Grace Learner: Mrs. Wheldon was wondering if you'd like to play in the school concert. Maybe practice with her after school. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do.
Emma Learner: Can you hear music if you're in Heaven?
Grace Learner: [pauses] Yes.
Emma Learner: Okay, then. I'll do it.
Lucas: [as Brain #2] If a man speaks in the middle of the forest with no woman there to hear him, is he still wrong?
Brain #1: Yes!
Dwight Arno: [talking into camera] It was an accident, but what I did was terribly wrong. I left that night because I was afraid of losing you. And that's no excuse. I'm gonna go to prison, and I deserve to go to prison.
Dwight Arno: [regaining his composure] People are gonna talk behind your back. They're gonna say hurtful things, but I just wanna urge you to remember these days that we've had together. I feel like for the first time I've been able to be the father to you that you deserve, and they've really been the most beautiful days of my life. And I just wanna say I'm sorry, honey. I'm sorry and I love you so much. And I hope that one day when this is all over that we'll be able to get back to where we are today. I love you.
Grace Learner: I want to get help. I want us to talk to someone.
Ethan Learner: Okay. You wanna talk to somebody, Grace? We'll talk to whoever you want. We can talk to the police, lawyer, a therapist. I'll talk to the goddamn Pope! Anything you want, okay?
[last lines]
Dwight Arno: [Lucas watching the video tape] I just want you to remember these last days that we had together, and how wonderful they were. And I feel like I've been able to be the father to you that you really deserve. I guess what I'm just trying to say, is that I'm sorry...
Reservation Road Quotes
Opal 2022-05-02 06:01:08
I went to see it with low expectations, and I thought it was pretty good... Overall, the emotional appeal is better than the traction of the drama. I personally think that the performance of the actor saves the rough drama. I feel that Terry George’s movies seem to be all With this kind of problem, it is impossible to extract the condensed dramatic tension from the universal emotions, so after encountering such a small format story, it will lose focus, otherwise the film is likely to become another "Prisoner".
Brice 2022-05-02 06:01:08
The various entanglements of two men in a car accident