Sabotage Quotes

  • [from trailer]

    Breacher: In what we do, there is only trust.

  • [from trailer]

    Breacher: I'm gonna destroy them.

  • [from trailer]

    Sugar: Some of us are getting paid, the rest of us are just getting dead.

  • Floyd Morgan: [from trailer] I gotta ask you a few questions. Ten million dollars is missing from your cartel bust. Did you steal it?

    Breacher: No. And fuck you for asking.

  • Lizzy: [from trailer]

    [testing for drugs]

    Lizzy: Liquid meth, hell yeah!

    Grinder: You're one fucked up bitch.

  • Breacher: [from trailer] Wake up, you drunk fuck!

  • Lizzy: [from trailer] Sweetheart, you're so in over your fucking head.

  • Breacher: [from trailer] Don't blow your balls off.

    Monster: Don't worry, they're made of brass.

    Breacher: Are they as big as your wife's?

  • Breacher: Concentrate, it's pay day!

  • Breacher: Look at you, with your 48 percent body fat!

  • Monster: We're not a team anymore. Just a gang.

  • Stripclub Waitress: Why they call you Pyro, honey?

    Tom 'Pyro' Roberts: 'Cause I hooked a flashbang in a meth lab, burned down the whole fucking apartment building.

  • Caroline: I've known some cops in my time, but your people don't seem like cops.

    Breacher: Good. They're the best undercover agents in the DEA.

  • Breacher: You smoke?

    Caroline: Only when I find my witnesses nailed to the ceiling.

  • Breacher: Don't fucking scream at me! Look at you! With your fucking 48% body fat! And you, you scrawny little bastard! Fuck you guys!

  • Monster: I came here to help you...

    Caroline: No, you didn't.

    Monster: help you understand.

    Caroline: You came here 'cause you think you're gonna be next. You came here to steer me, okay? If you wanna help me, if you don't wanna get nailed to the ceiling or run over by a train, you need to break free from your buddies and tell me something I don't know about John Wharton. 'Cause I can't read him. Tell me something I don't know.

    Monster: [pauses] Two years ago, we arrested Edgar Rios in Juarez.

    [a flashback of the team doing the operation runs simultanously with Monster's story]

    Monster: He was an old school drug lord. Ran all their operations. It was a big deal. We handed him over to the Mexicans, when some brod pulls her shit and dons him. The cartel didn't want him debriefed by our intel people. Problem solved. But they had a bigger problem. They wanted the man who could get the man that nobody can get. John gets a call from the bad guys. They snatched his wife and kid right at his house. They were holding them in Juarez. They make him an offer: Surrender yourself to the cartel, and your family lives. John's family is everything. John was married forever. His son, Jacob, was his best friend.

    Jacob Wharton: [in the flashback, while getting car keys from his father] Love you, Dad.

    Monster: [narrating] They tortured Karen and Jacob to death. There's a video. Evil shit.

    Karen Wharton: [in the flashback] No! No! No...!

    Monster: [narrating] They mailed the pieces of them to his home for weeks. So John went down there. Alone. Hunting the man who killed his wife.

    Grinder: [in the flashback] John, we're coming in.

    Monster: [narrating] He didn't find him.

    Grinder: [in the flashback] We're here to bring you back home. This isn't gonna bring them back. Come on, let's go home.

    Monster: [narrating] John is obsessed with finding his wife's killer. It's like a cancer in his soul.

    [the flashback ends]

    Monster: Caroline... we lost John when they died.

    Breacher: [Monster and Caroline suddenly see Breacher has been secretly listening in]

    [in restrained angry]

    Breacher: Go Home

    [now forcefully]

    Breacher: Go Home *NOW*

    Monster: [apologetically as he leaps to his feet] Just trying to help... Boss

  • Monster: Breach, that's not them.

    Sugar: It's not the Kaibeles?

    Lizzy: What do you mean? What are you talking about?

    Sugar: You mean we killed six motherfuckers, and it ain't them?

    Breacher: Well, check again.

    Monster: Okay.

    [turns around for a second, leaning down and pretending to check one of the bodies before turning back]

    Monster: No, still not them!

  • Floyd Morgan: The only thing anyone in law enforcement has is their credibility. It's like virginity. Once it's gone, it's gone forever.

    Breacher: When did you lose yours?

  • Lizzy: Sweetheart, you're so in over your fucking head. You need more than a Glock and sensible shoes.

  • Caroline: Just because you're not in jail, doesn't mean you didn't do it.

    Breacher: You're awesome on a road trip, you know that?

    Caroline: Yeah, I've heard that before.

  • Jackson: Mm mm mm, what ever happened to "never date a cop?"

    Caroline: Who said anything about a date...

  • Grinder: Ammo's cheap, my life ain't. It's over...

  • Grinder: The DEA, they wanted to throw us in a hole, and throw the hole away.

  • [last lines]

    Breacher: You're mine.

    [knocks his hat off and pins him down]

    Brujo: You wife - I was the last to have her. You can't take that back.

    Breacher: I can take *your* family.

    Brujo: No!

    Breacher: But I'm not like you.

    [shots him]

  • Caroline: You some kind of a big deal?

    Breacher: Yeah, I've been around.

  • Jackson: And look: a beautiful thumbprint we got off the steering column of the RV. It's not the vic's.

    Caroline: Boo-yeah! Linkage.

    Jackson: You just said "boo-yeah".

    Caroline: That's my thing. Don't jack my thing.

  • Breacher: Spend enough time on the job, the job bites back.

  • Breacher: [growling viciously on finding Lizzy has murdered Monster] *I'M* Going To Kill *HER*

  • Sugar: [on Breacher] He wants to die a *Hero*? Then let's give him someone to *Save*

    [last lines]

    Sugar: [following a collision with a cyclist] I've got no eyes... I can't see shit

  • Breacher: [spoilers]

    [following a crash]

    Breacher: You murdered my team Why Lizzy? Why?

    Lizzy: [choking on her own blood] Because they took my fucking money... after everything I did for them... they fucking robbed me... so fuck 'em

    Breacher: [solemnly] I took the money Liz... I took it

    [last lines]

    Lizzy: You? But Why?

    [Breacher is hard faced in stony silence]

    Lizzy: Mexico... this about fucking Mexico? You're family is fucking dead and never coming home


    Lizzy: and nothing you can do will ever change it...

  • Breacher: After I lost my family... I wonder what I was still fighting for... then I knew my team... now I'm losing them as well

Extended Reading
  • Jayde 2022-03-25 09:01:12

    Why is everyone doing this shit?

  • Alfonso 2022-01-03 08:01:59

    Probably the first time I made a two-point movie. . . . This is the worst film I have ever seen in the cinema. Only remember "donde esta? dime dime" after the end. . .