Frankie: How is your faith these days, Father?
Frankie: How is your faith these days?
Frankie: Hey, you know what's scarier than not believing in God? Believing in him. I mean, really believing in him. It's a fucking terrifying thought.
Cardinal Daniel Houseman: [while trying to strangle Frankie] I'll not let you destroy my church!
[Frankie is possessed by Father Alameida]
Frankie: Jesus said... the Kingdom of God is inside you, and all around you, not in mansions of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood... and I am there, lift a stone... and you will find me.
Father Andrew Kiernan: Brother Alameida, I call upon you to release this woman. Give her grace and let her not come into the ways of harm. For through Jesus Christ we have all been saved and let us not fear any ill. For Jesus is with us, and the Unity of the Holy Spirit will remain forever, and ever. God bless your soul, Brother Alameida. And go in peace.
[Frankie is possessed by Father Alameida]
Father Andrew Kiernan: Frankie? Frankie... who are you?
Frankie: The messenger is not important.
Dr. Reston: Do you have any stress at work?
Frankie: I cut hair.
Dr. Reston: And are there any problems with a significant other?
Frankie: Yes...
Dr. Reston: Which is?
Frankie: I'm not very significant.
Frankie: I feel like my heart is breaking.
Frankie: Why am I so sad?
Dr. Reston: What's happening in your life, Frankie? Do you have a lot of stress at work?
Frankie: I cut hair.
Dr. Reston: Any trouble with a significant other?
Frankie: Yes.
Dr. Reston: - And that is?
Frankie: I'm not very significant.
Frankie: Hi.
Father Andrew Kiernan: Hello
Frankie: You have an appointment, or...
Father Andrew Kiernan: No, I don't.
Frankie: Well, would you like a haircut, a manicure, or maybe you'd like to have your nipples pierced?
Father Andrew Kiernan: [chuckles] Well, maybe if we start with a trim, we could go from there. Thank you.
Frankie: Come on. Have a seat. All right, here we go.
[puts barber cape on Andrew]
Frankie: I'm gonna put this cape on so you don't get your scratchy neck.
Father Andrew Kiernan: Oh, thank you.
Frankie: So, where are you from.
Father Andrew Kiernan: I live in Rome, actually.
Frankie: Oh, cool.
Father Andrew Kiernan: And you?
Frankie: I'm from Naples.
Father Andrew Kiernan: Ah! Naples.
Frankie: Mmm-hmm
Father Andrew Kiernan: [speaks italian] Naples.
Frankie: Naples, Florida.
Father Andrew Kiernan: Oh!
Frankie: I moved here to go to school.
Father Andrew Kiernan: Which school?
Frankie: [points to certificate] Claudia's University of Cosmetology. See, I'm'm accredited.
Father Andrew Kiernan: Oh, Cool.
Jennifer Kelliho: [to Donna] Am I going crazy or is Frankie hitting on a priest
Frankie: What do I call you? I feel kind of weird calling a guy I could date "Father." Uhh, I mean, I couldn't date you, but... You know.
Father Andrew Kiernan: Oh, no, no, no, you just made my day. Thank you. You can call me Andrew. Andrew Kiernan, that's my name.
Frankie: [after long pause; mouths Donna's name] I know this is gonna sound kind of strange, but I've sort of been expecting you.
Dr. Eckworth: Frankie Paige we're gonna run some more tests for this afternoon around 4:00.
Frankie: Did you run a pregnancy test?
Dr. Eckworth: Yes.
Frankie: Am I pregnant?
Dr. Eckworth: No.
Frankie: Was I?
Dr. Eckworth: I don't know.
Donna Chadway: So Jen, tell us about your date.
Jennifer Kelliho: It was with a tax lawyer.
Jennifer Kelliho: [Frankie has just entered for work] How you feeling?
Frankie: Fine.
Donna Chadway: Really okay or just okay?
Frankie: I'm fine. So how's my day looking?
Donna Chadway: Well, I started your first client, and you're booked solid until 7:00.
Frankie: Thanks.
[to her client]
Frankie: Wanna come over here? Okay, well, go back to Jen and dish the dirt.
Donna Chadway: Hey... Frankie
Jennifer Kelliho: Hey Frankie.
Cheryl: Hey Frankie
Frankie Paige: [after a long pause,takes off her parka jacket] Hey I feel like I should do a monologue or something. Hey, Cheryl come on over here and have a seat I'll just be a second.
Cheryl: Um, you know what I think I'm just going to wait for Donna.
Frankie Paige: Ok.
Jennifer Kelliho: [whispering] What's going on with her.
Donna Chadway: She wants to get a second opinion, I think she might have epilepsy.
Jennifer Kelliho: Epilepsy? She doesn't look too good. Why is she even at work?
Frankie Paige: Hey would you guys stop whispering, like this was a goddamn church!
Jennifer Kelliho: [talking about her date] So uh.. he seemed pretty cool. Divorced, but no kids. But he left the table in the middle of dinner to call his mother in Oregon. Yeah you know, I.. I thought I'd give him a shot. But you won't believe what he did. Every single time he took a bite of his steak, he growled!
Frankie: So you live in Rome?
Father Andrew Kiernan: Yes, but I travel a great deal, so I'm rarely there.
[Waitress pours him coffee]
Father Andrew Kiernan: thank you.
Frankie: [the waitress offers her coffee] No thanks. So what brings you to Pennsylvania?
Father Andrew Kiernan: Well, Father Durning asked us to come and speak to you, Miss Paige.
Frankie: "Us"? Who's "Us"? I thought you were a priest.
Father Andrew Kiernan: Well I am a priest but I'm also an investigator. I work for a division in the Vatican, called the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints.
[Sets down tape recorder]
Father Andrew Kiernan: do you mind if I switch this on?
Frankie: No, go ahead.
Father Andrew Kiernan: Thank you. What is your full name?
Frankie: Frankie Paige.
Father Andrew Kiernan: And your age?
Frankie: Twenty-three.
Father Andrew Kiernan: And which church do you attend?
Frankie: I don't attend church.
Father Andrew Kiernan: But you are catholic?
Frankie: No, I don't go to church 'cause I don't believe in God.
Father Andrew Kiernan: Well, that's really it for me. That's all I need to know Miss Paige.
Frankie: That's it?
Father Andrew Kiernan: Yes. You see stigmatics are deeply religious people.
Frankie: And there's no exceptions?
Father Andrew Kiernan: No.
Frankie: Well, why do they get stigmata?
Father Andrew Kiernan: When Christ died on the cross, he died with five wounds. His back was scourged by whips. There were gashes on his forehead from a crown of thorns. There were nails driven through his hands and feet, and finally a spear driven through his side. Throughout history only deeply devout people have been afflicted with these wounds.
Frankie: Well, why?
Father Andrew Kiernan: There really is no satisfactory scientific explanation. All stigmatics are haunted by such intense spiritual pain, in some ways it affects them physically. They're assaulted by their own visions of evil. And they manifest this battle in their bodies. The church on the other hand regards it as a gift. A gift from God.
Frankie: A gift? Can I give it back? Listen father can I show you these and you could tell me what you think?
Father Andrew Kiernan: Yes. Yes of course.
[Frankie shows him the wounds on her wrists]
Frankie: Well, what do you think?
Father Andrew Kiernan: It doesn't really matter what I think, Miss Paige.
Frankie: What does that mean?
[She pulls out a cigarette to smoke]
Father Andrew Kiernan: It means officially this is not a case for the church. To say that a self-confessed atheist exhibits the wounds of Christ is a contradiction in terms.
Frankie: Look, you know what? Here.
[Pulls out a piece of paper she wrote on something]
Frankie: read that I found that on my kitchen table the other morning. Now I don't know what that says, but that handwriting is mine.
Father Andrew Kiernan: Well, it's Italian. It says, "Split a piece of wood and I'm there. Lift a stone and you will find me" it's quite beautiful, actually.
Frankie: This isn't beautiful. This is a warning! It means no matter what I do... No matter where I go I can't escape it.
Father Andrew Kiernan: Miss Paige. Miss Paige. Miss Paige. I would really like to help you but I..
Frankie: You know what? you know what?
[Puts on her jacket to leave]
Frankie: this is not going anywhere. You don't know what this is. You can't give me any kind of answer. Coffee's on me. Here.
[Pays for coffee and leaves]
Stigmata Quotes
Extended Reading
Director: Rupert Wainwright
Language: English,Assyrian Neo-Aramaic,Portuguese,Italian,Aramaic Release date: September 10, 1999