Musashi Miyamoto (Takezo): [surprised at Otsu's rescue of him] Otsu, why?
Otsu: Don't ask. Let's run. They'll kill us on sight!
Otsu: Takezo-san, both of us are lonely.
Akemi: I wish I could be sixteen forever.
Toji: Why?
Akemi: That's when something wonderful happened.
[Takezo is suspended off the ground on a rope with his hands tied behind his back]
Musashi Miyamoto (Takezo): Takuan! Takuan!
Takuan Osho: What is it?
Musashi Miyamoto (Takezo): I have something to tell you. Come closer!
[Takuan approaches the prisoner]
Takuan Osho: Here I am. What do you want?
Musashi Miyamoto (Takezo): Why don't you behead me? You shame me this way! And you call yourself a priest? Don't you know how to treat a samurai? Damn fool!
Takuan Osho: You're feisty.
[He laughs]
Musashi Miyamoto (Takezo): Shut up! I could have crushed you!
Takuan Osho: Too bad you didn't.
Musashi Miyamoto (Takezo): I surrendered believing you were a man of high virtue.
Takuan Osho: A true sign of stupidity.
[Takezo struggles and rages]
Otsu: As I was gazing at you, Takezo-san, bound and hanging, I saw that I too was bound by an unseen rope. And I could not cut the rope by myself. Takezo-san, I cannot go back. Take me with you.
Musashi Miyamoto (Takezo): [choking back sobs] Do you hate me?
Otsu: Once. But now...
Takuan Osho: [watching Takezo climb up the wall to try and free Otsu] Are you still an animal?
Musashi Miyamoto (Takezo): Otsu rescued me. Now I gotta rescue her in return!
Musashi Miyamoto (Takezo): Why are you here?
Takuan Osho: To capture you.
[Takezo gives Takuan and Otsu a look of betrayal]
Takuan Osho: If you surrender to a Buddhist priest, consideration shall be given to you.
Musashi Miyamoto (Takezo): Never!
Takuan Osho: My boy, do you think you can win?
Musashi Miyamoto (Takezo): [stoutly] Yes.
Takuan Osho: Are you trying to defeat yourself, too?
Musashi Miyamoto (Takezo): I don't mind dying in a good fight. But before I die, I will have some blood!
Takuan Osho: What about your relatives? They're prisoners on your account.
Musashi Miyamoto (Takezo): What relatives? They all hate me!
Takuan Osho: Some are suffering.
Musashi Miyamoto (Takezo): Hang them all! Better off dead, all of them!
Takuan Osho: Even the women?
Musashi Miyamoto (Takezo): [close to tears] Quiet!
Takuan Osho: And their children?
Musashi Miyamoto (Takezo): I don't care! Let all of them...
[Takezo starts sobbing. Takuan gets up, grabs him by the back of his collar with one hand and beats him with the other]
Takuan Osho: Fool! Wild fool! I shall punish you, with the hand of your parents!
[Takuan leads Takezo to a stairway in Himeji castle leading to an attic, where Otsu is supposedly waiting. Takezo gives Takuan a look of verification, and sees Takuan's encouraging expression. Takezo rushes up to the attic to look for Otsu, but she's not there. Takuan shuts the door to the attic. Takezo rushes to the door and pounds on it]
Musashi Miyamoto (Takezo): Takuan! Priest Takuan!
Takuan Osho: She is safely sheltered near Hanada bridge.
Musashi Miyamoto (Takezo): Damn you! You dirty lying rogue!
[In a panic, Takezo rushes to the window. Outside there is nothing but lofty shingled roofs. He would break his neck trying to climb out. He pulls on the thick wooden window bars but they won't come loose. Takezo rushes back to the door, pounds on it and tries to pull it open]
Musashi Miyamoto (Takezo): Open up! Open the door!
Takuan Osho: Takezo. This room is yours for some time. Otsu will wait.
Musashi Miyamoto (Takezo): You're lying. She's alone!
Takuan Osho: She will wait. In those books are many of the things you need. After you master them, I will see you again. Farewell.
[Takezo sinks to a sitting position, then collapses to the floor and cries uncontrollably]
Takuan Osho: The world is vast and boundless. Be steadfast.
[Takezo has woken up to find that Matahachi has run off with Oko and Akemi]
Musashi Miyamoto (Takezo): You idiot! What about your mother and Otsu?
[He throws Oko's comb to the floor in fury]
Samurai I: Musashi Miyamoto Quotes
Eldora 2022-04-19 09:02:44
The first part of the "Miyamoto Musashi" trilogy actually tells the story of a man growing up. Mifune's performance is really addicting and is one of my favorite Japanese actors. There is not much to say about such movies. Movies that can survive the screening of time are all good movies.
Troy 2022-04-22 07:01:49
Two stars for the picture and one star for Okada Jasmine.
Director: Hiroshi Inagaki
Language: Japanese Release date: November 18, 1955