Spy Kids 4-D: All the Time in the World Quotes

  • Marissa Wilson: Where are the kids?

    Carmen Cortez: Uhhhh, napping?

    Marissa Wilson: OK, where are they really?

  • Cecil Wilson: Well, this is obviously the panic room.

    Rebecca Wilson: Why?

    Cecil Wilson: 'Cause it's a room, and I'm panicking.

  • Tick Tock: No one ever notices time, until it's gone.

  • Danger D'Amo: Life's too short for secrets.

  • Tick Tock: The bigger the crime, the better the time!

  • Tick Tock: Time flies when you're having fun.

  • Time Keeper: If time's the test, family is best!

  • Danger D'Amo: Time is the enemy of youth. I'm getting mine back!

  • Danger D'Amo: You were right. You can't go back. I tried. My father still died. No matter what I tried to do to save him. He did tell me one thing that was very important. You have to live life moving forwards, not back. This time, I'm gonna listen to him.

  • Argonaut: Villains do love their secret hideouts to have a theme.

  • Argonaut: You're more impressed by a kid standing up than a dog that can talk?

  • Marissa Wilson: Tick Tock has escaped! Oh, this is not good.

    Wilbur Wilson: Actually, this is awesome! Could you imagine the promotion I would get if I landed an interview with this guy the Time Holder?

    Marissa Wilson: Time Keeper.

    Wilbur Wilson: Not to mention the hero factor for tracking down an international supervillain! Not too shabby!

    Marissa Wilson: Honey, I think being a hero isn't really what the kids need from you right now.

    Wilbur Wilson: It's just what they need now. It's what the world needs!

  • Tick Tock: You think you've stopped me? You've stopped nothing! We're just gonna keep doing this over and over and over again, until I get what I want! Because this time, time is on my side.

  • Rebecca Wilson: Danger, when my mom died, it was the worst thing that could ever happen to me. I wished I had more time with her. There's no going back. Honor the years you had with him. Those brief, special moments are the ones we'll remember. It's not about how much time you have, it's what you choose to do with it.

  • Cecil Wilson: Each time, your plan fails. You try it again with another you. But when are you going to learn, you can't change the past. You'll only cause Armageddon.

  • Juni Cortez: Attention, Spy Kids. You have been activated. I repeat, you have been activated.

    Cecil Wilson: Is he talking to us?

    Juni Cortez: At this very moment, the Time Keeper is taking over OSS Headquarters. Your time has come to save the world. Every OSS agent has been frozen. It's up to you to shut down the Armageddon device. Get the necklace back! It's the only thing that can stop him.

    Rebecca Wilson: And how are we supposed to do that?

    Juni Cortez: Spy Kids have always been able to beat the bad guys because adults over-think things. But to a kid, everything is possible. Trust me, I know. Just use your imagination and work with each other, not against each other.

    Cecil Wilson: So no more competing against each other?

    Rebecca Wilson: Good!

  • Tick Tock: [Marisa and her baby are hiding; Marisa's baby farts] Oh, are you kidding me?

    [looks at a guard]

    Tick Tock: Was that you? Did you drop your transmission? Oh my god! Gentlemen, please! That smells like lentils and desperation! Oh my god, that's mental! It's following you! Get back on your marks! Focus! I'm blinded! OW!

  • Wilbur Wilson: [4D version only] Hello. As the star of this movie, I've been asked to introduce you to the fourth dimension of cinema, a dimension beyond sight and sound, one of smell. Using the very latest in cutting edge microencapsulation technology, we've managed to capture all the fragrant aromas of this movie and squeeze it onto this little card. Whenever you see the flashing number on screen, simply scratch that number on your card to unleash a symphony of sweet tantalizing scents that will make you feel like you're right there in the movie. But don't scratch the numbers ahead of time, okay? That'd be like skipping to the end of the film, and where does that get you? Back home early washing socks. So remember, "Number, Scratch, Smell." So simple, even a dog could do it.

Extended Reading
  • Hailey 2022-03-27 09:01:21

    For jessica alba....

  • Mireille 2022-02-07 14:59:47

    The two little devils are so ugly