Snake Eyes Quotes

  • Julia: Look, I'm sorry.

    Rick Santoro: Who gives a shit if you're sorry?

    Julia: What are you mad at me for?

    Rick Santoro: Because I didn't have to know! You decided to have this problem, not me! My world would've gone on turning just fine, but now, either way I look, I have to do something that I don't wanna do. Do you I understand, I do not wanna do this!

  • Rick Santoro: Who the hell do you think you are, lady? Sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong. You were a number cruncher. Just crunch the goddamn numbers.

  • Rick Santoro: I'm betting that the redhead you followed is the same person who told Tyler to throw the fight. She's one. Shooter's two. Tyler's three. The drunk who shouted the signal is four and whoever was on the other end of that radio is five. Five people make a conspiracy, right?

  • Commander Kevin Dunne: Terri likes to talk to me during sex. Last night she called me from the hotel.

  • Rick Santoro: It isn't lying! You just tell them what you did right, and you leave out the rest!

  • Commander Kevin Dunne: How's Angela?

    Rick Santoro: Fat, fabulous, fantastic - I love her.

    Commander Kevin Dunne: How's the other one - what's her name? Candy?

    Rick Santoro: Oh, Monique? Skinny, mean, expensive - I *LOVE* her!

  • [Points at the bodyguard's hand on his arm]

    Rick Santoro: See where your hand is? That's a felony.

  • Rick Santoro: This is fight night and I am the king.

  • Commander Kevin Dunne: Don't give me that wounded look. You haven't got the face for it.

  • Commander Kevin Dunne: [after Rick is pummeled by Tyler] Sounds like three broken ribs to me. What is this? A heroic stand? You're the wrong guy for it, Rick. You'll be all alone in the spotlight. And guys like you can't stand up to that light. You'll burn up under it. The press starts looking for dirt on you, and they will, it will be a mudslide. Forget about your job, your sweet life in Margate. Start thinking about jail! Your girlfriend will be gone, too, at the first sign of trouble but not before she has a little chat with Angela so say goodbye to your wife too! Twice a month with Michael won't be so bad, if you can get him to spend the night in your shitty apartment! You will lose it all, my friend! Everything! And your whole connected life will fall the hell apart. Is that what you want? All you have to do is be consistent for God's sake. Do what you always do, take the money! You want to be a hero? You want to do something for your country? Then tell me where the girl is!

    [Rick, bruised and bleeding, smiles and spits blood onto Dunne's medals. Dunne glares at him for a moment then punches him, knocking him out]

    Commander Kevin Dunne: If it was anybody but me, you'd be dead.

  • Rick Santoro: You know they say, back two, three hundred years ago, pirates put phony lighthouses right out by those big rocks, right out there. Ships would set a course by the lights, crash on the rocks; then everybody'd go out and rob 'em blind. Only one thing's changed since then: lights are brighter.

  • Commander Kevin Dunne: I was three feet away from a known terrorist, and I had my eyes buried in some broad's tits.

    Rick Santoro: Well, Kevin, this may not make you feel better, but don't you see? That's what she was there for. That was the plan. To give you a boner. And you got one. Congratulations, you're human.

  • Commander Kevin Dunne: You got nothing, kiddo. Snake eyes. The house wins.

  • Commander Kevin Dunne: Rick, tell them! Please, for God's sake, tell them what we got here!

    Rick Santoro: There's no "we", Kevin. You got snake eyes.

  • Mickey Alter: I think it would show more respect if you address my client as "Mr. Tyler".

    Rick Santoro: I'll call him "Mr. T"! The night he beat Rocky Balboa, if he wants.

  • Commander Kevin Dunne: Don't talk to me about soldiers. What do you know about being a good soldier, the guy who finds an envelope full of cash in a squad car every Friday? What do you think I've been doing for the last ten years? Strutting on the boardwalk and picking up hookers? When the Renville took that Iraqi missile hit below decks, do you know what happened? A hole ripped open in the bulkhead, and the sea flooded in. We had 60 seconds to maintain watertight integrity. I had to go below and give the order to dog the hatches. That meant that 28 men that were still in the main engine space were trapped. You ever listen to a man drowning? They don't die quietly.

  • [last lines]

    Rick Santoro: Oh, what the hell. At least I got to be on TV.

  • Commander Kevin Dunne: This isn't a beach town anymore. It's a sewer.

    Rick Santoro: But it's my sewer, Jiminy, and I love it. I kick around about six square blocks. Everybody knows me. I got the whole town wired. Someday, if I manage to get my face on TV a few times, maybe I'll run for mayor or something, but that's as far as I want to go. Because I was made for this sewer, baby,

    [stands up, arms outstretched]

    Rick Santoro: and I am the king!

  • [first lines]

    Anthea: Good evening, everyone, and welcome to a Powell pay-per-view television event! It's hard to believe, but tonight's heavyweight fight is the swan song for the grand old Atlantic City Arena, the final event to be held in this storied hall before it is gutted and completely renovated as part of Gilbert Powell's Millennium Hotel and Casino. I'm eager to go ringside along with 14,000 fight fans who have braved Hurricane Jezebel to...

    Lou Logan: Cut! Cut! Anthea, they want you to call it a tropical storm, not a hurricane.

    Anthea: But it is a hurricane.

    Lou Logan: Yeah, well, it's also a holiday weekend, so will you please just call it a tropical storm, please?

    Anthea: I love this town. They even spin the weather.

  • Serena: Did he know he was on a suicide mission?

    Commander Kevin Dunne: He does now.