Alla Osipenko: This painting and I; we have a secret.
The Stranger: Let's proceed with caution. These madmen could eat us.
The Time Traveller: They liked your hair.
The Stranger: Of course, I'm a writer. Writer's always have good hair.
Orbeli: Is something still troubling you? Is it the authorities? They want acorns without oak trees. They are not interested in knowing how to nurture the tree of culture, but it will be their doom if the tree falls. Then there will be nothing left. Can't they understand that?
The Time Traveller: Sir. Sir. A pity you're not here with me. You would understand everything. Look. The sea is all around. And we are destined to sail forever, to live forever.
Russian Ark Quotes
Myrna 2022-03-21 09:02:52
After watching Bi, I asked the director to introduce it, and there were comments that it was Tarkovsky's heir. Fortunately, it's not the same. I can't understand the people in the wild and deep forest farmhouse in Tarkovsky's long shots... I really appreciate Sokolov's constant willows and dark flowers.
Ivah 2022-03-29 09:01:07
An uninterrupted 95-minute single take fusing cinematic ambition and historical meditation, a 21st century masterpiece condensing 300 years of Russian art and history @ Archives | 181012 После посещения Госудaрственный Эрмитaж