September Quotes

  • [the electricity goes off]

    Lloyd: I like walking around in the pitch black. I think I just put my hand in guacamole.

  • Diane: The Richmonds are flooded, electricity's gone off. God is testing us and I for one am gonna be prepared. Where's the vodka?

  • Diane: Jesus! Look at my hands. Now really, I am too young for liver spots. Maybe I can merge them into a tan.

  • Lane: I have no reason to get up tomorrow.

    Stephanie: Well then, you're just going to have to make up a reason.

  • Diane: Oh God have you got my make-up kit? It's got my diaphram in it... isn't it silly? I still travel with it. It's my lucky charm, maybe I should donate it to the antique fair.

  • Diane: How do I look? Nobody say, 'Old and fat!'

  • Diane: It's hell gettin' older. Especially when you feel 21 inside. All the strengths that sustain you all through your life just vanish one by one. And you study your face in the mirror, and you... you notice something's missing. And then you realize it's your future.

  • Peter: Is there anything more terrifying than the destruction of the world?

    Lloyd: Yes. The knowledge that it doesn't matter one way or the other. Its all random, resonating aimlessly out of nothing and eventually vanishing forever. I'm not talking about the world, I'm talking about the universe, all space, all time, just temporary convulsion. And I got paid to prove it.

    Peter: You feel so sure of that when you look out on a clear night like tonight and see all those millions of stars, that none of it matters?

    Lloyd: I think its just as beautiful as you do, and vaguely evocative of some deep truth that always just keeps slipping away, but then my professional perspective overcomes me; I just wish for a more penetrating view of it, and I understand it for what it truly is. Haphazard. Morally neutral, and unimaginably violent.

  • Diane: Diane: Life's too short to dwell on our tragedies. Right? Besides, I'm sure we all said things we're sorry for. We're all temperamental. Otherwise, we wouldn't all be so fascinating.

  • Peter: It's funny. I've wanted to talk to you so often, but we never seem to be alone.

    Stephanie: We were alone. We were alone for a whole afternoon.

    Peter: Running into you at the local flea market is not exactly private.

  • Peter: Now, please don't panic when I say this.

    Stephanie: No.

    Peter: I just think that you're incredibly lovely.

    Stephanie: Peter, don't. Don't, please. Let's just stop this before it's too late. You know, I can't. I just... I just feel flushed and... and my heart is pounding.


Director: Woody Allen

Language: English,French Release date: December 18, 1987