Summer of 84 Quotes

  • Davey Armstrong: Even serial killers live next door to somebody. Tough pill to swallow, I know, but it's true. If I've learned anything, it's that people hardly ever let you know who they really are. Just past the manicured lawns and friendly waves, inside any house, even the one next door, anything could be happening and you'd never know. And that's the thing about this place, it all might seem normal and routine, but the truth is the suburbs are where the craziest shit happens. You never know what might be coming around the corner.

  • Curtis Farraday: You know you can get AIDS from looking through trash, right?

    Tommy 'Eats' Eaton: Only way you're ever getting AIDS.

  • Dale 'Woody' Woodworth: [being hunted by a vengeful Mackey] I Can't Die Tonight... My Mom Needs Me!

  • Wayne Mackey: You forced me out of my home...


    Wayne Mackey: You stole my life!

    [composes himself]

    Wayne Mackey: ... You do not get to be sorry.

  • Wayne Mackey: [sobbing] All I wanna do is kill you.

    [composes himself]

    Wayne Mackey: That's not enough for you. You have spent so much time thinking about me... I want you to keep thinking about me. I want you to imagine what I'm going to do when I come back for you. And I am going to come back for you. After you have spent your life looking over your shoulder... after you have wondered every single day if that is the day that I'm gonna come for you... one day... you'll be right!

Summer of 84

Director: François Simard, Anouk Whissell, Yoann-Karl Whissell

Language: English Release date: August 10, 2018