Hiroshi Takahashi: We have so little time to say the things we mean.
Enoch Brae: I was looking for my girlfriend. I think she came this way.
Annabel Cotton: Nobody has passed through these woods for years. What did she look like?
Enoch Brae: She is about your height, brown eyes.
Annabel Cotton: Was she pretty?
Enoch Brae: Beautiful. Who are you?
Annabel Cotton: I am the spirit of this forest.
Enoch Brae: Can you help me?
Annabel Cotton: This girl, you must care about her a lot to come into the woods looking for her.
Enoch Brae: Very much.
Hiroshi Takahashi: I saw a Mitsubishi car today.
Enoch Brae: So what?
Hiroshi Takahashi: I used to fly a Mitsubishi.
Enoch Brae: You mean you used to crash a Mitsubishi.
Hiroshi Takahashi: Only once. A-5.
Enoch Brae: How do you get my battleship so quickly?
Hiroshi Takahashi: Instinct.
Hiroshi Takahashi: [to Enoch] Maybe you should stop going to strangers' funerals.
Annabel Cotton: He is kind of different.
Elizabeth Cotton: Different could be good.
Annabel Cotton: I'm so sorry for your loss.
Enoch Brae: You'll get there.
Annabel Cotton: Do another one.
Enoch Brae: So sorry for your loss. He'll be missed.
Annabel Cotton: Our prayers are with you in this difficult time.
Enoch Brae: Too formal.
Annabel Cotton: He's a ghost?
Enoch Brae: Yeah.
Annabel Cotton: A Japanese ghost?
Enoch Brae: Yeah.
Annabel Cotton: Do you speak Japanese?
Enoch Brae: No, he speaks English.
Enoch Brae: He says he likes your jacket.
Hiroshi Takahashi: No, I didn't!
Annabel Cotton: Thank you, Hiroshi.
Enoch Brae: He says he thinks you look really nice.
Hiroshi Takahashi: I still don't know why she's dressed like a boy.
Annabel Cotton: He's very complimentary.
Enoch Brae: He's a friendly ghost.
Annabel Cotton: I was lying, Enoch. About working at the hospital. I don't work there. I'm a patient.
Enoch Brae: How long?
Annabel Cotton: Three months. So I understand if you don't wanna...
Enoch Brae: A person can get a lot done in three months.
Annabel Cotton: You think?
Enoch Brae: Yeah. You could learn French, go to Africa, pick up the xylophone. Tons of stuff.
Annabel Cotton: I always wanted to be a world-renowned xylophone player.
Elizabeth Cotton: Your boyfriend's here!
Annabel Cotton: He's not my boyfriend. I'll be right up.
Hiroshi Takahashi: As I write this letter, the ocean breeze feels cool on my skin. That very ocean is soon to be my grave. They tell me I will die a hero. That the safety and honor of my country will be the reward for my sacrifice. I pray they are right. My only regret in life is never telling you how I feel. I wish I were back home. I wish I were holding your hand. I wish I were telling you that I have loved you, and only you, since I was a boy. But I'm not. I see now that death is easy. It is love that is hard. As my plane dives, I will not see the face of my enemies. I will instead see your eyes, like black rocks frozen in rainwater. They tell us that we must scream, "Banzai," as we plunge into our target. I will instead whisper your name. And in death, as in life, I will remain forever yours.
Annabel Cotton: Tell me about the birds, Enoch.
Enoch Brae: What?
Annabel Cotton: The songbirds. Why do they sing in the morning?
Enoch Brae: They sing because they're happy to be alive another day.
Annabel Cotton: I've sung every morning since I met you.
Annabel Cotton: It's fine. And if it's not fine, it'll be fine.
Annabel Cotton: Hey, I have a transfusion tomorrow. Do you want to come see me after?
Enoch Brae: I love it when girls ask me that.
Enoch Brae: When I think of things going a certain way, and then they don't, it's difficult.
Annabel Cotton: How's this gonna go?
Enoch Brae: This?
Annabel Cotton: You and me.
Enoch Brae: I don't know.
Annabel Cotton: That's the part where you say it's gonna go really well.
Elizabeth Cotton: You must be Enoch?
Enoch Brae: Must be.
Elizabeth Cotton: So how are you two getting around?
Enoch Brae: We're gonna take the bus. Nothing like public transportation to set the mood, right?
Elizabeth Cotton: The mood?
Enoch Brae: No mood, no mood. Just forget I said it.
Elizabeth Cotton: Annabel tells me you talk to a ghost.
Enoch Brae: She told you that?
Elizabeth Cotton: She did.
Enoch Brae: It's kind of a joke.
Elizabeth Cotton: Kind of?
Enoch Brae: I'm a good kid.
Elizabeth Cotton: Okay, so I have this all straight. You're a funeral-crashing dropout, with no car and a dead friend.
Enoch Brae: Sounds pretty not-so-good when you say it all together like that.
Hiroshi Takahashi: White people. You have to grab everything.
Hiroshi Takahashi: You have no respect for the dead. You have no respect for anything.
Enoch Brae: [the forester discovers Enoch and Annabel in his cabin, where they spent the night together] Oh, my God. We're saved!
Restless Quotes
Ida 2022-04-23 07:03:49
The whole film is simple, fresh and warm in tone. Henry Hopper looks like Fu Lanlan No. 2 in some scenes, and he looks too fresh. Soothing and soft music is a plus, Ryo Kase's character is very interesting, and Mia's signature smile keeps telling us that life is beautiful even when it's not what it's supposed to be.
Muhammad 2022-03-19 09:01:07
Having had such a clear love, perhaps death is not a terrible thing, even if it happens to us, we ourselves, at all times, cannot be peaceful. PS boys and girls, so cute.