Run Fatboy Run Quotes

  • Undercover Officer: You want your son to love you? Don't break the law!

    Dennis: Hey! That's entrapment!

    [gets pushed to the ground]

    Dennis: And that's brutality!

  • Whit: I actually ran the London Marathon

    Dennis: Oh that's a coincidence.

    Whit: Why's that?

    Dennis: Oh, I watched it on the tele... well... the last hour... I sleep in on Sundays.

  • Gordon: Hey I've got you those tickets you wanted...

    Dennis: They were for yesterday!

    Gordon: Oh so NOW you don't want them?

    Dennis: Why would I want them?

    Gordon: You could... sell them on e-bay.

    Dennis: Who would buy tickets for an event which happened yesterday?

    Gordon: ...Time Travellers.

  • Gordon: The only serious relationship I've been in ended in a broken collarbone and a dead meerkat.

  • Whit: I mean, you can see my point can't you?

    Dennis: Yes, yes I can.

  • Libby: You can't even finish your sentence!

    Dennis: Oh... don't... don't... don't be... what's the word?

    Old Lady: Prick.

    [in the English version: "Cock."]

  • Dennis: Excuse me, can I just stop you there.

    Whit: Yes...?

    Dennis: Oh, I don't have anything to say... I just wanted to stop you there.

  • Dennis: I went for a bit of a run this morning and I think I've got a bit of a... rash...

    [indicates downwards]

    Claire: Yes...

    Dennis: Y'know... Down in the...

    Claire: [agitated] Yes, yes, I understand.

    Dennis: Scrotal Zone.

  • Gordon: Go on then, run!

    Dennis: Isn't there some kind of like... special technique?

    Gordon: Well... yeah... you put one leg in front of the other over and over again really really fast.

  • Maya: I saw your friend Gordon this morning

    Dennis: I'll replace anything he stole.

  • Mr. Ghoshdashtidar: I've got a surprise for you!

    Dennis: Oh!... it's not a spatula is it?

  • Gordon: Hey do you think it would be weird if I took a bath?


    Gordon: Yeah... that would be weird.

  • Gordon: I got you a present

    Libby: Aww thanks

    Gordon: It's a CD, I hope you haven't got it. Because I don't have a receipt and I didn't exactly buy it.

  • Reporter: Mr Doyle, how do you feel?

    Dennis: [exasperated] How the fuck do you think I feel?

  • Gordon: Well come on up!

  • Man in Bakery: I would settle for something shaped like a fish.

    Dennis: Go to a fishmonger!

    Man in Bakery: I'm a vegetarian.

  • Dennis: You know, I mean, I didn't do you any favours on that day, ok? I did a stupid, stupid thing. But it was only because I thought spoiling your day was better than ruining your life. Does that make any sense?

  • Gordon: That was the second most disgusting fluid I've ever had in my eye.

  • [Mr. Ghoshtashtidar has just stopped Vincent from smashing Gordon's fingers in a piano]

    Gordon: Thanks for that, Mr. G!

    Mr. Ghoshdashtidar: Your friend is a man of honor.

    Gordon: What, Vincent?

    Mr. Ghoshdashtidar: Yes! He said he's going to kick shit out of you later instead!

  • [during the race]

    Dennis: Isn't it enough?

    Whit: What?

    Dennis: You got the girl, all right? Isn't it enough?

    Whit: I just think it's high time you realized that it's over, sir! Otherwise, it's gonna be very tough for you when we move to Chicago!

    Dennis: What?

    Whit: [off their pace, trying to discourage Dennis] You'd better slow down there, chief! You've got a long way to go!

    Dennis: Yeah, well - so have you!

    [Dennis accelerates past Whit]

    Whit: Oh, yeah! Yes, I like it! Run, fatboy, run!

    [Whit takes his lead back, but as Dennis passes him one more time...]

    Dennis: I can lose weight... but you'll always be an arsehole!

  • Gordon: Women remember that stuff.

  • Dennis: [surprised] What are you doing here?

    Mr. Ghoshdashtidar: I'm the assistant coach.

    Dennis: How'd you get to be assistant coach?

    Mr. Ghoshdashtidar: Because I have the spatula!

    [whacks Dennis with it]

  • Dennis: I thought it would be a good chance for me to get to know Whit a little better, so...

    Libby: Well, maybe we should all go out to dinner then?

    Dennis: Really?

    Libby: Yeah, and then we could go dancing...

    Dennis: You're joking...?

    Libby: No, not at all. And afterwards we could come back here and have a threesome.

    Dennis: [thinks it over] You *are* joking.

    Libby: Of course, I am!

  • Gordon: Dennis, you're my best friend, I'm not going to bet against you. Not with these odds.

  • Gordon: Hey, maybe there's a little man in there who looks just like you but he's really good at running.

    Dennis: What are you talking about?

    Gordon: Just a thought.

  • Dennis: Peter Perfect's perfect palace.

    Gordon: Try saying that when you're smashed.

    Dennis: I will.

  • Dennis: We should set the alarm for about 7 o'clock.

    Gordon: I don't have an alarm clock.

    Dennis: Why not?

    Gordon: I never need to be anywhere.

  • Dennis: As you get older, you're gonna realize there are a lot of things that you don't like. Things much worse than this. And when those things happen, you can't just run away.

    Jake: why not?

    Dennis: Because it doesn't solve the problem. The problem's still there. You've got to stick at it, and then figure out a way to solve the problem, even if it's really really hard.

    Jake: Is that what you do, Dad?

    Dennis: [just looking helpless and speechless...]

    Jake: Dad?

  • Dennis: I know doing this thing isn't going to change anything or make anything better but um. I would just settle for your respect. I'd settle for you smiling about the time we had together and not think it was a waste of time.

  • Whit: Where you goin, where you going? You gotta be kiddin me, Dennis? You can't be serious! The guy left you at the alter, pregnant!

    Libby: [Puts Whit's wedding ring on the table] Nobody's perfect.

    Whit: Libby, Libby...

    Jake: What a shithead.

  • Whit: [At the hospital, after Jake plays with the hospital bed causing it to fall backwards] God dam it WILL YOU STOP MESSING AROUND WITH THE BED YA LITTLE SHIT?

  • Mr. Ghoshdashtidar: [repeated line to Dennis] Who the hell are you?

  • Whit: Jake, buddy, can I control the bed please?

    Jake: No, but you can watch me control it.

  • TV Commentator: [Dennis is continuing the marathon into the night on a sprained ankle and torn leg] Just now joining us is Dennis Doyle, a clothing store security guard, running for the last ten and three quarter hours on basically one leg, He's refusing to rest until this race is run, unbelievable!

  • TV Commentator: [It's just been revealed that Whit tripped Dennis during a TV replay of the marathon] Yes! He deliberately trips him! Bastard!

  • TV Commentator: [Dennis just finished the marathon] He's done it! He's actually done it! This morning, Dennis Doyle was a humble shop worker from north London, tonight, he goes home a hero!

Extended Reading
  • Parker 2022-04-22 07:01:39

    I've seen a lot of Simon Pegg's films, starting with How to Betrayal, then Paul, Land of the Living Dead, Shaun the Zombie, Chronicles of Narnia, and most recently Tiny, and he always uses his British humour to lead People laugh, but this "Fat Boy Run" is serious, and I burst into tears. "You always but but but, you always have excuses, why is it not your fault!" A man who gives up everything for love!

  • Katrine 2022-03-27 09:01:11

    The script structure, the points of detail that should have been noticed, and the audiovisual language were all too mediocre. But seeing that my dear boss loves Simon so much that he doesn't hesitate to sell his ass, and seeing Williams buy cakes cheaply, I feel that it is complete after all. As for the marathon, seeing the insistence of the dead fat man can't help but be humbled. Probably only the marathon is the only competition where the last place often receives the most attention.