Smiley Face Quotes

  • Jane F.: *That* is where corn chips come from. Hmm... Maybe ol' Professor Hardwood is onto something. He probably really loves corn. And all corn-related products. I mean, isn't that what you're supposed to put in a frame? Things you love? I'm gonna do that. When I'm get home, I'm gonna frame a bunch of stuff I love. Like lasagna. I *love* lasagna. It's SO good. And cheesy. You know who else loves lasagna? Garfield. Man, that cat really loves lasagna. Maybe I should put a picture of Garfield in a frame. You know, as a kind of shorthand way of saying 'I love lasagna.' That would be so f*cking inside. Or how 'bout a photo of *President* Garfield? Oh shit, that would be totally meta! People would be all like: Jane, why do you have a photo of President Garfield on your mantle? And I'd be like: Because I like lasagna, of course.

  • Jane F.: It's really bright out, officer.

    Officer Jones: Would you mind removing your hand from your forehead?

    Jane F.: It's really bright out.

  • Officer Jones: What's your name?

    Jane F.: Uh... Christy?

    Officer Jones: You don't sound too sure of that.

    Jane F.: No, it's Christy.

    Officer Jones: Well, Christy... How come your friend just called you Jane a second ago?

    Jane F.: Jane's uhh... my... religious... name?

  • Roscoe Lee Browne: Shall we say a few words about Brevin Ericson? Shall we say a few words about love? For Brevin Ericson is completely, 100%, head-over-heels, in love. Perhaps it's difficult for you to comprehend how anybody could be so passionately-inclined toward someone like this. But do not judge her too harshly. After all, how was she to know they were pot cupcakes. And ask yourselves: who amongst you might not have done the same? Who are we to judge what beats in a young man's heart?

  • Jane F.: I'm talking about something bigger than our petty, you know, yearnings.

  • Steve the Dealer: This is the last time, you have to pay me back today.

    Jane F.: No problem.

  • Brevin: [at the dentist] I kind of like it. I mean, it's not like I'm a masochist or anything, it's just.. Well, in a way, it makes me feel like, "Yeah.. my teeth are being taken care of." You know? It makes me feel... prosperous.

  • Agent: [on the phone] So, listen up Jane. I really busted my ass getting you this audition, so please, please don't fuck it up. I mean it seems like you don't give a shit about any of this. Do you? Do you even give a shit?

    [long pause]

    Jane F.: I give a shit.

  • Jane F.: Deep scraping huh? That sounds fuckin' awesome. Maybe I should get one?

    Brevin: Well, I think you need an appointment.

    Jane F.: Oh yeah... an appointment! "

    [laughs out like crazy]

    Jane F.: "

  • Jane F.: [Jane enters the auditon room] Hey, I'm Jane. It's nice to meet you... I've heard alot about you.

    Casting Director: Excuse me?

    Jane F.: [Jane start giggling] He he he he, nothing... aaah... wiiieeeeeeeh

    Casting Director: Are you alright?

    Jane F.: I'm fantastic! How are you?

    Casting Director: I'm fine...

    Jane F.: Great!

  • Jane F.: C'mon, dude! We don't wanna be late to that dentist appointment of yours! "

    [Jane smashes up the door of the car into a lamppost]

    Jane F.: "

  • Jane F.: [Brevin is finally finished after his dentist appointment and gets out to the waiting room where Jane is and Jane imidietly freaks out] OOOH, thank fucking god! This has been the longest, dollest, most uncomfortable thing, I can remember ever doing! I really thought that I was gonna DIE of boredom!

  • Roscoe Lee Browne: Here's what Jane really said...

    Jane F.: You think you're so... uhmm... uhh... JESUS! Then you go on and on and on about this and that and all this other bullshit! And all I gotta say is FUCK MAN! This situation is totally fucked! With a capital! I mean... Have you ever!... Do you like even... DO YOU? You tell your people that!

  • Jane F.: They say that true potheads stops getting the munchies after a certain point. I mean the true pothead wouldn't even say the word munchies. I dont know what the true pothead would say."munchos" or "hungries" or something. At any rate, I still love to eat when I'm high. So fuck you if you're too cool to get hungry when you're stoned. My free one years supply of Dr. Bjorns. Neat huh?

Smiley Face

Director: Gregg Araki

Language: English Release date: January 16, 2008