Regarding Henry Quotes

  • Henry: No thanks, I don't like eggs.

    Rosella: What?

    Rachel: Eggs are your favourite!

    Henry: Okay, then give me lots of eggs.

  • Bradley: Hey Hank, whatcha doin'?

    Henry: Paintin'. Crackers.

  • [Henry flicks a wad of paper at Rachel in the library]

    Rachel: [whispers] Dad, stop it!

    [He flicks another wad of paper at her]

    Rachel: [whispers sternly] Dad, I'm serious!

    Henry: I know. Very.

  • Henry: I can read! I can read! Ajax! This is Ajax!

  • Bradley: [recurring line] I gotta get me some of that.

  • Bradley: Hey, Hank what are you doin?

    Henry: Paintin', crackers

    Bradley: I know, but you're not packed, why aren't you packed?

    Henry: Cause I'm not goin'

    Bradley: Remember when we talked about this last week? Your family coming to come take you home?

    Henry: Yeah, but I changed my mind, I'm gonna stay

    Bradley: Your family is coming to pick you up, you're going home.

    Henry: But, I live here.

    Bradley: No, man this is a pit stop. I hear you got a beautiful place man and your family is gonna be there.

    Henry: But you're not gonna be there.

    Bradley: No, I gotta hang here.

    Henry: But I don't know them.

    Bradley: They'll be there for you, they're gonna take care of you.

    Henry: Well I don't want them to take care of me Bradley! I don't! No!

    Bradley: Hank, come on man

    Henry: Leave me alone, Bradley

    Bradley: Hank you're gonna be just fine, ok?

    Henry: I just can't remember.

  • Rudy, Lawyer: [Meeting Bruce and Henry after Henry's recovery] Hi, Henry! I'm Rudy!

    [Leans close to Henry's face]

    Rudy, Lawyer: Rooooo-deeee!


    Henry: What's wrong with him?

    Bruce, Henry's Partner: He's an asshole.

    Henry: Oh.

  • Henry: I remember grey carpet. I wanna go home.

  • Bradley: That woman is hot.

    Henry: I know. You gotta get you some of that.

  • Bradley: My brother was married. One day he came home, found out she was cheating.

    Henry: Cheating?

    Bradley: Doin' the serious with another man.

    Henry: Oh, no.

    Bradley: Oh, yeah.

  • Jessica, Henry's Secretary: What's wrong, Mr. Turner?

    Henry: I had enough, so I said when.

    Jessica, Henry's Secretary: Good for you.

  • Henry: That table in my dining room is not the table I ordered. That table looks like a... Goddamn turtle. I demand the table I ordered within the next few days.

  • Henry: You see that man over there? That lady over there. He used to be her husband. Who's she kidding? The damage has already been done.

    [Sarah and the old man laugh]

  • Henry: I know a good blowfish restaurant

  • [comforting his daughter on her first day of boarding school]

    Henry: One of the things I do remember is my first day at school. There were all these weird-looking kids and I didn't know any of them and they didn't know me. I was scared, but after two days, we were all laughing about how scared we were. Everybody feels like you do, honey. Everybody.

    [emboldened, Henry's daughter goes off with the rest of her class]

    Sarah Turner: That's sweet, I didn't know you remembered that.

    Henry: I don't.

  • Bradley: You can have anything you want and you want crackers? GET THIS MAN SOME RITZ CRACKERS!

  • Henry: I don't like who I used to be, Sarah.

  • Bradley: I got bad knees.

    Henry: What?

    Bradley: My knees, they're bad. Ask me why.

    Henry: Why?

    Bradley: Football. Wrecked them both playing college football. Man, it was my life. Football, what else was there? Not jack shit. Homecoming, right? That son of a bitch threw a perfect spiral, and I caught it... boom. Right out of the sky. I had the moment. When that safety hit me, and I felt my knees pop, I knew that was it. Game over. Forget it. I was dead. My life was over, Hank. Now ask me if I mind having bad knees.

    Henry: Do you mind...

    Bradley: No. No way. It was a test. I had to find a life. The therapist that helped me walk again? He was so cool. I thought, "That's what I want to do." When I told some of my buddies, they laughed right in my face. Called me a nurse. Bought me white dresses and shit. But check it out. You're walking. You're talking. You're sitting here drinking some pretty expensive damn beer. I had something to do with that. If it weren't for my knees, I'd never have met you. So, no, I don't mind having bad knees, no. Let me tell you something, Hank. Don't listen to nobody trying to tell you who you are. It might take a while, but you'll figure yourself out.

  • Henry: [on seeing the firearm] Oh come on man I just came in for cigarettes

    Liquor Store Gunman: [only lines] Give me your wallet

    Henry: [on being shot] Now wait just a second

    [gets shot in the head]