Jesse Wilson: That's why you're dead, ass wipe. No brains and a big mouth.
Ed: You're right, there's a chill in the air tonight. Fifty-eight years old, can't be too careful in this weather.
Joey: [pointing to coffin] Yeah, you'll end up in one of those.
Ed: Uh-uh. Not me. You'll never find me in one of these. I'm gonna get me cremated.
Joey: You're just afraid that some old creep like you is gonna come along and steal your head.
Ed: Watch your tongue, boy, if you like this job!
Joey: Like this job?
Doc Mandel: Harvey, it wasn't my fault. We ran out of type O.
Joey: I feel like we've been here before. You... Me... Them!
Brenda: Joey, I'm not into dead guys!
Billy: You told, you told, now you die like me.
Lucy Wilson: Look, they're ugly and they're dirty and they're dumb, and I don't even care if they are dead. I hate 'em, there's no way they're touching me!
Joey: Let me eat your braaaiiiiiinnnnn!
Ed: Kiss, kiss.
Zombie Head: Get that damn screwdriver out of my head!
Tarman: Brains! Brains! I want, live brain! Brains! Brains!
Jesse Wilson: Hello? Hello, is there anybody out there? Come in, come in. Can you hear me? Is anybody out there? Hello? Can you tell us where to go?
Special Zombie: Come to the hospital.
Jesse Wilson: Sure, we'll be right there!
Doc Mandel: Hold it, hold it! Uh, pardon me, but would you mind telling me who the President of the United States is?
Special Zombie: Um, Harry Truman.
Jesse Wilson: Who's Harry Truman?
Tom Essex: They want brains, we'll give them brains.
Joey: But they smell so good... so spicy...
Brenda: Spicy? Joey, I am not into dead guys!
Doc Mandel: Hardly anything to get excited about, it's only a severed hand.
Col. Glover: Jesus Christ, not again
[muttered when looking at guys in hazmat suits examining two Trioxin barrels]
Doc Mandel: [looks at Joey's eyes] Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, huh.
Joey: What? What is it? What's wrong?
Brenda: Is he gonna be okay?
Doc Mandel: Let's look at the tongue, alright.
[Joey opens his mouth]
Doc Mandel: Oh my God.
Brenda: What? What is it? What?
Doc Mandel: [gestures her over] We're going to do a
Doc Mandel: biopsy.
Brenda: Is it cancer?
Doc Mandel: If we're lucky.
Tom Essex: [trying to start the Cadillac] Cherry, huh?
Doc Mandel: Well, it was cherry.
Jesse Wilson: Make my night.
[Last Lines]
Zombie Head: Oh, come on, guy. Back off with that thing. I got gas! Blergh! Don't hit a girl when she's down! Oh! Oh! AAH!
[a soldier with a flamethrower burns the head]
Zombie Head: Okay. No more brains. You win. For now!
Opening narration: In the fall of 1969, the Darrel Chemical company, under contract to the U.S. Army, conducted a series of secret experiments with a new biological weapon called 245-Trioxin. According to reports, the chemical was a catalyst in genetic reactification. What this meant and why Trioxin was useful has never been revealed. But one thing is certain, Trioxin was soon considered too dangerous and volatile even for experimental use. Interest in the lethal compound was abandoned several years ago, the Army will not comment other than to say all Trioxin has since been destroyed.
Billy: There it is.
[a mausoleum]
Jesse Wilson: That's the clubhouse?
Billy: Yeah, you wanna make something of it?
Jesse Wilson: No, it's great.
Billy: Okay then, come on.
Jesse Wilson: Hey wait a second... who's buried in here?
Billy: Come on, I'll show you inside.
Johnny: [about a chemical drum] Hey, look at this.
[wipes off dirt revealing the Army contact information]
Johnny: What do you think?
Billy: Don't know, might be supplies.
Johnny: What kind of?
Billy: I don't know. Ammo maybe. Combat stuff. Hey, check this out.
[wipes dirt off keypad]
Jesse Wilson: I don't think you should be playing around with that.
Billy: Shut up, wimp. Finders keepers, right?
Johnny: Yeah.
Lucy Wilson: Hey Jesse, see that? Mom says you follow those rules or it's my butt. You follow those rules or it's *your* butt. First one says homework, and you don't go out until you finish it. Now get going.
Tom Essex: [finds Lucy raiding her grandfather's gun cabinet] You know how to uh, use one of those?
Lucy Wilson: You *do* know how to pull a trigger, don't you?
Tom Essex: Sure, do you?
Jesse Wilson: She's junior class champion for the whole state.
Lucy Wilson: Here's yours.
[gives him a Winchester rifle]
Jesse Wilson: Oh terrific, great, what can I shoot with this, mice?
[later, puts the rifle back and gets a Smith and Wesson Model 27/28]
Jesse Wilson: Go ahead, make my night.
Jesse Wilson: Doctor Mandel, open up!
Doc Mandel: [opens door] Oh, it's you. Why aren't you out playing in the traffic? How'd you get in here, what seems to be the problem?
Tom Essex: Where're the keys to your car?
Doc Mandel: Why? Are we going for a ride?
[hears zombies screaming outside]
Doc Mandel: There seem to be hooligans terrorizing the neighborhood.
Lucy Wilson: No, it's the dead, they've come back to life!
Doc Mandel: Dead? Dead what?
Tom Essex: People! We need your car!
Doc Mandel: Well it sounds to me like you need a hearse.
Brenda: [the hospital is empty] Anybody here?
Jesse Wilson: [tries phone] Dead.
Lucy Wilson: Don't say that word.
Tom Essex: Why? Dammit why? Where'd they all go?
Brenda: Hello? Where is everybody?
Jesse Wilson: When are you guys going to wake up? Nobody can help us except...
Doc Mandel: A trained physician, such as myself. Hold this my son, thank you very much. Ah, yes yes yes.
Brenda: What what what?
Doc Mandel: [to Joey and Ed] When did you two have your last bowel movement? Hmm? Do you happen to know what a catheter is?
Jesse Wilson: They gotta have police here, emergency stuff, somebody somewhere!
Tom Essex: I'll take a look around town.
Jesse Wilson: Not without me!
Lucy Wilson: You! Stay put!
Jesse Wilson: No way, I saw it, I'm the one who knows stuff.
Tom Essex: Kid's got a point.
Lucy Wilson: Ha! That'll be the day.
Tom Essex: Come on, cut it out you two. If we're going let's go together, we'll be a team.
Jesse Wilson: Teams suck.
[storms off]
Doc Mandel: You will also notice there is no pupillary response, no reflexes, obviously lividity, suggesting chronic, retractable, rigor mortis.
Tom Essex: Is it serious?
Doc Mandel: Is *dead* serious?
Brenda: But they can talk!
Joey: Oh God it hurts! I can't move my arms or legs!
Brenda: See? Now you call this dead? They are not dead, you jerk!
Doc Mandel: Have you noticed he isn't breathing? Care to check heartbeat? In my opinion they should be contained.
Tom Essex: Contained?
Doc Mandel: Bagged.
Tom Essex: Bagged?
Doc Mandel: Bagged.
[dramatically draws up the zipper on Ed's jacket]
Ed: [moaning in pain] Owie!
Brenda: [to Joey as they're being chased by zombies] I knew we should've gone dancing!
Tom Essex: Son of a bitch!
[sees zombie chasing a dog across the street, steps on the accelerator]
Lucy Wilson: What're you doing?
Tom Essex: Yeah I know, they're already dead. I don't care, I'm gonna kill it anyway!
Return of the Living Dead II Quotes
Extended Reading
Director: Ken Wiederhorn
Language: English Release date: January 15, 1988