Joan Stanley: I was fighting for the living, I loved my country!
Joan Stanley: Use your heart instead of your head.
Sonya: [Voice over] Behave normally. Don't look nervous. We need files, reports, drawings, diagrams... We should always meet in public places. It's too dangerous to come to my house. For new material, make an extra copy. Don't conceal it. Keep it with the real file until you are ready to bring it to me. If you must hide anything, do it in plain sight. Be prepared to improvise. And if you think you're being followed, go into a ladies' shop. No man will follow you there.
Young Joan: What if it goes wrong?
Sonya: The KGB will have me shot.
Young Joan: I mean here.
Sonya: The British hang you for treason, don't they?
Sonya: Nobody would suspect us. We're women.
Joan: [Reading a statement to the reporters outside her house]
Joan: I have been accused of passing information to the Russians in the 1940s, information which accelerated their ability to build an atomic bomb. And I have been accused of deceiving my colleagues and my family. This I don't deny. But I have also been accused of deceiving my country.
Joan: [Looks up from her notes and straight at the reporters and into their cameras]
Joan: I'm not a spy. I don't believe in working against one's country. I wanted the Russians to be on an equal footing with the West. I'm not a traitor. I... wanted everyone to share the same knowledge because...
Reporter: How much did the Russians pay you?
Joan: Because only that way could the horror of another war be averted. And I think if you look back at history, you'll see I was right.
[Last lines]
Nick: Mrs. Stanley has nothing to be ashamed of. She has made real something we all talk about but have no idea how to achieve... peace. Now, if you have any further questions for Mrs. Stanley, would you please address them to me? I am her lawyer. And her son.
Red Joan Quotes
Extended Reading