The D.J.: ["The Way Out" opening credits radio dialogue] Regret and remorse. Amends and atonement. That's life, right? Well, this next one is for you. All you lost souls racing down that long road to redemption and all you sinners running from your past but heading straight into that pit of darkness up ahead. We're all on the same endless highway... the one with no name and no exits... looking for a way out of tonight and into tomorrow. Well, they're going to try to stop you but you gotta say "fuck it" and keep moving. Because this is your highway. And tonight might just be the night you finally outrun those wicked demons once and for all. And I'll be right here with you, making sure you get where you're going.
The D.J.: ["Siren" radio dialogue] Now maybe you're out there missing that special someone. That one who's gone away. But you're still here and you've got to keep on moving. Who knows-maybe you'll meet again on down that road. And this time, hold on and don't ever let go.
The D.J.: ["The Accident" radio dialogue] Now, where were we? It seems I lost my train of thought. Well folks, the mind is a tricky demon. I'd say, all you can do is turn the music up, hit the gas and keep on moving forward. Try not to linger on the things you left behind. Because you cannot undo what's been done. And ain't nobody gonna buy your bullshit. C'est la vie, as they say?
The D.J.: ["Jailbreak" radio dialogue] Where are my road warriors at? My veteran road hogs out there tearing up the pavement where the rubber meets the road. You may be an old dog, but you can still learn some new tricks. So what's stopping you? You don't owe the world shit. It's time to live your own life and if someone is dumb enough to stand in your way, tell them to fuck off or they'll be sorry. Because this old dog can still bite.
The D.J.: ["The Way In" radio dialogue at Freez'n Over] Well, we all know the past can be a piece of shit sometimes, but when it catches up to you, you better be ready. Keep your eyes on the road and let that engine roar so loud that you can't hear those demons screaming in your ear. Lock your doors. Make those tires burn. Tell your family you love them and kiss the past goodbye once and for all. Because every road has got to end somewhere... am I right?
The D.J.: ["The Way In" radio dialogue in the kitchen] This next one might be familiar to some of you. It's for all of you out there who don't want the night to end. So go ahead, make some mistakes. You can always get it right the next time.
The D.J.: ["The Way In" closing credits radio dialogue] Regret and remorse, amends and atonement. Well, that's life, right? This next one is for you. For all you lost souls racing down that long road to redemption and all you sinners running from your past but heading straight into that pit of darkness up ahead. We're all on the same endless highway... the one with no name, no exits... looking for a way out of tonight and into tomorrow. Well, they're going to try to stop you but you gotta say "fuck it" and keep moving. Because this is your highway. And today might just be the day you finally outrun those wicked demons once and for all. And I'll be right here with you, making sure you get where you're going. Because in the end, we're all just trying to find our way home, right?
Jack: Fuck this shit.
[First line of the movie]
Sutter: Rough night?
Jack: Yeah.
Daryl: What do you want?
Jem: What do you want?
Jack: What do you want?
Raymond Kensington: We offer our gratitude for the beast, for this blood.
Lucas: I don't deserve this.
Jack: What the fuck?
Danny: Quit being so fucking mysterious!
Sutter: Come again soon.
Kim: So are you guys Russian or something?
Alex: Sadie. You left me there to die. Now we can all be together.
Lucas: I'm in the middle of nowhere!
Sandy: I'll take a beer and a shot of whiskey.
Al: You forgot to shut the door.
Sandy: No, I didn't.
Al: It didn't latch.
Sandy: Come on, Al. I've been on my feet for hours. Give me a beer?
Al: First the door.
Sandy: Seriously? It's shut. It's fine.
Warren: Sounds pretty sure of herself, Al. At the same time, being sure is sort of a fancy way of being lazy.
Sandy: You want to go check the door?
Warren: I mean, you can see from here it's not shut all the way.
Sandy: I'll buy you a beer.
Warren: Well, when you put it like that.
[Danny kicks in the front door with a shotgun]
Danny: Alright everybody, put your hands on the tables!
Warren: Now I know that one shitty bar might look like any other. But here's some free advice. Get back on whatever road it was that brought you here and keep moving. Because I guarantee you that robbing this place is way more trouble than it's worth.
Danny: This is not a robbery!
Mitch: Haven't you figured it out? They've come to collect... there's no way out. We fucked up.
Southbound Quotes
Shaina 2022-03-22 09:02:38
It can be seen from the movie poster that a five-star connected in all directions means a causal cycle. The film echoes end to end, and the medium of echo is through the radio. The whole theme can be summed up as: past, atonement.
Katlyn 2022-04-23 07:03:51
The four horror stories are interlocked and linked end to end to form a reincarnation. The alien creatures are really scary, with the theme of redemption and retribution. I like the first aid part very much.
Director: Roxanne Benjamin, Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, David Bruckner, Tyler Gillett, Justin Martinez, Chad Villella
Language: English Release date: February 9, 2016