze. You may kiss me now, Harry.


    Monika Eriksson: I guess we like each other a lot, huh?

    Harry Lund: Monika...

    Monika Eriksson: I'm crazy about you.

    Harry Lund: There's no one but you. Only you.

  • Harry Lund: You're not mad at me, are you?

    Monika Eriksson: I like you.

    Harry Lund: Are you sure?

    Monika Eriksson: Dead sure.

  • Harry Lund: I thought we could eat at my place. Dad's in this boat club and they're meeting today. He's eating with the guys before the meeting. So, I thought we might...

    Monika Eriksson: You're so sweet. It'll be such fun, almost like we're married. You're so sweet, not like the others at all. Like right out of a movie!

  • Monika Eriksson: I can't stand those guys pinching me all the time. Why don't they pinch their wives?

    Svensson: It's not as much fun.

  • Svensson: Come out with me. I'll cheer you up.

    Monika Eriksson: Not likely. I've got other fish to fry. I'm going steady.

    Svensson: You too? All the floozies are going off the market.

  • Monika's Boss: Nilsson!

    Svensson: It's Svensson.

    Monika's Boss: Same difference. I promised your boss a bottle on my ration card. He said you have money. Hurry up before they close!

  • Monika Eriksson: I'm soaking wet, but I'll freeze if I take my coat off.

    Harry Lund: The sleeping bag's warm.

    Monika Eriksson: [takes her coat off] I don't want to wrinkle my skirt.

    [takes her skirt off]

    Monika Eriksson: Take off your pants so you don't ruin the creases. What nice long legs you have. Come here.

  • Försäljare hos Forsbergs: Finally decided to show up?

    Harry Lund: I didn't hear my alarm. Dad's sick, so I'm alone.

    Försäljare hos Forsbergs: Out with hussies, no doubt. That slut at the greengrocer's.

    Harry Lund: Mind your own business!

  • Monika Eriksson: Now we can go wherever we like.

    Harry Lund: Like you said that time at the cafe: "Let's go away!" Let's forget about all those bastards.

    Monika Eriksson: I hate them. Everyone who holds us back, who wants us to grovel.

    Harry Lund: Let them scurry around like rats - - we won't be there.

  • Harry Lund: Imagine them slaving away at Forsberg's now.

    Monika Eriksson: And down in that old cellar, carrying crates around in the dust and dirt.

    Harry Lund: We've rebelled, Monika, against all of them.

  • Monika Eriksson: Oh dear, I've grown tubby.

  • Harry Lund: You see - I've always been so lonely. My mother got sick when I was five. She was sick until she died. I was eight by then. Dad went a bit funny after that. He got all quiet. He and I would sit at home all evening, neither saying a word. We'd just sit there.

    Monika Eriksson: I've never been alone. There's so many of us. The brats fight and wreck everything. Dad's always drunk and kicking up a fuss.

  • Monika Eriksson: Harry, why do some people have all the luck while others are miserable?

    Harry Lund: Monika, we have each other.

  • Harry Lund: It's been a lovely summer, but everything changes starting today.

    Monika Eriksson: Imagine being back in town. We haven't been to the movies since we saw "Dream Girl."

    Harry Lund: No, we've been in our own dream.

  • Verkmästaren, Harrys arbetskamrat: Well? What did you have?

    Harry Lund: A girl. Everything went well. Almost seven pounds.

    Verkmästaren, Harrys arbetskamrat: Get going now. I don't want any fingers cut off here. Come back in the morning - sober. Go home and put on your best suit and buy her some carnations.

    Harry Lund: Red carnations?

    Verkmästaren, Harrys arbetskamrat: At your age, buy the green ones.

Summer with Monika

Director: Ingmar Bergman

Language: Swedish Release date: February 9, 1953