Rememory Quotes

  • Carolyn Dunn: And I am what is left. I guess, in part, we're all remains of unfulfilled dreams.

  • Gordon Dunn: [speaking to audience] Memory is the ultimate definer of our lives. For what are our lives, but a collection of memories... memories of events, experiences, emotions... all stamped onto our nervous systems, all leading to here and now, making us each the person we are today. Without them, the present would be void of context.

  • Gordon Dunn: [speaking to audience] We tend to think of memories as these filed-away facts stored safely in the brain, when in actuality, everything that's happened to you since the event you remember has altered the memory of that event, providing a new filter through which you experience it, a filter that changes, and forgets, and exaggerates, and combines, and morphs. But the pure experience does still exist within you, for your brain has the ability to remember every event that's ever happened to you, down to the greatest of detail. The problem is you have no way of recalling it, no way to clear the filters of time and get back to the truth. Until now.

  • [last lines]

    Gordon Dunn: We define our lives by our memories. Who we are on a particular day is the result of memories from every day before. But memories are elastic, malleable, often mercurial things. I think of my own life, the sum of my memories. Like any man, I've done many things that I feel guilt for. I feel pain from so many things... for the damndest of things. Memories of true happiness are what make life worth living, but they're so often lost in the sea of bad ones. We are nothing more than the memories we keep. Memories of overwhelming joy... profound sadness... gratitude... Pride. Grief. Despair. Remorse. Passion. Regret. Regret... Regret. But the strongest memories we carry with us are ones of love. And finally, hope.

    Gordon Dunn: Now, I want you to think of a memory, first thing that comes to mind. Go ahead, close your eyes...

  • Carolyn Dunn: Funny how life goes, huh? Years pass, and slowly you find yourself defined not so much by the things that you do, but the things that you don't do. I was gonna learn French, write a book, I was gonna have a happy, huge, sprawling family, and one by one, I didn't do those things, or those things didn't happen. And I am what is left. I guess, in part, we're all remains of unfulfilled dreams.