Stuart: A Life Backwards Quotes

  • Stuart Shorter: [pointing to a book titled "Mauve"] This one... what's this one about?

    Alexander Masters: The colour mauve.

    Stuart Shorter: How do they fucking get away with this?

  • Alexander Masters: If you had to change one thing about your life, what would it be?

    Stuart Shorter: Well, how much is one thing?

  • Stuart Shorter: My name is Psycho but you can call me Stuart if you want.

  • Alexander Masters: He's free! He's absolutely fucking free!

  • Stuart Shorter: What a load of bollocks! Who needs the queen?

  • Stuart Shorter: Alexander, do you want to stay for tea? My favorite: Convict Currey. We used to make in jail.

  • [last lines]

    Alexander Masters: The book was finally published in April 2005. I think Stuart would have liked it.

  • [Alexander plays a tape in his car that Stuart gave him]

    Stuart Shorter: Hi Alexander. It's Stuart.

    Alexander Masters: Hello, Stuart.

    Stuart Shorter: ...I've had lots to drink and that. I can't help reflect, about my brother, and my brother's friend. And they didn't believe me. And they didn't care. And the abuse, being asked to do things that I wouldn't have thought possible that anyone, could ask of an eleven year old. I just head-butted. And head-butted, and head-butted. The more you speak, the more you disbelieve. And no one listened to any thing I had to say. And I just sit here drinking, having mad conversations with myself. Talking about mutilating myself. Killing myself. Dragging down those who are responsible. I want to just lay down and die. I feel so dirty and fucking horrible. Hating and attacking anyone I get close to. I just wish there could be an escape from this madness.

  • Stuart Shorter: Know what, Alexander? I don't know myself what got me. But honest, sometimes... I think I'm the child of the Devil. I let the Devil in. Now I can't get him out. I tried... burning him out and cutting him out. He don't take no notice. Why should he? He don't wanna be homeless.

  • Stuart Shorter: I was really surprised, Alexander, to be honest... I thought that middle class people had something wrong with them, you know?... But they're just ordinary, aren't they?

  • Stuart Shorter: [Talking to local MP] ... and hence... therefore... furthermore, more deaths.