Avery Ludlow: You don't always need to see the truth to know it.
Mrs. McCormack: Why are you doing this to us?
Avery Ludlow: I don't mean any disrespect, but I'm afraid you've got that wrong, ma'am. About who's done what to who.
Danny: You're fucking crazy.
Avery Ludlow: In that case, you better do as I tell you, hadn't you?
Avery Ludlow: My my. My my. You've had yourself quite a day. Quite a day.
Avery Ludlow: I just couldn't let it go. I couldn't. Like it or not.
Danny: Would it help if I said I was sorry about the dog?
Avery Ludlow: I think you're a tad late with your apology, son.
Carrie Donnel: You give her what time you can. She'll do the same.
Avery Ludlow: I learned one thing during the war: that you fight with whatever you've got, whatever you can lay your hands on... and you never stop. The minute you do, that's the minute the world rolls right over you.
Carrie Donnel: She was beautiful.
Avery Ludlow: She never thought so.
Avery Ludlow: Her burns were so bad they wouldn't let me hold her. In the end I did anyway.
Avery Ludlow: [last lines - to puppy] So, what'll we call ya?
Carrie Donnel: How come you don't have any pictures of your sons?
Avery Ludlow: I don't have any sons.
Carrie Donnel: Yes, you do. Sam told me.
Avery Ludlow: He shouldn't have.
Mr. McCormack: You know, I don't need any lectures from you. My boys are my boys, and I'll handle 'em any way I see fit, okay? If you're gonna sue me, just go ahead and do it. It'll cause me some embarrassment in some places and... but it won't hurt me very... very much.
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