Run All Night Quotes

  • Shawn Maguire: I'm the only one ever cared about you. And all of that ended an hour ago when you killed my son. I'm comin' after your boy with everything I got.

    Jimmy Conlon: I won't let you take him, Shawn.

    Shawn Maguire: You got no choice. And when it's done, and it will be done, you and I are gonna meet back here at this restaurant, at this same table that I used to share with my boy, and I'm gonna look you in the eyes just like you're lookin' me in the eyes right now. And I'm gonna see how empty they are without your son in the world. Same thing I saw in my wife's eyes; same thing you're seein' in my eyes. And when I see that... then I'll let you die.

  • Jimmy Conlon: I've done terrible things in my life. Things for which I can never be forgiven. I betrayed friends, turned my back on the ones closest to me. I've always known that my sins would eventually catch up to me. No sin goes unpunished in this life. Your life doesn't flash before your eyes when you are dying. That's bullshit. It's your regrets that haunt you in your final moments. Everything you've failed to be. Everyone you let down. Everything you'd go back and change, if only you had more time.

  • Kirsten: Mommy, Santa smells funny.

    Jimmy Conlon: Do you think mommy wants to sit on Santa's other knee?

    Frank's Wife: I think Mommy's a little too big.

    Jimmy Conlon: Oh, Santa can make lots of room here.

    [patting his knee]

    Frank: That's my wife, Jimmy.

    Jimmy Conlon: Frank, it's Christmas.

    [leaning toward Rose]

    Jimmy Conlon: Give me a call if you wanna break the Irish curse. I'm skinny, but I'm long.

  • Mike Conlon: They should have locked you up a long time ago. Made you pay for the things you did.

    Jimmy Conlon: Just because I'm not behind bars doesn't mean I'm not paying for what I did, Michael.

  • Jimmy Conlon: The things I did, the things I've seen, it becomes who you are. You can't just go home and scrub it off. The only way I could protect you was to walk away. Forget about you and your mom. I wanted a better life for you than the one I chose for myself.

  • Jimmy Conlon: I'm giving you one more chance to walk away from this.

    Shawn Maguire: You're giving *me* one more chance?

    Jimmy Conlon: That's right. As long as you're coming after Michael, I'm coming after you. Walk away , Shawn.

    Shawn Maguire: Walk away to what, Jimmy? Huh? Ain't got nothing left to walk back to anymore.

    Jimmy Conlon: This is between you and me. Leave my son out of it.

    Shawn Maguire: Fuck you!

    Jimmy Conlon: Then we do like you always said. We cross that line together. Right now...

  • Shawn Maguire: Tell everyone to get ready. Jimmy's coming...