Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation Quotes

  • Pvt. Lei Sahara: There're too many of them, Dax!

    Captain Dax: You've gotta tell 'em what you saw, Sahara. You gotta tell 'em about the new bug.

    Pvt. Lei Sahara: You stay here, you'll die!

    Captain Dax: Murderers don't go home.

  • Sgt. Dede Rake: Wow, look what the cat drug in.

    Gen. J. G. Shepherd: Ha ha, you should see that damned cat.

  • Lt. Pavlov Dill: I'll see you hanged!

    Captain Dax: Just so long as it's regulation rope.

  • [first title card]

    Title crawl: In the dark aftermath of the unprovoked Arachnid attack on Buenos Aires, Federal forces crushed the enemy at Tango Urilla and captured a brain bug on Planet P. Now, armed with victory, the heroic men and women of the Mobile Infantry push deep into the Arachnid Quarantine Zone and take the fight to the Bug.

  • [first lines]

    FedNet: Our war's going better than ever, but we need heroes! We need you!

    Smiling Lieutenant: Come on, you apes... You wanna live forever?

  • FedNet: Dax. More than a soldier. Not just a man. A hero of the Federation. He gave his life so we can fight, and these words for us to live by, "Shed no tears for me. My glory lives forever... And now, you too can live the glory, because it's easy to be a hero in the Mobile Infantry. Men and women like you are signing up every day to serve the Federation and save the galaxy. Isn't it time you did your part?

  • [last lines]

    FedNet: Shed no tears for me. My glory lives forever.

  • Recruiting Sergeant: Beautiful baby, Ma'am.

    Pvt. Lei Sahara: Thank you, Sergeant.

    Recruiting Sergeant: Trooper likes me, huh?... Hurry up spud, we need fresh meat for the grinder.

  • Gen. J. G. Shepherd: Poor creatures. Why must we destroy you? I'll tell you why. Order, is the tide of creation, but yours is a species, that worships the one over the many. You glorify your intelligence, because it allows you to believe anything. That you have a destiny. That you have a right. That you have a cause. That you are special. That you are great. But in truth, you are born insane. And such misery, cannot be allowed to spread.