Grave-Robber: Zydrate comes in a little glass vial!
Shilo Wallace: A little glass vial?
Dancer, Dancer, Dancer: A little glass vial!
Shilo Wallace: [Graverobber whistles Blind Mag's song] Hey! That's Blind Mag's song.
Amber Sweet: Who did that?
[Graverobber points to Shilo]
Amber Sweet: [to Shilo] So you think you got heart? So you think you got balls? So you think Mag can sing?
Shilo Wallace: I don't think nothin' at all!
Amber Sweet: So you think Mag has pipes? Well it's my time to shine! When the Repo-Man strikes!
Shilo Wallace: What are you talking about?
Shilo Wallace: You compare me to a corpse!
Pavi Largo: [sung] Pavi gets laid.
Amber Sweet: So you think you've got heart? So you think you've got balls? So you think Mag can sing?
Shilo Wallace: I don't think nothing at all.
Amber Sweet: So you think Mag's got pipes? Well, it's my turn to shine. When the Repo Man strikes!
Shilo Wallace: What are you talking about?
Amber Sweet: One more hit for the show! Make it fast!
Grave-Robber: Take it slow!
Amber Sweet: One more hit of the glow!
Grave-Robber: Got get cut!
Amber Sweet: For tonight's show - !
Shilo Wallace, Amber Sweet, Pavi Largo, Rotti Largo, Luigi Largo, Nathan Wallace, Blind Mag: At the opera tonight!
Rotti Largo, Luigi Largo, Pavi Largo: [to Nathan Wallace] You're the night surgeon!
Amber Sweet: Where the fuck is dad, brothers?
Luigi Largo: He left me in charge, sister!
Amber Sweet, Luigi Largo: I don't take lip from a...
Luigi Largo: ...slut.
[Amber knees Luigi between the legs, licks the side of his face, and walks away]
Amber Sweet: ...cunt.
Pavi Largo: My brother and sister should fuck.
Luigi Largo: Pavi, shut the fuck up!
Luigi Largo: You're the street physician carving flesh sculptures!
Pavi Largo: Paint your ass like Rambrandt! Ha! You like that?
Rotti Largo: See your knife!
Pavi Largo: See it glide!
Luigi Largo: See it slice!
Luigi Largo: Who's your night surgeon?
Rotti Largo: Hope you have my money!
Pavi Largo: Or it's buon viagg-ee!
Luigi Largo: He'll do your ass like dishes!
Shilo Wallace: Oh, I'm free at last.
Pavi Largo: The most dashing, panty-snatching, I will leave your diapers dripping!
Luigi Largo: I'm the smartest, I'm the toughest. I will find a hole and fuck it. If there ain't one, I will make one.
[Luigi stabs a Gentern]
Luigi Largo: Luigi don't take shit from no one!
Pavi Largo: Ask a Gentern who they prefer, ten out of nine will say "The Pavi!"
Shilo Wallace: State your business.
Blind Mag: Business?
Shilo Wallace: What do you want?
Shilo Wallace: [to Nathan] Stay with the dead, I'm joining the living!
Shilo Wallace: Seventeen and you can't stop me! Seventeen and you won't boss me! You cannot control me father! Daddy's girl's a fucking monster!
Rotti Largo: Here's my prognosis will they live - ?
Rotti's Henchgirl #2: Doubtful!
Shilo Wallace: How did you do that?
Blind Mag: Do what?
Shilo Wallace: Do that! That eye thing!
Blind Mag: These eyes can do more than see.
Shilo Wallace: I know - I mean I've seen you sing.
Blind Mag: Where?
Shilo Wallace: From my window. I can see the world from there. Name the stars and constellations. Count the cars and watch the seasons.
Blind Mag: I wish we could've watched together.
Shilo Wallace: I can't have guests!
Blind Mag: Never?
Shilo Wallace: Ever!
Marni Wallace: Chase the morning. Yield for nothing. Chase the morning. Yield for nothing.
Blind Mag: Let your life be a dream. Integrity. Honesty. It's too late for me. Don't look back till your free to chase the morning...!
Pavi Largo, Luigi Largo: Mark it up!
Shilo Wallace: Why oh why are my genetics such a bitch?
Luigi Largo: One brain! Mark it up! Only I got brains enough! That's why Pop will leave GeneCo to *me*-me-me-me-me-me!
Pavi Largo: Pavi's face will rule them all!
Rotti Largo: I started this opera shit, and this is the motherfucking thanks I get?
Luigi Largo: Luigi don't take shit from no one.
Nathan Wallace: Dear Marni, I am so sorry...
Luigi Largo: Well who ordered pizza? I could sure go for a slice!
Amber Sweet: I look like a crime scene, dad!
Rotti Largo: Well, thank you, sir!
Amber Sweet: Z me! Give me a hit, now! Hurry!
Rotti Largo: I'm Rotti Largo.
Shilo Wallace: I know.
Rotti Largo: I own GeneCo.
Shilo Wallace: Please let me go!
Rotti Largo: Flesh is weak. Blood is cheap. Inconsistent consistently. Use your sense. Save your cents. The only thing with persistence is gold!
Amber Sweet: What's the matter Graverobber? Can't get it up if the girl's breathing?
Nathan Wallace: I am only living out a lie!
Nathan Wallace: I'm the monster. I'm the villain. What perfection. What precision! Keen incisions, I deliver. Unscathed organs, I deliver. Repossession, I deliver. I'm the Repo! Legal assassin!
Amber Sweet: Blame not my genes!
Amber Sweet: Come up and try my new parts!
Bandleader: Everybody, everybody testify!
Grave-Robber: Bloodbath!
Grave-Robber: It's gonna be a bloodbath!
Grave-Robber: 'cause no one crosses GeneCo
Grave-Robber: no, not even Repo
Grave-Robber: will Rotti clean house?
Grave-Robber: Damn we're gonna find out!
Grave-Robber: At the opera
Grave-Robber: So stay tuned,
Grave-Robber: 'cause the winner of this blood feud
Grave-Robber: will take GeneCo.
Rotti Largo: You've exceeded all my plans
Luigi Largo: More than you could say for Amber.
Rotti Largo: More than I could say for you.
Luigi Largo: What?
Pavi Largo: Haha!
Rotti Largo: Or your just as worthless brother.
Pavi Largo: Awww...
Shilo Wallace: You used my mother's death to use my father!
Shilo Wallace: You used my father just to use me, too!
Rotti Largo: Your dad deserved whatever happened to him!
Rotti Largo: He needed me! and so do you!
All Characters: I remember!
Bandleader: Ladies and Gentlemen... The Genetic OP'RA!
Nathan Wallace: I remember, I dismember. 'Cause the claims medic gives no anesthetic! 90 days delinquent gets ya' repo treatment! I'm the masked horror on your street corner! Make your mama mourn ya! I'm the Night Surgeon! I remember...
Nathan Wallace: Tonight we are betrayed...
Nathan Wallace: Keep Shilo safe...
Nathan Wallace: Make Rotti pay...
Nathan Wallace: On Marni's grave...
Nathan Wallace: At the opera... tonight.
Rotti Largo: Maggots! Vermon! You want the world for nothing. Commence you graveling! Rotti your king is dying. Even Rotti Largo cannot stop this passing! Who will inherit GeneCo? I'll keep those vultures guessing.
Amber Sweet: What's the matter Graverobber? Can't get it up if the girl's breathing?
Amber's Valet #1, Amber's Valet #2: Can't get it up! Can't get it up! Can't get it up!
Amber Sweet: Z me! Give me a hit, now! Hurry! I'm late, I'm late so hurry! Don't keep my surgeons waiting!
Grave-Robber: Bitch pay me!
Amber Sweet: Later!
Grave-Robber: Okay, I'll see you later.
Amber Sweet: Where you going? Stay here. I've got ways to pay, dear. Other than dough!
Bandleader, Sexy Gentern #1, Sexy Gentern #2, Night Surgeon Gentern #1, Rotti Largo: Everybody, everybody; make your genetics your bitch!
Rotti Largo: Testify!
Luigi Largo: Someone's gonna hang if I don't get my coffee.
Luigi's Gopher: Decaf?
Luigi Largo: I will shoot you in the face.
Luigi Largo: [drinks his coffee] What's this, rat piss?
[stabs his gopher]
Sexy Gentern #1, Sexy Gentern #2: Genterns, let's secure that final skin graft and stat!
Rotti Largo: Kill him! And I leave you GeneCo!
Pavi Largo: What?
Shilo Wallace: No!
Luigi Largo: All of it?
Rotti Largo: Ooohhh yesss!
Pavi Largo: Oh no!
Amber Sweet: I've never been so surgically maimed!
Rotti Largo: Amber please! It's not that bad!
Amber Sweet: I'll be the laughing stock of the stage!
Rotti Largo: Amber please! It's not that bad!
Amber Sweet: This is your fault, I asked you to help me.
Rotti Largo: No! Amber please, I warned you about this! Happiness is not a warm scalpel!
Amber Sweet: I don't care! It's not fair!
Rotti Largo: Baby, baby, baby don't do this.
Amber Sweet: I will never sing again.
Rotti Largo: I gave you the life I wished I had.
Amber Sweet: I look like a crime scene, dad.
Rotti Largo: All you ever do it take, take, take. All I ever do is give!
Amber Sweet: That surgery was only ninety grand!
Rotti Largo: I did not complain when you changed your name, from Largo to Sweet!
Amber Sweet: I needed a stage name!
Rotti Largo: You are a disgrace! Your genes are not worthy of mine!
Amber Sweet: Who's gonna sing Mag after you leave?
Blind Mag: Amber please! It's not my place.
Amber Sweet: Someone must sing! Why can't it be me?
Pavi Largo: Sister, please!
Luigi Largo: Just shut your face!
Amber Sweet: Listen you bitch!
Luigi Largo: When I'm running GeneCo!
Pavi Largo: Dad loves me! They all love the Pavi!
Luigi Largo: When the geezer croaks you will all learn to respect me!
Rotti Largo: That's enough!
Amber Sweet, Pavi Largo, Luigi Largo: But he/she!
Rotti Largo: Children off!
Pavi Largo: Ladies, gentlemen! Signore, Signori!
Luigi Largo: Don't you dare touch your T.V.!
Rotti Largo: Tonight's Genetic Opera is the place to be!
Amber Sweet: GeneCo! GeneCo!
Luigi Largo: From the transplants!
Pavi Largo: To the genterns!
Amber Sweet: L'opera mi amore - !
Rotti Largo: The Genetic Opera is this evening!
Pavi Largo, Luigi Largo: You'll-a laugh!
Amber Sweet: Ha!
Pavi Largo, Luigi Largo: You'll-a cry!
Amber Sweet: Ho!
Pavi Largo, Luigi Largo: You'll-a sing...!
Rotti Largo: Sing!
Amber Sweet, Rotti Largo, Pavi Largo, Luigi Largo: Bravi! Bravi! Bravissime! The Genetic Opera is good!
Luigi Largo: It's-a good!
Amber Sweet, Rotti Largo, Pavi Largo, Luigi Largo: Bravi! Bravi! Bravissime! The Genetic Opera is good - !
Shilo Wallace: Sometimes I wanted to cry when the people on the TV where not quite the way we where. Somehow I guess I just knew, but I didn't know I'd love you so much.
Geneco Spokesperson: Mister Largo... How are you? The folks at home would like to know your thoughts and views about Zydrate use and it's abuses. Would you care to comment sir?
Rotti Largo: Well thank you sir.
Nathan Wallace: Shi don't go.
Shilo Wallace: Dad I will not leave you here, you will live.
Nathan Wallace: But you've already saved my dear. Now go and change the world for me.
Nathan Wallace, Shilo Wallace: And we will always have each other in out time of need.
Shilo Wallace: Daddy your the world to be.
Nathan Wallace: [Along with Shilo] Shilo, you're the world to me.
Nathan Wallace: Didn't I tell you not to go out? Didn't I?
Shilo Wallace: You did. You did.
Nathan Wallace: Didn't I say the world was cruel? Didn't I?
Shilo Wallace: You did. You did.
Nathan Wallace: Then tell me how this happened, what I did wrong, tell me why. Can't we just go home, Shi, and forget this dreadful night?
Shilo Wallace: Didn't you say that you where different? Didn't you?
Nathan Wallace: I am. I am.
Shilo Wallace: Say you aren't that person. Say it.
Nathan Wallace: I am. I am.
Shilo Wallace: Then tell me how to act, dad. What to say, dad. Tell me why all you've ever told every word is a lie - !
Shilo Wallace: Didn't you say that you'd protect me didn't you?
Nathan Wallace: I tried. I tried.
Shilo Wallace: Is this how you'd help me? Is it?
Nathan Wallace: I tried! I tried!
Shilo Wallace: Don't help me anymore, dad! You are dead, dad, in my eyes! Someone has replaced you, dad I hate you! Go and die!
Grave-Robber: Who's there? Stay back!
Shilo Wallace: Um, do you have my cure?
Grave-Robber: Kid, is that you?
Shilo Wallace: I'm here to earn my cure!
Grave-Robber: Your cure! Is that what this is about? Sorry that fucking Amber cleaned me out, but maybe later I'll hook you up, later. Just help me down.
Shilo Wallace: The drug.
Grave-Robber: Yeah the drug.
Shilo Wallace: Yeah?
Grave-Robber: Your cure it's...
Shilo Wallace: ...the drug.
Grave-Robber: Help me down.
Shilo Wallace: Help me...
Grave-Robber: I'll score some...
Shilo Wallace: ...shed some...
Grave-Robber: Kid I'm out.
Shilo Wallace: ...some...
Grave-Robber: I told you.
Shilo Wallace: ...light on...
Grave-Robber: That's that situ...
Grave-Robber, Shilo Wallace: The situation!
Rotti Largo: But, before I go, my kids will know about the man they have crossed.
Rotti Largo: As Marni did, the day she fled and became Nathan's wife!
Rotti Largo: She forced my hand!
Rotti Largo: He dug her grave!
Rotti Largo: I will not be betrayed.
Rotti Largo: Empty the trash of all of them, and leave it all to the kid - !
Rotti Largo: Lay the bait. Shilo's fate.
Rotti Largo: But only if and will she appreciate my gold!
Rotti Largo: Stay tuned folks!
Rotti Largo: You don't wanna folks!
Rotti Largo: Cause there's more excitement coming!
Rotti Largo: Mag, there is someone I'd like you to meet.
Rotti Largo: A daughter of an old friend, a ghost from your past.
Rotti Largo: Seeing you two stirs memories.
Rotti Largo: Mag was 19, not much older than you.
Rotti Largo: I heard her sing and at that moment knew I'd help her see.
Rotti Largo: And watch her talent bloom.
Rotti Largo: I could help you too!
Bandleader: Everybody, everybody line up! Line up!
Bandleader: We got tickets, opera tickets!
Bandleader: Don't be shy!
Nathan Wallace: Shilo.
Shilo Wallace: Yes, dad.
Nathan Wallace: Did you take your medicine?
Shilo Wallace: Yes.
Nathan Wallace: [hears Rotti speaking in the background] What was that?
Shilo Wallace: Whats what?
Nathan Wallace: [hears more] That.
Shilo Wallace: Oh that. My window is cracked.
Nathan Wallace: Then why aren't you wearing your mask? Should I head back?
Shilo Wallace: No I am fine!
Nathan Wallace: I could be there in no time!
Shilo Wallace: That won't be needed!
Nathan Wallace: But, Shilo!
Shilo Wallace: Your patients need you!
[hears Repoman's victim]
Shilo Wallace: Dad, whats that?
Nathan Wallace: Oh that? One of my patients. He sick.
[snaps victims neck]
Shilo Wallace: Will he live?
Nathan Wallace: It's looking grim.
Grave-Robber: Goth opera.
Grave-Robber: Blood saga.
Grave-Robber: Sometimes I wonder how we ever got here.
Grave-Robber: Old grudges.
Grave-Robber: Scorned lovers.
Grave-Robber: Sometimes I wonder why we don't all move on!
Grave-Robber: 'Cause we all end up in a tiny pine box.
Grave-Robber: A mighty small drop in a mighty dark plot.
Grave-Robber: And the mighty fine print hastens the trip to our epilogue.
Chorus: Epilogue!
Grave-Robber: But the little girl fled and the king is dead.
Grave-Robber: And the castle is left for the taking.
Grave-Robber: But GeneCo may survive if it undergoes surgery. Surgery. Surgery. Surgery.
Chorus: Surgery. Surgery. Surgery.
Shilo Wallace: I don't know what I was thinking, there's no sense in girlish dreaming. I'm just seventeen, seventeen... and it's better than forty!
Nathan Wallace: What chance has a seventeen year old gir?
Shilo Wallace: I don't know what I was thinking.
Shilo Wallace: There's no sense in girlish dreaming.
Shilo Wallace: I'm just seventeen. Seventeen!
Shilo Wallace: And it's better than forty!
Grave-Robber: So why care for these petty obsessions? Your designer heart still beats with common blood.
Shilo Wallace: I just want to get my cure.
Rotti Largo: And I promise to deliver.
Nathan Wallace: Don't you lay a hand on her.
Rotti Largo: Hold your tongue before an elder!
Rotti Largo: Touch her and I swear I'll kill you!
Nathan Wallace: Bring it on you cheap impostor!
Rotti Largo: Even though I'm terminally ill.
Rotti Largo: I'm dying you idiots!
Pavi Largo, Luigi Largo: Please don't say your dying father!
Rotti Largo: So I plan my perfect end!
Pavi Largo, Luigi Largo: A tale befitting any opera!
Rotti Largo: An ending only I could spin!
Nathan Wallace: Ending you will be my pleasure.
Shilo Wallace: I no longer trust you dad.
Pavi Largo, Luigi Largo: You can never trust a monster!
Pavi Largo, Luigi Largo: Did you know he killed your mother?
Nathan Wallace: That was just an accident!
Pavi Largo, Luigi Largo: Accidents do end in murder.
Nathan Wallace: Shilo, believe me!
Rotti Largo: And that's not his greatest fib!
Rotti Largo: Your mother once promised her love to me. Had she never fled you would be mine. Deny your father now for the world to see! Kill him!
Shilo Wallace: What?
Luigi Largo: Kill him!
Shilo Wallace: No!
Rotti Largo: And I leave you GeneCo!
Luigi Largo: What?
Pavi Largo: All of it?
Rotti Largo: Oh yes!
Pavi Largo: Oh no!
Rotti Largo: So witness is people! All I have to do is sign the paper! All you have to do is pull the trigger!
Shilo Wallace: You want to pay me to kill my father? You want me to kill? Force me to kill!
Rotti Largo: [along with Shilo] I want you to do what is right. This man killed your mother, your mother! He betrayed you both, he's a liar! And he poisoned you!
Shilo Wallace: I am not a murder!
Rotti Largo: But you share your dad's genetic what if he passed this to you?
Shilo Wallace: I don't have to share his choices!
Rotti Largo: Didn't you say you where infected didn't you? Didn't you?
Nathan Wallace: Remember my mistakes! Remember you can change! Remember that I love you! I'm sorry that I've failed you! Remember that it's up to you to go and shape your life into one thats worthy of remembering!
Amber Sweet: I'll fuck your soul for one more hit of that glow!
Chorus: Amber sweet, falala. Amber sweet as the first of May! Amber Sweet! Amber Sweet! Amber Sweet! Amber Sweet! Amber Sweet!
Amber Sweet: Blame not my cheeks, though pale with love they be. Ha-HAAAAAA!
[Does faulty spin and her face falls off, and she picks it up and runs off the stage as everyone boos]
Chorus: You didn't see what you just saw. You didn't hear what you just heard!
Amber Sweet: I want a hit of Z. And we're not talking for free.
Amber Sweet: A game of give and take. Baby I'll give till I break.
Amber Sweet: But I ain't nobody's fool, this bitch knows the rules.
Amber Sweet: I'll let you fuck my soul, for a hit of that glow.
Amber Sweet: So come on, climb on, man up!
Amber Sweet: Come up and try my new parts!
Amber Sweet: Come on and break 'em in!
Amber Sweet: We both know what we want.
Amber Sweet: Come up and try my new parts!
Amber Sweet: Anyway you want, you know you wann take me.
Amber Sweet: What's the matter Graverobber? Take me!
Amber Sweet: I can take it baby!
Amber Sweet: I don't care where you put it. Why don't you suprise me?
Amber Sweet: Come on, work me. You know you like it naughty!
Amber Sweet: Oh naughty boy take me, and I a'int asking!
Amber Sweet: Come up and try my new parts!
Amber Sweet: Bow down and break 'em in!
Amber Sweet: Before I change my heart!
Amber Sweet: Shut up and try my new parts!
Rotti Largo: Shilo, the past can be dreadful.
Rotti Largo: There are those who kept you in the dark to protect you.
Rotti Largo: You're old enough I think, though they'd disagree, to know the truth, and choose who you will be.
Rotti Largo: To get your cure you'll need to light up this dark place.
Rotti Largo: This Graverobber here can help you "dig" the way.
Rotti Largo: But you'll have to earn it. Nobody deserves shit.
Rotti Largo: I gave my kids the world. They repaid me with spit.
Rotti Largo: You'll need to bring illumination to the situation if you want your cure.
Nathan Wallace: Dear Marni, I'm so sorry...
Nathan Wallace: Can you forgive me for this?
Rotti's Henchwoman #1: Let the dead doctor, with the hungry scalpel, hear my prognosis: will they live?
Rotti's Henchwoman #1, Rotti's Henchwoman #2: [cocking shotgun] Doubtful!
Luigi Largo: Use discreet precision! Come and break sculptures!
Pavi Largo: Paint your ass like a Rembrandt! Ha! You like that?
Rotti Largo: Better start praying when you see him coming!
Luigi Largo: 'Cause tonight, it's curtains!
Pavi Largo, Rotti Largo, Luigi Largo: You're the Night Surgeon!
Chorus: Remember who you are...
Nathan Wallace: I remember!
Chorus: Remember what you did to Marni!
Nathan Wallace: I remember!
Chorus: Remember what you did...
Rotti Largo: ...To your knife!
Pavi Largo: See it glide!
Luigi Largo: See it slice!
Pavi Largo: Who's your Night Surgeon?
Rotti Largo: Hope you have my money!
Pavi Largo: Or it's bon viach-y!
Luigi Largo: He'll do your ass like dishes!
Luigi Largo, Chorus: Amputation!
Pavi Largo, Rotti Largo, Luigi Largo, Chorus: Remember who you are!
Nathan Wallace: I remember...!
Chorus: Remember what you did to Marni!
Blind Mag: I've made my peace
Nathan Wallace: No chance for peace!
Blind Mag: I hold no grudge
Nathan Wallace: I'll end this grudge...
Blind Mag: I'm gonna sing!
Nathan Wallace: I'll stain the streets...
Blind Mag: My final song!
Nathan Wallace: ...they'll run with blood
Blind Mag, Nathan Wallace: at the opera tonight!
Chorus: Repo Man...!
Blind Mag: Repo Man, come take my eyes...!
Amber Sweet: At the opera tonight!
Blind Mag: Repo Man, my eyes!
Chorus: Repo Man, at the opera tonight!
Nathan Wallace: If you poop in my pool, don't ask me to go and take a dip.
Nathan Wallace: Just because I have a thankless job old friend, dosen't mean that I take shit!
Rotti's Henchwoman #2, Rotti's Henchwoman #1: Henchgirls, ATTACK!
Shilo Wallace: [to Rotti] I did everything you asked of me. Now give me what I came here for!
Rotti Largo: Shilo, it seems your father dosen't want you cured. So as long as he breaths he will squash your dreams. Like he stole your mother from me.
Blind Mag: You never were a man of many words, Nate. You told me Shilo died. Nathan I promised your late wife I'd be present in Shilo's life!
Nathan Wallace: Please Mag! Shilo's very ill. It's not safe for her to see people.
Nathan Wallace: Shilo?
Shilo Wallace: Yes, Dad?
Nathan Wallace: Did you take your medicine?
Shilo Wallace: Yes.
Nathan Wallace: [Hearing Rotti's voice over speakers] What's that?
Shilo Wallace: What's what?
Nathan Wallace: [Hearing Rotti's voice again] That.
Shilo Wallace: Oh that. My window is cracked.
Nathan Wallace: Then why aren't you wearing your mask? Should I head back?
Shilo Wallace: No, I'm fine.
Nathan Wallace: I could be there in no time.
Shilo Wallace: That won't be needed.
Nathan Wallace: But Shilo...
Shilo Wallace: Your patients need you.
[Hearing Repo victim moan in backround]
Shilo Wallace: Dat what's that?
Nathan Wallace: [snapping the Repo victim's neck] Oh that's one of my patients. He's sick.
Shilo Wallace: Will he live?
Nathan Wallace: It's looking grim.
Shilo Wallace: [Overlapping with Nathan] You should stay there for a while. Do not rush home till you're done. Take your time. Nothings wrong. I love you, Father.
Nathan Wallace: [Overlapping with Shilo] I should stay here for a while. I will ruch home when I'm done. Tell me if something goes wrong. I love you, Daughter.
Amber Sweet: Come up and try my new parts, go on and break them in. We both know what we want, shut up and try my new parts.
Grave-Robber: Psst
Shilo Wallace: You're Real?
Grave-Robber: Duh!
Repo! The Genetic Opera Quotes
Lowell 2022-03-25 09:01:18
Controversial works gothic, rock, opera, these constitute a strong expressive and exaggerated picture full of visual impact
Joanie 2022-01-13 08:03:32
I personally think that no less than the hairdresser Todd 15-50 years old can see the bloody scene, and also within the control. Miss Hilton is still a vase. Aunt Sarah’s eyes are invincible.
Director: Darren Lynn Bousman
Language: English Release date: November 20, 2008