Rushmore Quotes

  • Rosemary Cross: Has it ever crossed your mind that you're far too young for me?

    Max Fischer: It crossed my mind that you might consider that a possibility, yeah.

  • Rosemary Cross: Do you think we're going to have sex?

    Max Fischer: That's a kinda cheap way to put it.

    Rosemary Cross: Not if you've ever fucked before, it isn't.

  • Herman Blume: You guys have it real easy. I never had it like this where I grew up. But I send my kids here because the fact is you go to one of the best schools in the country: Rushmore. Now, for some of you it doesn't matter. You were born rich and you're going to stay rich. But here's my advice to the rest of you: Take dead aim on the rich boys. Get them in the crosshairs and take them down. Just remember, they can buy anything but they can't buy backbone. Don't let them forget it. Thank you.

  • Max Fischer: My top schools where I want to apply to are Oxford and the Sorbonne. My safety's Harvard.

  • Max Fischer: I like your nurse's uniform, guy.

    Dr. Peter Flynn: These are O.R. scrubs.

    Max Fischer: O, R they?

  • Max Fischer: Maybe I'm spending too much of my time starting up clubs and putting on plays. I should probably be trying harder to score chicks. That's the only thing anybody really cares about. But, its not my forte, unfortunately.

  • Herman Blume: What's the secret, Max?

    Max Fischer: The secret?

    Herman Blume: Yeah, you seem to have it pretty figured out.

    Max Fischer: The secret, I don't know... I guess you've just gotta find something you love to do and then... do it for the rest of your life. For me, it's going to Rushmore.

  • Dirk Calloway: I know about you and the teacher.

  • Max Fischer: What do you call getting a handjob from Mrs. Calloway in the back of her Jaguar?

    Magnus Buchan: A fucking lie.

    Max Fischer: You think I got kicked out because of just the aquarium? Nah, it was the handjob. And you know what else? It was worth it.

  • Max Fischer: So you were in Vietnam?

    Herman Blume: Yeah.

    Max Fischer: Were you in the shit?

    Herman Blume: Yeah, I was in the shit.

  • Max Fischer: The truth is, neither one of us has the slightest idea where this relationship is going. We can't predict the future.

    Rosemary Cross: We don't have a relationship.

    Max Fischer: But we're friends.

    Rosemary Cross: Yes, and that's all we're *going* to be. Well, yes...

    Max Fischer: That's all I meant by "relationship." You want me to grab a dictionary?

  • Dirk Calloway: Oh yeah and with friends like you who needs friends?

  • Dirk Calloway: There's action across the street.


    Dirk Calloway: It's Snowman! Take him!

  • Herman Blume: Mmm, I'm a little bit lonely these days

  • Herman Blume: She's my Rushmore.

    Max Fischer: I know. She was mine too.

  • Max Fischer: I saved Latin. What did you ever do?

  • Max Fischer: How the hell did you get so rich? You're a quitter, man!

    Herman Blume: I spent eight million dollars on this.

    Max Fischer: And is that all you're willing to spend?

  • Max Fischer: So tell me Curly, how do you know Miss Cross?

    Dr. Peter Flynn: We went to Harvard together.

    Max Fischer: Oh that's great. I wrote a hit play and directed it, so I'm not sweating it either.

  • Ernie: What kind of fish?

    Max Fischer: Barracuda, stingrays, electric eels, trout, hammerheads, piranha, giant squid, octopi...

    Herman Blume: Piranhas? Really?

    Max Fischer: Yes, I'm talking to a guy in South America.

  • Max Fischer: How much are you worth, by the way?

    Herman Blume: I don't know.

    Max Fischer: Over ten million?

    Herman Blume: Yeah, I guess so.

    Max Fischer: Good, good.

    Herman Blume: Why?

    Max Fischer: Cause we're gonna need all of it.

  • [Introducing his play "Heaven and Hell"]

    Max Fischer: Also, you'll find a pair of safety glasses and some earplugs under your seats. Please feel free to use them.

  • Magnus Buchan: I always wanted to be in one of your fuckin' plays.

  • [Max has just petitioned to make Latin a required subject]

    Magnus Buchan: [heavy Scottish brogue] Why dincha just piss off, Fischer? Ya dotty wee skid mark!

    Max Fischer: Is that Latin?

  • Architect: Mr. Blume, how are Ronny and Donny enjoying military school?

    Herman Blume: They love it.

    Magnus Buchan: Lucky bastards.

  • Dr. Peter Flynn: I understand you're a neurosurgeon.

    Bert Fischer: No, I'm a barber, but a lot of people make that mistake.

  • Herman Blume: Never in my wildest imagination did I ever dream I would have sons like these.

  • Herman Blume: Indefinitely. I'm being sued for divorce.

    Concierge: Very good sir.

  • Max Fischer: [to Dr. Peter] I was punched in the face. What's your excuse?

  • Max Fischer: [to Rosemary] We both have dead people in our families.

  • Dirk Calloway: [to Max] I just wanted to say, I'm sorry I threw rocks at you that day.

  • Herman Blume: Kids don't like it when their parents get divorced.

  • Herman Blume: [to Max] She's in love with a dead guy anyway.

  • Rosemary Cross: That's none of your business.

    Max Fischer: I know it's not, but I just got hit my a car and I'm feeling a little confused.

  • Rosemary Cross: I'll show you the door.

    Max Fischer: I'll just go back out the window.

  • Dr. Peter Flynn: I didn't know we were going to dinner.

    Max Fischer: Well, that's because you weren't invited.

  • Max Fischer: [to Rosemary] I'm sorry, I just came by to thank you for WRECKING MY LIFE!

  • [Describing Max to the police]

    Herman Blume: 112 pounds. Black hair. Glasses... Oval face.

  • Bert Fischer: [to Herman] Are you fond of that moustache?

  • Dr. Nelson Guggenheim: We're putting you on what we call sudden death academic probation.

    Max Fischer: And what does that entail?

    Dr. Nelson Guggenheim: It entails that if you fail another class, you'll be asked to leave Rushmore.

    Max Fischer: In other words, I'll be expelled.

    Dr. Nelson Guggenheim: That's correct.

    Max Fischer: Can I see some documentation on that, please?

    [Guggenheim hands him his transcript]

    Dr. Nelson Guggenheim: Too many extracurricular activities, Max. Not enough studying

    Max Fischer: Dr. Guggenheim, I don't want to tell you how to do your job. But the fact is, no matter how hard I try, I still might flunk another class. If that means I have to stay on for a post-graduate year, so be it...

    Dr. Nelson Guggenheim: - We don't offer a post-graduate year.

    Max Fischer: Well, we don't offer it yet.

  • Max Fischer: Your mind's as warped as your ear, Magnus.

    Magnus Buchan: Don't Get Nasty, Brother.

  • Herman Blume: Why did you ask me to come here?

    Max Fischer: Oh, I was going to drop that tree on you.

    Herman Blume: That big one?

    Max Fischer: Yeah.

    Herman Blume: It would've flattened me like a pancake.

  • Max Fischer: What was your major?

    Rosemary Cross: I didn't have a major, but my thesis was on Latin American economic policy.

    Max Fischer: Oh, that's interesting. Did you hear that they're not going to teach Latin anymore?

    Rosemary Cross: This was more like Central America.

    Max Fischer: Oh, Central American what-not.

  • Herman Blume: Come work for me.

    Max Fischer: What do you mean?

    Herman Blume: I mean I-I could use someone like you.

    Max Fischer: Look, I may not be rich, Mr. Blume, my father may only be a doctor, but we manage.

  • Herman Blume: So you've changed your mind and you want the job.

    Max Fischer: No, I've got an idea and I need some money.

  • Herman Blume: She's sweet, but she's fucked-up.

  • Rosemary Cross: I'm just having a little snack

    Herman Blume: What'd you got there... carrots?

  • Bert Fischer: You're like one of those clipper ship captains. You're married to the sea.

    Max Fischer: Yes, that's true.


    Max Fischer: But I've been out to sea for a long time.

  • Rosemary Cross: How did I hurt your feelings?

    Max Fischer: Oh, my God! I wrote a hit play!


    Max Fischer: And I'm in love with you.

  • Mr. Littlejeans: Best play ever, man.

  • Rosemary Cross: [tending a wound on Max's forehead] Is this fake blood?

    Max Fischer: Yes, it is.

  • [in a letter to Max]

    Dirk Calloway: Dear Max, I am sorry to say that I have secretly found out that Mr. Blume is having an affair with Miss Cross. My first suspicions came when I saw them Frenching in front of our house. And then I knew for sure when they went skinny dipping in Mr. Blume's swimming pool, giving each other handjobs while you were taking a nap on the front porch.

  • Max Fischer: I don't give a shit about the barracudas, fuck it! I'm building it anyway.

  • Max Fischer: [during his play "Heaven and Hell"] Maybe We'll meet again someday...

    [holds up a peace sign]

    Max Fischer: When the fighting stops.

  • Max Fischer: Sic transit gloria. Glory fades. I'm Max Fischer.

    Rosemary Cross: Hi.

    Max Fischer: Hi.

  • Max Fischer: Tell that stupid Mick he just made my list of things to do today.

  • Herman Blume: What does Guggenheim say?

    Max Fischer: Nothing. I felt I should go to you first.

    Herman Blume: Why?

    Max Fischer: Because at this moment I feel our best strategy is to keep a low profile. The more preparation I can do, the stronger our case will be when we go to the administration.

    Herman Blume: How much do you want?

    Max Fischer: $35.000 for the initial plans.

    Herman Blume: I'll give you $2500.

  • Rosemary Cross: [to Max] You know, you and Herman deserve each other. You're both little children.

  • Margaret Yang: You're a real jerk to me, you know that?

    Max Fischer: I'm sorry, Margaret.

    Margaret Yang: Well anyway, nice to see you.

  • Dr. Nelson Guggenheim: It's Fischer!

  • [first lines]

    Student: If, and only if, both sides of the numerator is divisible by the inverse of he square root of the two unassigned variable.

    School Professor: Good. Except when the value of the "X" coordinate is equal to or less than the value of one. Yes Isaac?

    Student: What about *that* problem?

    School Professor: Oh, that? Don't worry about that.

    Student: Wait. Why?

    School Professor: I just put that up as a joke. That's probably the hardest geometry equation in the world.

    Student: Well, how much extra credit is it worth?

    School Professor: Well, considering I've never seen anyone get it right, including my mentor Dr. Leaky at MIT, I guess if anyone here can solve that problem, I'd see to it that none of you ever have to open another math book again for the rest of your lives.

  • Bert Fischer: [in clapping audience] That's my son. That's my Maxie.

  • Rosemary Cross: Well, you pulled it off.

    Max Fischer: Yeah, it went okay. At least nobody got hurt.

    Rosemary Cross: Except you.

  • Herman Blume: [on Max's offering a small box] What's this?

    [Herman opens it and looks]

    Max Fischer: That's the Perfect Attendance Award and the Punctuality Award. I got those at Rushmore. I thought you could choose which one you like more, and you could wear one and I could wear the other.

    Herman Blume: [after gravely considering both the proffered olive branch and the choice] I'll take Punctuality.

    Max Fischer: [smiles] Okay.

  • Herman Blume: Take it easy, Max.

    Rosemary Cross: You were the one that ordered him a whiskey and soda.

    Max Fischer: So what's wrong with that? I can write a hit play. Why can't I have a little drink to unwind myself?

  • Herman Blume: What's his name again?

    Dr. Nelson Guggenheim: Max Fischer.

    Herman Blume: Sharp little guy.

    Dr. Nelson Guggenheim: He's one of the worst students we've got.

  • Max Fischer: War does funny things to men.

  • Max Fischer: Good. I just wanted to inform you about what is going on.

    [Dr. Guggenheim stares at Max with contempt]

    Dr. Nelson Guggenheim: I never took you for an informer, Max.

  • Herman Blume: You guys have it real easy. I never had it like this where I grew up. But I send my kids here because the fact is you go to one of the best schools in the country: Rushmore. Now, for some of you it doesn't matter. You were born rich and you're going to stay rich. But here's my advice to the rest of you: Take dead aim on the rich boys. Get them in the crosshairs and take them down. Just remember, they can buy anything, but they can't buy backbone. Don't let them forget it. Thank you.

  • Max Fischer: In summation, I have only one question: Is Latin dead?

  • Max Fischer: Thay are going to cancel Latin. They've got to make room for Japanese.

    Rosemary Cross: Well that's a shame because all the Romance languages are based on Latin.

    Max Fischer: Yeah, they are, aren't they.

    Rosemary Cross: Nihilo sanctum estne?

    Max Fischer: What's that? Oh, it's Latin. What does that mean?

    Rosemary Cross: Is nothing sacred?

  • Max Fischer: So this is where it all happens.

    Rosemary Cross: Where what happens?

    Max Fischer: I wouldn't know.

  • Max Fischer: I thought you dumped me for Blume, then I thought...

    Rosemary Cross: I never dumped you, because we were never going out.

    Max Fischer: It would just help me if you'd just talk to me for a minute. Tell me what happened.

    Rosemary Cross: Okay. Um, A. He's married. B. He hates himself. And C., well, he smashed up your bicycle, didn't he?

    Max Fischer: My previous bicycle, yes.

    Rosemary Cross: Well, what sort of person does something like that?

  • Rosemary Cross: I will say that, Edward has more spark and character and imagination in one fingernail than Herman Blume has in his entire body.

    Max Fischer: One dead fingernail.

    Rosemary Cross: Right. One dead fingernail.

  • Max Fischer: You're very pretty.

    Rosemary Cross: Thank you.

  • Rosemary Cross: So, what do you think of Max's latest opus?

    Herman Blume: It's good. But, let's hope its got a happy ending.

  • Magnus Buchan: Sempre fi, soldier. Sempre fi.

    Max Fischer: Sic transit gloria. Maybe we'll meet again someday. When the fighting stops.

  • School Reporter: So, how'd it go with Mrs. Calloway?

    Max Fischer: We shook hands.

    School Reporter: Big deal.

    Max Fischer: And I gave her my phone number.

    School Reporter: Buchan said he'd have already banged her by now.

    Max Fischer: What? Just tell that foreign Scottish guerilla to shut his fat face. That's my best friend's mother he's talking about.

    School Reporter: I always thought that's why you picked Dirk as your chapel partner.

    Max Fischer: What are you, a lawyer?

  • Backgammon Player: Did you hear they're teaching Japanese next year?

    Max Fischer: That's the rumor.

    Backgammon Player: And they're canceling Latin.

    Max Fischer: What? I tried to get Latin canceled for five years! It's a dead language, I always say.

    Backgammon Player: Well, I guess they finally heard you.

  • Rosemary Cross: How would you describe it to your friends? Would you say that you'd fingered me? Or, maybe if I'd give you a handjob? Would that put an end to all this? Please get out of my classroom.


Director: Wes Anderson

Language: English,Spanish,Latin,French Release date: February 19, 1999