Slow West Quotes

  • Werner: So, now... East. What news?

    Jay Cavendish: Violence and suffering. And West?

    Werner: Dreams and toil.

  • Silas Selleck: [Narrating] That kid was a wonder. He saw things differently. To him, we were in a land of hope and good will.

  • Jay Cavendish: I know why you need my help

    Silas Selleck: Oh yeah?

    Jay Cavendish: Yeah. You're lonely. You're a lonely man.

    Silas Selleck: Sure, kid.

    Jay Cavendish: "Sure, kid." "Let's drift." Silent, lonely drifter. You're a lonely, lonely man.

    Silas Selleck: No need to concern over me. Hold still.

    Jay Cavendish: All I'm sayin' is there's more to life than just surviving.

    Silas Selleck: Yeah. There's dyin'. Survival ain't just how to skin a jackrabbit. It's knowing when to bluster and when to hush. When to take a beating and when to strike.

    Jay Cavendish: Where's your folks?

    Silas Selleck: Father's in the ground in Ireland, mother's in the ground in Canada.

    Jay Cavendish: So what keeps you from joining them?

    Silas Selleck: I don't know, kid. Quit asking me shit. I was fine 'til you showed up.

    Jay Cavendish: *I* showed up? *You* showed up.

    Silas Selleck: Yeah, well maybe I'm tired of showin' up.

  • Jay Cavendish: "Wanted Dead or Alive..."

    Silas Selleck: Dead or Dead, kid.

  • Werner: In a short time, this will be... a long time ago.

  • Silas Selleck: Breathe...

  • [last lines]

    Silas Selleck: There is more to life than survival. Jay Cavendish taught me that. I owe him my life. Ho for the west.

  • Werner: A race extinct, their culture banished, their places re-named. Only then will they be viewed with selective nostalgia, mythologized and romanticized in the safe guise of art... and literature

  • [in french]

    Congolese Singer 1: Did you enjoy our music?

    Jay Cavendish: Yes. I enjoyed the song very much.

    Congolese Singer 1: It's a song about love.

    Jay Cavendish: Love is universal, like death.

  • [repeated line]

    Rose Ross: Silly boy...

  • Jay Cavendish: It's just a shame.

    Silas Selleck: Is it?

    Jay Cavendish: No. No it's not. Charles Darwin talks of evolution by natural selection.

    Silas Selleck: For our sake, let's hope he's wrong.

  • [to Kotori]

    Rose Ross: Until civilisation arrives...

  • Silas Selleck: Jay...


    Silas Selleck: He loved you with all his heart.


    Rose Ross: His heart was in the wrong place.


    Silas Selleck: His spirit was true.

  • [first lines]

    Silas Selleck: [narrating] Once upon a time, 1870 to be exact, a 16-year-old kid traveled from the cold shoulder of Scotland to the baking heart of America to find his love. His name was Jay. Her name was Rose.

  • Jay Cavendish: [gazing up at the sky] Same stars, same moon... One day we'll be wanderin' 'round that moon. They'll build a railroad. A railroad up and down the ways. A railroad to the moon. And when we get there... the first thing we'll do... is hunt the natives down.

    Silas Selleck: No Indians on the moon.

    Jay Cavendish: No, the natives of the moon. The moon people.

  • Shop Keeper: [offering a bottle] Whiskey?

    Silas Selleck: [no] Got any meat?

    Shop Keeper: I got condemned bacon. Traded it for bullets. Both'll kill you pretty quick.

  • Johan: [drawing his gun] Sorry. Money... Please.

    Shop Keeper: Well, now, looky here. You realize if I give you money, here's the only place around where you can spend it.

  • Jay Cavendish: All I'm sayin' is... there's more to life than just survivin'.

    Silas Selleck: Yeah, there's dyin'.

  • Silas Selleck: He loved you with all his heart.

    Rose Ross: His heart was in the wrong place.

  • [last lines]

    Silas Selleck: [narrating] His spirit was true. There is more to life than survival. Jay Cavendish taught me that. I owe him my life. Ho for the West.

  • Jay Cavendish: I'm Jay Cavendish. Son of Lady Cavendish.

    Union Officer: We're all sons of bitches...

  • Jay Cavendish: I killed a woman yesterday.

    Werner: Part and parcel.

    Jay Cavendish: You care not to share your company with a murderer?

    Werner: I'd be a lonely man if I did. I am no judge, nor father. In a short time this will be a long time ago.

  • Payne: It's easy to see how you two crossed paths. One's a falling angel, the other one's a rising devil.

    Silas Selleck: I ain't no angel

  • Skelly: In my day, we tried to keep outta the papers. You youngsters tryin' to get in 'em makes no sense.

    The Kid: All I'm sayin', Skell, is I want folks to respect me. What's the point in dyin' if nobody knows you're dead? Same goes for killing.

Extended Reading
  • Tyler 2022-01-07 15:53:23

    Oh! Fa Sha! A man born for Siamese long trousers! (Because of the shark-like lame deduction, a tear is made with a firm laugh!

  • Ahmad 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    until the advent of civilization