Robin Hood Quotes

  • Godfrey: In the name of King John, pay or burn.

  • Godfrey: I've come looking for Robert Loxley.

    Sir Walter Loxley: My son has not returned.

    Godfrey: That is the truth because he's lying in a French ditch.

    Sir Walter Loxley: Who are you?

    Godfrey: I'm the one who killed him.

  • Marion Loxley: I was an old maid when Robert courted me. I was a daughter of a respectable widow with a thimbleful of noble blood. We were wed, and then a week later he left to join ship for France and the Holy Lands. And that was my married life, to a man I hardly knew.

    Robin Longstride: A good knight.

    Marion Loxley: Short but sweet.

    Robin Longstride: I mean he was a good knight.

    Marion Loxley: Oh.

    Robin Longstride: A good knight at arms. A soldier.

    Marion Loxley: [Stammering] Oh, yes, my knight-in-arms, even so. And I in his.

  • Prince John: Henceforth I declare you to be an outlaw.

  • Robin Longstride: If you thought it was hard getting wages from him when he was alive, try getting wages from a dead king.

  • Robin Longstride: We can't repay our good luck with bad grace, it invites darkness.

  • Prince John: [sarcastically] Would every man have a castle?

    Robin Longstride: In England, every man's home *is* his castle.

  • Robin Longstride: Girl!

    Marion Loxley: *Girl!*

  • Robin Longstride: Ask me nicely.

  • Marion Loxley: I trust you had an historic evening.

  • Robin Longstride: Lady Marion Loxley, My wife.

    Will Scarlet: Well played! A bit, a bit rash, well played nevertheless.

  • Robin Longstride: What has eighteen legs and isn't going anywhere?

  • Robin Longstride: We are men of the hood...

    [Little John whistles and hits two of the guards]

    Robin Longstride: ... merry now at your expense.

  • Eleanor of Aquitaine: Milking a dried udder get's you nothing but kicked off the milking stool!

    Prince John: Mother, spare me your farmyard memories, you have none and I don't understand them.

  • Friar Tuck: [regarding his bees] I keep them and they keep me.

  • Marion Loxley: It seems we are to share my chamber. A ruse to convince the servants.

    Robin Longstride: Well, if the aim is deception, should you not be addressing me as "My husband" or "My dear"?

    Marion Loxley: [Scoffs] Don't be ridiculous.

    [Marion walks alone toward the stairs while Robin remains seated]

    Marion Loxley: Well, are you coming or not?

    Robin Longstride: Ask me nicely.

    Marion Loxley: Please, dear husband, will you share my chamber.

    [Marion drops into a half-curtsy and whistles for the dogs as she walks up the stairs]

  • [last lines]

    Marion Loxley: Greenwood became the outlaw's friend, orphan boys welcome, there was no tax, no tides, no rich, no poor, fair trades at the table, many wrongs to be righted in the country of King John, watch over us Walter.

  • Marion Loxley: I thought you'd left.

    Robin Longstride: The fields are planted.

    Marion Loxley: How did you find the seed?

    Robin Longstride: If you have to ask, it's not a gift.

    Marion Loxley: Thank you.

  • Robin Longstride: If you're building for the future, you need to keep your foundations strong, laws of the land enslave the people to a king who demands loyalty but offers nothing in return, I've been to the South of France, Palestine and back, you build a kingdom the same way you build a cathedral from the ground up!

  • Sir Robert Loxley: [During the french ambush] You're English?

    Godfrey: When it suits me.

  • Sheriff of Nottingham: What's mine in coin, I have the right to take in goods or livestock.

    Robin Longstride: If it's God's will.

    Robin Longstride: [Robin tosses a coin to the Sheriff] Here's a ram's worth of tax for the exchequer. Your insolence to Lady Marion I'll consider a debt between us.

  • Prince John: [Robin has delivered John the crown, disguised as Robert Loxley]

    Prince John: Did you say from Nottingham?

    [Robin nods]

    Prince John: Your father Sir Walter owes taxes to the crown, my crown; tell him its bloody expensive running a country and everyone must pay their way

  • Robin Longstride: Girl

    Marion Loxley: Girl? Either you've grown blind or come looking for charity.

  • Little John: [During Battle] Archer stay alive, I'll see you tonight.

    Robin Longstride: Don't forget your money this time little man, I'll be pleased to take it off of you.

  • Marion Loxley: Once before I said goodbye to a man going to war. He never came back.

    Robin Longstride: Ask me nicely.

    [She smiles, steps forward. They kiss]

    Robin Longstride: [fervently] I love you, Marion.

  • Friar Tuck: So why do they call you 'Little John'?

    Little John: What are you tryin' to get at? I'm proportionate!

  • King Richard The Lionheart: What is your opinion on my Crusade? Will God be pleased with my sacrifice?

    Robin Longstride: No, he won't.

    King Richard The Lionheart: Why do you say that?

    Robin Longstride: The massacre at Acre, Sire.

    King Richard The Lionheart: Speak up!

    Robin Longstride: When you had us herd two and a half thousand Muslim men, women, and children together; the young woman at my feet, with her hands bound, she looked up at me. There wasn't fear in her eyes, there wasn't anger. There was only pity. She knew that when you gave the order, and our blades would descend upon their heads, that in that moment: we would be godless. All of us. Godless.

  • Robin Longstride: Rise and rise again until lambs become lions.

  • Little John: [after spotting a tall woman at a party] She's about my size. I'm going to make her smile.

    [then yelling to the girl]

    Little John: I'm going to make you smile!

  • Little John: Sing something about a woman... a large woman.

  • Sir Robert Loxley: Kneel, you ignorant bastards! Kneel before the King!

    [King Richard laughs]

    Sir Robert Loxley: All of you, move back, now.

    King Richard The Lionheart: No, no, Locksley, these men are soldiers at play. Sinners, after mine own heart. Which one of you started the fight?

    Robin Longstride: I did, Sire. I threw the first punch.

    King Richard The Lionheart: Ah, an honest man. And who're you fighting?

    Little John: He was fighting me, your Majesty. I thought him to be a lesser man. He was showing me different.

    King Richard The Lionheart: An enemy that shows his respect. Stand up, the pair of you.

Extended Reading
  • Daija 2022-03-21 09:01:33

    There is no truth to it. Remember Ridley Scott. I have seen so many movies of him

  • Osbaldo 2022-04-24 07:01:04

    This epic was shot... petite