Liz: Ah, it's beautiful.
Nina: So are we going to pull over and let it pass then?
Liz: If he wants us to pull over he'll sound his horn; sweetie.
Nina: It's getting really close.
Nina: Craig, I think he's gonna...
[They all gasp]
Craig: I can't believe I did that!
Craig: See, Nina, I've changed and you can change too.
Nina: I don't want to change.
Liz: What if they're waiting for us?
Marcus: Or maybe they just kept going like they didn't give a shit.
Craig: We're going to have a morning tea and chat with our truck driver.
Nina: Are you serious? They just tried to kill us and now you're going to go ask for help? What happened to never leaving your vehicle?
Craig: Look if we need advice from 101 things to do in the outback we'll let you know.
Nina: But it just rammed us up the arse like we weren't even there? What the fuck are these truck drivers taking? Seriously where would they go?
Craig: I'm driving a fucking road train.
Liz: Hunters?
Marcus: Not around here.
Liz: Drive or I'll fucking drive this myself.
Craig: I reckon one of the drivers shot his mate... this place does strange things too people.
Nina: Unless the truck started driving on its own.
Marcus: You drove us here.
Craig: What am I supposed to do?
Nina: How about never leaving your vehicle.
Marcus: That's what you wanted right? Feel better now can you sleep at night?
Marcus: Here's your fucking water.
Craig: You won't survive without me when that psycho finds you.
Marcus: Just try not to show where the rest of us are.
Craig: You'll be dingo food before the day is out.
Psycho: Ah, thank you very much what did you do to my motor? Where is my truck? What did you do with my truck?
Craig: What have these crazy bitches done to you?
Marcus: We didn't take the truck... the truck took you.
Marcus: You've been a good mate to me you know that I gotta say you don't look too good.
Craig: Look Marcus here it comes you know when I said I'm sorry I fucked her? I lied.
Marcus: We have too go, this place makes people weird.
Craig: Jesus could you give it a rest we're all acting weird we're stuck in the middle of nowhere on a bloody road train.
Craig: I kept it's secret from her Nina's not gonna make it, there's not enough for three everything we have is right here So over between me and her are you going to give me a hand trucks ours now until we run out of gas I'm just going to get her legs I trust you will help.
Road Kill Quotes
Extended Reading