Lain Iwakura: No matter where you go, everyone's connected.
Chisa Yomoda: There was no reason for me to stay in the real world any longer. In the real world, it didn't matter if I was there or not. When I realized that, I was no longer afraid of losing my body.
Lain Iwakura: Why? Why did you die?
Navi [Dictating Chisa's response]: God is here.
Iwakura, Yasuo: Let me give you one little warning.
Lain Iwakura: Huh?
Iwakura, Yasuo: When it's all said and done, the Wired is just a medium of communication and the transfer of information. You mustn't confuse it with the real world. Do you understand what I'm warning you about?
Lain Iwakura: You're wrong.
Iwakura, Yasuo: Huh?
Lain Iwakura: The border between the two isn't all that clear. I'll be able to enter it soon. In full range. Full motion. I'll translate myself into it.
Iwakura, Yasuo: Even with a top of the line civilian Navi, you couldn't.
Lain Iwakura: I can do it. I've modified mine.
Iwakura, Yasuo: A Psyche processor, huh? But...
Lain Iwakura: Don't worry. I'm still me.
Iwakura, Yasuo: Sometimes I wonder.
Lain Iwakura: [gasp]
Miho Iwakura: The wired might actually be thought of as a highly advanced upper layer of the real world. In other words, physical reality is nothing but an illusion, a hologram of the information that flows to us through the wired.
Lain Iwakura: But ma...
Miho Iwakura: This is because the body, physical motion, the activity of the human brain is merely a physical phenomenon, simply caused by synapses delivering electrical impulses.
Lain Iwakura: But mom, I...
Miho Iwakura: The physical body exists at a less evolved plane only to verify one's existence in the universe.
Lain Iwakura: Are you really, truly my mother?
Miho Iwakura: [disappears]
Lain Iwakura: Are you?
Lain Iwakura: People only have substance within the memories of other people. And that's why there were all kinds of mes. There weren't a lot of mes per se, I was just inside all sorts of people, that's all.
Serial Experiments Lain Quotes
Shanna 2022-03-25 09:01:23
Baudrillard's simulacrum theory should be used. The simulacrum theory believes that the simulacra and reality "implode" in postmodern society. The "implosion" eliminates the boundary between the simulacrum and the reality, and the simulacrum is more "real" than reality, thus forming "hyperreal". "Hyperreality" replaces the reality that shapes the essence of the subject's self. The Yingri Zhengmei in the story is the one who tries to start the "imploding". He yearned for simulacrum, believing that simulacrum could promote human evolution to a new height. Lingyin resisted him and succeeded. After Lingyin restarts the world, the boundary between simulacrum and reality is repaired. Lingyin represents existentialism, rejects the erosion of the subject's self by the patterns, symbols, logic, and language represented by simulacra, resists simulacra, and pursues reality.
Marjolaine 2022-03-26 09:01:15
It's not really my favorite subject. But I like its negative and dying atmosphere, the infinitely weakened character relationships, the indifference that does not try to discuss the topic, the calm crisis, and the hard and cold touch. It's also possible that I didn't understand it at all. blank. blank. blank.