Star Trek Beyond Quotes

  • Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: [referring to Starbase Yorktown] What a damn monstrosity! Couldn't we just rent some space on a planet?

    Commander Spock: Showing geographical favoritism among inducted Federation worlds could cause diplomatic tension.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: Oh, you don't think that looks tense? Looks like a damn snow globe in space, just waiting to break!

    Captain James T. Kirk: [sighs] That's the spirit, Bones.

  • Captain James T. Kirk: How are we gonna get out of this one, Spock? We've got no ship, no crew. Not the best odds.

    Commander Spock: We will do what we have always done, Jim. We will find hope in the impossible.

  • Kirk: [hears song "Sabotage" blaring, aimed to destroy Krall's attacking swarm] It's a good choice.

  • Krall: The Federation has pushed the frontier for centuries. But no longer. This is where it begins, Lieutenant. This is where the frontier pushes back.

  • [after being teleported while in the middle of a leap and landing with a thud on the transporter pad]

    Captain James T. Kirk: [groans] Let's never do that again.

    Jaylah: [groans] I agree, James T.

  • Commander Spock: [referring to Ambassador Spock] When you've lived as many lives as he... fear of death is illogical.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: Fear of death... is what keeps us alive.

  • Krall: Lieutenant, unity is not your strength. It is your weakness.

  • Krall: Your captain... why did you sacrifice yourself for him?

    Lieutenant Uhura: He would have done the same. And if he made it off that ship, he will come for us.

    Krall: I am counting on it, Lieutenant Uhura.

  • [after Jaylah sits in the Captain's chair on the U.S.S. Franklin just before Kirk could]

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: [whispers to Jaylah] He likes that seat.

  • Captain James T. Kirk: We make a good team. Right?

    Commander Spock: I believe we do.

  • Commander Spock: "The miserable have no other medicine but only hope."

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: [to Kirk] Death's door and he's quoting Shakespeare.

  • Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: [to Kirk and Spock] You really want to head back out there, huh?

  • Chekov: Proximity alert, sir! We have an unknown ship heading right for us.

  • Captain James T. Kirk: Mr. Sulu... You can... you know... fly this thing, right?

    Sulu: [looks back at him] You kidding me, sir?

    Captain James T. Kirk: Fantastic.

  • Commander Spock: Fascinating.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: Ominous. Dark. Dangerous.

  • Captain James T. Kirk: What happened to you out there... Edison?

    Balthazar M. Edison: I have to say, Kirk, I've missed being me. We lost ourselves but gained a purpose! A means to bring the galaxy back to the struggle that made humanity strong.

    Captain James T. Kirk: I think you underestimate humanity.

    Balthazar M. Edison: I fought for humanity! Lost millions to the Xindi and Romulan Wars! And for what? For the Federation to sit me in a Captain's chair and break bread with the enemy!

    Captain James T. Kirk: We change. We have to. Or we spend the rest of our lives fighting the same battles.

  • Captain James T. Kirk: [referring to his father] He joined Starfleet because he... He believed in it... I joined on a dare.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: You joined to see if you could live up to him. You spent all this time trying to be George Kirk and now you're wondering just what it means to be Jim.

  • Commodore Paris: [to Kirk] It isn't uncommon, you know, even for a captain, to want to leave. There is no relative direction in the vastness of space. There is only yourself, your ship, your crew. It's easier than you think, to get lost.

  • Captain James T. Kirk: Captain's Log, Stardate 2263.2. Today is our 966th day in deep space, a little under three years into our five year mission. The more time we spend out here, the harder it is to tell where one day ends and the next one begins. It can be a challenge to feel grounded when even the gravity is artificial. But, well, we do what we can to make it feel like home. The crew, as always, continues to act admirably despite the rigors of our extended stay here in outer space. And the personal sacrifices they have made. We continue to search for new lifeforms in order to establish firm diplomatic ties. Our extended time in uncharted territory has stretched the ship's mechanical capacities. But fortunately our engineering department, led by Mr. Scott, is more than up to the job. The ship aside, prolong cohabitation has definitely had effects on interpersonal dynamics. Some experiences for the better, and some for the worse. As for me, things have started to feel... a little... episodic. The farther out we go, the more I find myself wondering what it is we're trying to accomplish. But if the universe is truly endless, then are we not striving for something forever out of reach? The Enterprise is scheduled for reprovisioning stop at Yorktown, the Federation's newest and most advanced starbase. Perhaps a break from routine will offer up some respite from the mysteries of the unknown.

  • Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: [after removing shrapnel from Spock] Yeah. They say it hurts less if it's a surprise.

    Commander Spock: If I may adopt a parlance with which you are familiar, I can confirm your theory to be horseshit.

  • Captain James T. Kirk: To the Enterprise... and to absent friends.

  • Bones: [hears song "Sabotage" blaring] Is that classical music?

    Spock: Yes, doctor, it would seem to be.

  • Commander Spock: Leaving me behind will significantly increase your chances of survival, Doctor.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: Well, that's damn chivalrous of you, but completely out of the question.

    Commander Spock: It is imperative that you locate any surviving crew.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: And here I was thinking you cared.

    [Three of Krall's drone ships approach]

    Commander Spock: Of course I care, Leonard. I always assumed my respect for you was clear. The dialogue we have had across the years has always...

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: It's okay, Spock. You don't have to say it.

    [Spock and Bones are surrounded by the drones]

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: Well, at least I won't die alone.

    [Spock is beamed away from behind Bones]

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: Well, that's just typical.

  • Captain James T. Kirk: I'm one year older.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: Yep, that's usually how it works.

    Captain James T. Kirk: [referring to his father] A year older than he ever got to be.

  • [last lines]

    Captain James T. Kirk: [epilogue] Space, the final frontier.

    Commander Spock: These are the voyages of the Starship...

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: ...Enterprise. Its continuing mission...

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: explore strange new worlds...

    Sulu: seek out new life...

    Chekov: ...and new civilizations...

    Lieutenant Uhura: boldly go where no one has gone before.

  • Captain James T. Kirk: Who's your new friend here? She sure know how to throw out the welcome mat.

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: This is Jaylah.

    Jaylah: I do not know what is a welcome mat.

  • Balthazar M. Edison: Captain's Log... I don't remember the stardate. All distress calls unanswered. Of the crew... only three remain. I WON'T ALLOW IT! The indigenous race abandoned this planet long ago. They left behind sophisticated mining equipment and a drone workforce. They have some sort of... technology that prolongs... life. I will do whatever it takes for me and my crew. The Federation do not care about us... You'll probably never see me again. But if you do... be ready.

  • Captain James T. Kirk: You lost! There's no way you can make it back there. Give up!

    Balthazar M. Edison: What, like you did? I read your ship's log, Captain James T. Kirk! At least I know what I am! I am a soldier!

    Captain James T. Kirk: You won the war, Edison! You gave us peace!

    Balthazar M. Edison: Peace... is not what I was born into.

  • Balthazar M. Edison: You can't stop it. You will die.

    Captain James T. Kirk: Better to die saving lives... than to live with taking them. That's what I was born into.

  • [after Uhura knocks out a drone about to kill Spock]

    Lieutenant Uhura: Spock. What are you doing here?

    Commander Spock: Clearly, I am here to rescue you.

  • Lieutenant Uhura: I am Lieutenant Nyota Uhura of the U.S.S. Enterprise. And *you* have committed an act of war against the Federation.

    Krall: Federation! Federation *is* an act of war.

    Lieutenant Uhura: [glares at him] *You* attacked us.

  • Commander Spock: Lt. Uhura wears a Vokaya amulet which I presented to her as a token of my affection and respect.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: You gave your girlfriend radioactive jewelry?

    Commander Spock: The emissions is harmless, Doctor. But its unique signature makes it very easy to identify.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: You gave your girlfriend a tracking device?

    Commander Spock: [realizing] That was not my intention.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: [to Kirk] I'm glad he doesn't respect me.

  • Commander Spock: It is unwise to trivialize that which one simply does not understand, Doctor. We can safely assume it is more important than a doodad.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: I think you just managed to insult me twice, Spock.

  • Captain James T. Kirk: What does Krall want with this thing?

    Kalara: To save you... from yourselves.

  • Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: [to Jaylah] Now, you're part of something bigger now, lassie. Right? Dinnae give up on that. 'Cause we'll sure as hell never give up on you. That is what being part of a crew is all about.

    Jaylah: Is that what you believe, James T.?

    Captain James T. Kirk: All I know is we stand a better chance with you.

  • [Uhura walks away and Bones walks up to Spock]

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: You guys break up? What'd you do?

    Commander Spock: A typically reductive inquiry, Doctor.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: You know, Spock, if an Earth girl says, uh, "it's me, not you," it's definitely you.

  • Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: This is the U.S.S. Franklin, sir. Can you believe it? First Earth ship capable of Warp 4. Went missing in the Gagarin Radiation Belt in the early 2160s.

    Captain James T. Kirk: I remember that from the Academy. Captain Balthazar Edison.

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: Aye.

    Captain James T. Kirk: One of the first heroes of Starfleet. How the hell did his ship end up here?

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: There's a lot of theories, sir. Surrendered to the Romulans. Captured by a giant green space hand. This far out, it's got to be a wormhole displacement.

  • Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: [about Balthazar Edison] Ah, well, his record goes back way before the Federation even existed. He was a major in the United Earth Military Assault Command Operation. A lot of off-world combat.

    Captain James T. Kirk: [surprised] He was a soldier.

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: Aye, sir. And a pretty good one. His military service came to an end when MACO was disbanded.

    Captain James T. Kirk: Why? What happened?

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: The Federation, sir. Starfleet. We're not a military agency. They made him a captain and gave him the Franklin.

  • Krall: The Federation has taught you that conflict should not exist. But without struggle, you would not know who you truly are... struggle made us strong.

  • Spock: Captain, the flight patterns of bees are determined by individual decisions. Krall's swarm formations are too complex not to rely on some form of unified cyberpathic coordination. I surmise that if we...

    Captain James T. Kirk: [interrupts] Spock! Skip to the end.

    Lieutenant Uhura: What he's saying is that if we disorient the swarm, we can kick its ass!

    Spock: Precisely.

  • Captain James T. Kirk: Vice Admirals don't fly, do they?

    Commodore Paris: No. They don't.

    Captain James T. Kirk: Well, no offense, ma'am, but... where's the fun in that?

  • Captain James T. Kirk: There's no such thing as the unknown, only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood.

  • Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: [notices many empty glasses] Uh, did you drink all those yourself? I'm impressed.

    Jaylah: Someone said it would take my edge off. My edge is still not off.

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: Aye, well, maybe this will help... the captain pulled a few strings. That is acceptance into Starfleet Academy, if you want it.

    Captain James T. Kirk: There are a lot of rules. Don't listen to them all.

    Jaylah: Will I have to wear that uniform?

    Captain James T. Kirk: I'm afraid so.

  • Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: You didn't even try to get our time out here reduced.

    Captain James T. Kirk: Why would I get reduced? Bones, we know our way through the nebula now. Can you imagine what we'll find?

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: Alien despots hell-bent on killing us? Deadly spaceborne viruses and bacteria? Incomprehensible cosmic anomalies that could wipe us out in an instant!

    Captain James T. Kirk: It's gonna be so much fun.

  • Captain James T. Kirk: I heard about Ambassador Spock. Is that what you wanted to mention that time in the turbolift?

    Commander Spock: More or less. I trust your meeting with Commodore Paris went well.

    Captain James T. Kirk: More or less.

  • Chekov: Do you know that scotch was actually invented by a little old lady in Russia? Huh? Not many people know this.

  • Commodore Paris: For decades, the Federation taught that he was a hero. I guess time will judge us all.

    Captain James T. Kirk: He just got lost.

    Commodore Paris: You saved this entire base, Kirk. Millions of souls. Thank you.

    Captain James T. Kirk: It wasn't just me. It never is.

  • Captain James T. Kirk: Mr. Scott, why is that thing still on?

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: We're working on it, sir, but as you can imagine, there's a lot of safety protocols surrounding the thing that, you know, keeps everybody alive.

    Captain James T. Kirk: Figure something out.

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: Be careful, Captain. Gravity's gonna get a bit screwy the closer you get to the center.

  • Commander Spock: Faster, Doctor. We risk being consumed by their trajectorial decay.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: Damn backseat driver.

  • Commander Spock: Do not lose them, Doctor.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: You're more than welcome to switch places with me, Spock.

  • Commander Spock: Captain, from what I can ascertain, the ships do indeed share a cyberpathic link which coordinates their actions. Patching it through now.

    Lieutenant Uhura: [recognizing the sounds] That's what that signal was. They weren't jamming us, they were talking to each other.

    Captain James T. Kirk: Well, how do we get them to stop talking?

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: What about electromagnetic focusing? We could use the transporters, disrupt their network.

    Commander Spock: The focus might be too specific. If we could plant some sort of disruptive communication signal inside the swarm, it might adversely affect their capacity to coordinate.

    Chekov: It would have to be at a frequency they will not anticipate.

    Sulu: We could cause a chain reaction that would wipe out the whole swarm.

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: Sir, a closed network like that might be very susceptible to very high frequency.

    Captain James T. Kirk: VHF. Radio. We can... we can broadcast something from the ship to drown out their links. Something loud and distracting.

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: Loud and distracting? I've got just the thing.

  • Jaylah: Do not break my music.

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: Break it? You're getting an upgrade.

  • Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: Captain, we're ready to broadcast.

    Lieutenant Uhura: But the signal won't travel far. We have to get closer.

    Captain James T. Kirk: How close?

    Lieutenant Uhura: Very.

    Captain James T. Kirk: Intercept course, Mr. Sulu. Put us right in the middle of that thing.

  • Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: You want me to do what?

    Commander Spock: Come along, Doctor.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: Whoa, wait a minute. Why, you green-blooded ingrate. This was your idea.

    Captain James T. Kirk: It's a good idea, Bones.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: You know, next time you have a piece of pipe stuck in your transverse, call a plumber.

    Captain James T. Kirk: Just make sure you find a way to break those things.

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: If it gets hairy, I'll beam you straight back.

    Commander Spock: Energize.

    Captain James T. Kirk: You're gonna do great.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: Damn it, Jim, I'm a doctor not a...

  • Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: [in one of Krall's swarm ships] You do realize the last time I flew one of these things, we crashed. So don't blame me if we... whoa!

    [bumping into another ship]

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: ...hit something.

  • Captain James T. Kirk: Scotty, can you beam me onto one of those swarm ships?

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: Have you gone completely mad?

    Captain James T. Kirk: Yes or no?

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: No. Yes. Maybe.

    Commander Spock: Captain, my familiarity of the interior of those ships, however brief, makes me more qualified for this away mission.

    Lieutenant Uhura: Spock, you're still hurt.

    Captain James T. Kirk: She's right, Spock.

    Commander Spock: I acknowledge and respect your concerns. Perhaps you would feel more confident if I were accompanied by someone with familiarity of both the ship and my injury.

    Captain James T. Kirk: [sarcastic] He's gonna love this.

  • Captain James T. Kirk: Scotty, can you get this thing started?

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: Started, yes. Flying, sir, that's a different thing. These old vessels, they were built in space. They were never supposed to take off from atmosphere.

    Captain James T. Kirk: Make it happen.

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: They're called starships for a reason, Captain.

    Captain James T. Kirk: What, you're telling me this now?

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: Because I didn't want to disappoint you, you know, in case you didn't make it back.

    Captain James T. Kirk: [sarcastic] How thoughtful, Mr. Scott.

  • Captain James T. Kirk: [seeing Krall's swarm ships taking off] He's launching.

    Commander Spock: The attack on Yorktown may be just the beginning. Armed with this bio-weapon, he could rid it of all life and use the base's advanced technology to attack an untold number of Federation planets.

    Captain James T. Kirk: Then we're just gonna have to get this thing flying.

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: We cannae just jump-start it, sir.

  • Captain James T. Kirk: Scotty, how we looking?

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: Ready as she'll ever be, sir.

    Captain James T. Kirk: That's what I like to hear. All right. Bones, where are we with the crew?

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: I could use a functioning med-bay, but otherwise, we're secure down here.

    Chekov: Mr. Sulu, we have to achieve terminal velocity in order for the stabilizers to provide lift. Are you sure this drop is high enough to do that?

    Sulu: We'll find out.

  • Jaylah: The digging machines uncovered a tunnel that goes into the crater. That's how I got out.

    Captain James T. Kirk: Oh, so that'll be our way in. An away team will beam to the other side of the tunnel, follow it to Krall's base, get inside the building and break out the crew.

    Chekov: Uh, Captain, we cannot lock onto anyone inside the crater in order to beam them out.

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: Oh, I could rig up pulse beacons as pattern enhancers. That'd get the signal out of the crater.

    Chekov: All right.

    Captain James T. Kirk: How many people can the Franklin transport at a time?

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: Uh, with a wee bit of modification, 20 max, but I'm not sure how long it would hold out.

    Captain James T. Kirk: Bones, Mr. Chekov, Jaylah, you're with me on the away team. Mr. Scott, modify that transporter and then do everything you can to get this ship operational.

    Commander Spock: Captain, Mr. Chekov's technical acumen makes him more valuable aboard the Franklin with Mr. Scott. It is thereby logical that I would replace him.

    Captain James T. Kirk: Why is that logical, Mr. Spock? You just got back on your feet.

    Commander Spock: Lieutenant Uhura is in that facility, Jim.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: I'll keep an eye on him.

    Captain James T. Kirk: Understood.

    Jaylah: But his soldiers are everywhere. We won't pass unseen.

    Commander Spock: What we require is a diversion.

    Captain James T. Kirk: [coming up with something] I think I have an idea.

  • Krall: This is Abronath. It was used by the Ancient Ones as a weapon. But when they could not control its deadly power, they split it into two and ejected the halves into space, hoping it would be lost forever.

    [a door closes, separating Uhura and Ensign Syl from Sulu]

    Krall: But I am grateful. I have spent lifetimes searching for it, only to have you find it for me. The poetry of fate. The world that I was born into is very different from yours, Lieutenant. We knew pain. We knew terror. Struggle made us strong. Not peace. Not unity. These are myths the Federation would have you believe.

    Lieutenant Uhura: Those are strong words. You might even believe them, but there's something else going on with you. Something underneath.

    [another door closes, separating them from Ensign Syl]

    Ensign Syl: Uhura!

    Lieutenant Uhura: Wait. What are you doing with her? You already got what you wanted! Let her go! Syl!

    Ensign Syl: [Krall inserts the bio-weapon into the room] No, please!

    Lieutenant Uhura: Let her go!

    Krall: [removing the agent after Syl is killed] Manas, it's time.

  • Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: That's our friends out there, lassie. All right? We cannae just leave 'em behind. Now, we... we could really use your help. We just need you to be brave, is all.

    Jaylah: When we were in that place, Krall would come and take someone. There were screams. I can still hear them. And we would not see that person again. We did not know who would be next. My father planned an escape. But we were seen by... by the one they call Manas. My father fought him so I could get out. He was brave, and Manas killed him. What you want is impossible.

  • Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: We should wait until we're absolutely sure.

    Captain James T. Kirk: No, we have to get the crew back now. Chekov has the coordinates that can lead us to Krall's base, so we go.

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: With respect, sir, how do we know that Krall was at the base when she called him? Even if he was, we don't know that the crew is with him.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: Or if they're even still alive.

  • Chekov: I am detecting a very trace amount of Vokaya.

    Commander Spock: Does the location match the coordinates you acquired from Kalara, Mr. Chekov?

    Chekov: It is a match, sir.

    Commander Spock: Its presence suggests that Lieutenant Uhura, and thereby the rest of the crew, are being held at Krall's base of operation.

    Captain James T. Kirk: Can you beam them out?

    Chekov: No, sir. There is some geological interference that is blocking the transporter signal.

    Captain James T. Kirk: Well, I guess we're gonna have to go and break them out the old-fashioned way.

    Jaylah: You cannot go to this place. Everyone who goes there, he kills.

    Captain James T. Kirk: You've... you've been there? You've seen it?

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: Well, why didn't you say something, lassie?

    Jaylah: Because I know you will ask me to take you there. If your friends are there, then they will die, just like my family. And I will not go back to that death place.

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: Aye, but if you've escaped, then you can show us the way in and the way out.

    Jaylah: No! This is not the deal we made, Montgomery Scotty. If you choose to do this, you are on your own.

  • Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: [beaming Bones onto the Franklin] Good to see you in one piece, Doctor.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: Oh, am I? I feel like my innards have been to a barn dance.

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: Aye, well, these old transporters were only ever used for cargo, but a few modifications seem to do the trick. I thought it was best to beam you one at a time, though. You know, in case you got spliced.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: Oh. I couldn't imagine a worse scenario.

    Captain James T. Kirk: Good to have you back. You all right?

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: Yeah, I'm fine. He's hurt.

    Commander Spock: I am functioning adequately, Captain.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: In a pig's eye, you are.

  • Chekov: I have intercepted a weak communications transmission, sir. It's a Starfleet frequency.

    Captain James T. Kirk: Can you lock onto the signal?

    Chekov: Mm, yes, but how do we get to them?

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: I have an idea, sir. But I'm gonna need your permission.

    Captain James T. Kirk: Why would you need my permission?

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: Because if I mess it up, I don't want it to be just my fault.

  • Captain James T. Kirk: [on the bridge of the derelict Franklin] No clue what happened to the crew, huh?

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: Ach, no, sir. They'd be dead a hundred years by now.

    Captain James T. Kirk: Is that a...

    [spotting an old motorcycle]

    Captain James T. Kirk: That's a PX70. Wow. My dad used to have one when he was a kid. My mom said he's put her on the back of it, drive her nuts.

  • Captain James T. Kirk: How far are we from the coordinates of that call?

    Chekov: Still a ways, sir. Captain?

    Captain James T. Kirk: Yeah.

    Chekov: When did you begin to suspect her?

    Captain James T. Kirk: Not soon enough.

    Chekov: How did you know?

    Captain James T. Kirk: Well, I guess you could say I've got a good nose for danger.

    [jumping down off a rock, he activates a trap and a brown fog appears]

    Captain James T. Kirk: Run!

  • Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: [Jaylah listens to old hip-hop] Is that music? Where on earth is that coming from?

    Jaylah: There. I plugged the little box in the power cell and the little mouth make it sing.

    Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: That's very clever. Music's a bit old-fashioned for my taste, not to mention very loud and distracting, but, aye, well played.

    Jaylah: I like the beats and shouting.

  • Spock: [informing Bones of Spock Prime's death] I want to live as he did. That is why I decided to redirect my efforts and continue his work on New Vulcan.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: You're leaving Starfleet? What did Jim have to say about that?

    Spock: I could not find the time to tell him.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: Well, I can tell you he's not gonna like that. Hell, I don't know what he'd do without you. I mean, you know, me, on the other hand, I'd... I'd throw a party, but...

    [Spock laughs]

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: My god, you're getting delirious.

  • Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: Spock, wake up, damn it.

    Commander Spock: [opening his eyes] I am entirely conscious, Doctor. I'm simply contemplating the nature of mortality.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: Feeling philosophical, huh? Massive blood loss will do that to you.

    Commander Spock: You asked me why Lieutenant Uhura and I parted ways. I became concerned, in the light of Vulcan's demise, that I owed a debt of duty to my species.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: You thought you should be off making little Vulcans, huh? Yeah, I can see how that'd upset her.

    Commander Spock: I intended to discuss it with her further, but I received some news which affected me unexpectedly.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: What news?

    Commander Spock: Ambassador Spock has died.

    Doctor 'Bones' McCoy: Oh. Spock, I'm so sorry. I-I can't imagine what that must feel like.

Extended Reading
  • Major 2022-01-27 08:04:24

    3.5 "Sabotage" sounded, the ship rushed into the swarm, the screen exploded, and my blood was also detonated. It was too showy and too burning.

  • Jimmie 2022-01-27 08:04:24

    The bad guy was slapped like a fly by the spaceship twice, and the first one was directly slapped to death. It is estimated that the plot of the Asian gay couple who also leads a child will be harmonized when it is released in China.