Revolution Quotes

  • Lord Hampton: Daisy McConnahay! You traitorous bitch!

  • Lord Hampton: Your daughters are whores, madam. All of them. Whores.

  • Tom Dobb: [to a British officer] You're a bastard!

  • Offscreen Revolutionary: Get out of here, you Negro!

    Offscreen Slave: We want freedom too!


  • Mr. McConnahay: This is Daisy McConnahay talking. My daughter. My girl. Sure, when your young it takes a cause to find any sense in this world at all.

  • Mr. McConnahay: Oh, Daisy, Daisy, Daisy. You see, girl, it doesn't matter a damn who deserves to win, it's who does win, that's what's important. Now, you remember that the next time you're out there screaming, "Liberty!"

  • Lord Hampton: You bitch! Bloody Yankee bitch!

  • Mrs. McConnahay: Well, I hope you're proud of yourself. Did you hear what he called you? Yankee bitch! Whore!

  • Mrs. McConnahay: You know where we stand, Daisy. You cannot belong to this family and fight on the other side.

  • Mr. McConnahay: His Lordship wants a boy - to polish his boots.

  • Daisy McConnahay: You're an Indian now, huh?

    Tom Dobb: I'm a scout - with the Army.

  • Ned Dobb: Congress? I heard they fight a lot.

  • [last lines]

    Tom Dobb: We're going to find us a place. Where they ain't no one to bow down to. Where they ain't no Lord or Lady better than you. Where you can say what you like - and climb as high as you want. And they ain't - nobody gonna treat no one like a dog in the dirt. I look around me, Ned, and I see all kinds of people. Men and women. And they got families like mine. And we stand together, like brothers and sisters. And we make for ourselves. We make a place - where our babies can sleep safe through the night.

  • Tom Dobb: All these men here, we all fought for something. And we got it. You take it from us, and we're gonna fight again.

  • [first lines]

    Voices from the crowd: [some men tie a rope around the king's statue] Pull! Pull it down!


Director: Hugh Hudson

Language: English Release date: December 25, 1985

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