Snow Buddies Quotes

  • Shasta: Why did they call you mudbud?

    Mudbud: [look at his reflection on ice] I'm spotless! Think of a dirty place. Think of a dirty place.

  • Rosebud: B-Dawg, what are you hiding from now?

    B-Dawg: Who, me? I'm not hiding. I was just thinking let's play some... Hide and Seek.

    Buddha: Seeking truth is a great start to our day. Ohmmmm... ohmmmm...

    Rosebud: Whatever! You're it!

    Mudbud: Dude, don't forget to find us after the tenth ohm.

  • Mudbud: [digging] Where's the dirt? Oh, come on!

    B-Dawg: Yo, if you keep digging, you'll end up in China!

    Mudbud: Is there dirt in China? Cause if there is, I'm gonna keep digging!

  • Budderball: He would have missed our favorite subject: lunch!

  • B-Dawg: If the delivery guy comes back, I'll deliver him the tail-whooping of his life!

  • Patrick: [as the kids run off to school] I was gonna drive ya.

  • Miss Mittens: [chasing B-Dawg] If I catch ya, nine lives won't be enough!

  • B-Dawg: If we don't find a warm place soon, we'll all turn into puppy-cicles!

  • Mudbud: Chill out, Rosebud. This may not be so bad afterall. I mean, they've got mud pie ice cream.

    Buddha: I choose the rocky-roadless tub.

    Rosebud: Maybe I'll have a teensy weensy little bit of strawberry.

  • Rosebud: What's wrong with the ground? It's so cold.

    Budderball: It's like a dream come true! We're surrounded by vanilla ice cream!

    Mudbud: Where's the dirt?

    [Budderball tastes the snow]

    Budderball: This ice cream's got no flavor! This isn't a dream; It's my worst nightmare!

  • B-Dawg: I must be contagious, 'cause he's catching cool like it was a cold!

  • Budderball: How did this happen?

    Mudbud: Your stomach is how it happened, dude!

    Rosebud: Pointing paws isn't gonna get us home!

    Buddha: Sometimes, the greatest journeys start accidentally and end with a higher purpose.

  • B-Dawg: What are you laughing at? Me and my home-dogs were being chased by a pack of huge wolves!

    Shasta: Well, if you consider me a pack of huge wolves...


  • Shasta: You guys ever dog sled race?

    Rosebud: Right now, we just want to get home.

    Shasta: Well, let's go see St. Bernie. He should be able to help.

    Buddha: Wow. We have never met a saint before.

  • Rosebud: When we get home, I'm definitely going to need a pawdecure.

  • Shasta: Hello, Francois. Hello, Fellipe. How is it going?

    Francois: It was all fine until you showed up.

    Rosebud: Hey, why don't you pick on someone your own size?

    Francois: Well, who do we have here? Blondie?

    Rosebud: Who are you calling blonde? We're golden! Golden retrievers!

    Francois: Just be lucky we're not calling you our lunch!

  • Shasta: Here they come.

    B-Dawg: Dude, are we ambushing somebody?

  • Buddha: Sometimes, helping others is a way to help ourselves.

    Mudbud: The zen dude is right!

  • Computer: You've got mail.

    Bartleby: Don't tell me unless you've got something to show me! It's supposed to make life simpler, but what can be simpler than opening an envelope, right?

  • Rosebud: Shasta, we took a vote, and we decided that we want to help you form a dog sled team.

    Shasta: Seriously?

    Rosebud: Uh-huh.

    Shasta: Seriously?

    Rosebud: Uh-huh.

    Shasta: Seriously?

    Mudbud: Dude, she sadi, "Uh-huh"!

  • Shasta: My father always said it's not the size of the dog but the heart of the team that counts.

    Talon: That was one of the many lessons I taught your father. I miss him very much, as you must.

  • Shasta: The biggest dogs should be closest to the sled. That means Budderball and Mudbud.

    Budderball: Hey, who are you calling biggest?

    Mudbud: Dude, chillax.

    Shasta: The fastest dogs should go in the middle. That would be B-Dawg and Buddha.

    B-Dawg: You got that right. I'm the fastest in my clan.

    Budderball: Rosebud will be up front with me to navigate.

    Rosebud: Because girls aren't afraid to ask for directions.

  • Francois: Phillipe, do you see what I see?

    Phillipe: No, I was too busy watching the puppy sled team.

    Francois: You imbicel! That is what I was talking about!

  • B-Dawg: I ain't playin', yall! It's on!

  • B-Dawg: I'm too young to die, talented, good-looking and modest!

  • Francois: You are as beautiful as the yellow snow.

  • Talon: When six puppies become one, my work here is almost done.

  • Buddha: It's a seventh inning stretch. Time to balance my tee.

  • Mudbud: It's the Abominable Snow Dude!

  • Mudbud: Dudes, it's warm! Clean, but warm!

  • Shasta: This is where my mom and dad died.

    Mudbud: We know, Dude.

    Shasta: You do? And you still raced even though you knew it was so dangerous?

    Buddha: Like Talon said, "Sometimes, you have to have faith."

  • Rosebud: Nobody double-crosses me and my brothers! We've got to beat them!

    B-Dawg: We are the fastest...

    Budderball: ...and the strongest!

    Buddha: We have the power of positive thinking!

    Shasta: It ain't over 'til the husky puppy howls!

    Adam: Oh, alright, pups. Let's get 'em!

  • Adam: You're not mad?

    Paul: Well, right now, I'm too proud to be mad.

  • B-Dawg: Yo, what's crack-a-lackin'? What are you doin' rolling in this hood?

    Molly: Well, we're rolling in this hood to find you. That's what's... crack-a-lackin'.

  • Buddy: Where's Mudbud?

    Mudbud: I'm right here.

    Buddy: We hardly recognized you.

    Molly: You're so clean and spotless.

    Mudbud: I know. I look disgusting.

  • Shasta: Big guy? I'm gonna miss everything about you... but your butt.

    Budderball: Aw, shucks.

  • Mudbud: Fernfeild! Home sweet dirt!

  • Buddy: I guess we can add dogsledding to the family resume. Do you think they've outgrown the need to explore?

    Molly: Not a chance!

    Buddy: I was afraid you'd say that.

  • [last lines]

    Talon: Remember. Life may lead you where you least expect, but have faith, and you'll know exactly where you were meant to be.

  • Jean George: Come on, you stupid, useless fleabags!

    Francois: Those puppies saved our lives.

    Phillipe: Yeah. Our musher abandoned us and left us for dead.

    Francois: It's time to go on strike.

    [Jean George's dogs slow to a stop. Jean George yells in French]

    Jean George: No, no, no! What are you doing, huh?

Extended Reading
  • Josefa 2022-02-07 14:57:40

    This is so super cute. What is it. I love the blue eyes of sled dogs. What a surprise! Ou also. . . . so what. I finally have the desire to like puppies. Encouragement. =. =

  • Alexandro 2022-04-23 07:04:52

    I'm a dog too, but not as cute.