Stephen: You Gave Him... My Room! You're replacing me!
Mary: No one could ever replace you. I promise. Please, just put the ax down, and we can talk about this.
[first lines]
Doug: Hey. It's going to be okay.
Richard: Just tell me we're doing the right thing.
Doug: No, sweetheart, I know you want to fix this. It's what you do. But we've tried. All right? We've been trying and look where it's gotten us.
[looking over at their son waiting in the car]
Doug: And I think the space is gonna be good for him. For all of us. Besides, it's a good school. He'll be home by the end of the summer.
[last lines]
Mary: [about his drawing] You want a dog?
Tom: [yes]
Mary: Maybe. It's gonna be good.
Tom: [only audible lines] SSSHHHH!
Shut In Quotes
Chelsea 2022-04-02 09:01:18
I'm very annoyed by this mother's way of doing things. Did you have no feelings at all since you were a child? If she had to be hypocritical to save the irrelevant child, why didn't she choose to let the child hide in the closet, stabilize her son and then call the police, it's better than killing him →_→She just hates his son, She is really a model of a bad stepmother, and she must get negative points just for the perverted idea promoted by this film! King Kong female beauty is beautiful, but it's getting old too fast
Nella 2022-04-22 07:01:56
Don't easily refuse the help of others