[first lines]
Brian Greene: This is what's been worrying me. Drilling sample number 76, from 1300 foot. See, we've finally found something else than just plain rocks and dirt.
Brian Greene: This is funny shit...
Riley: Watch your mouth! It's Christmastime, so let's act like it.
Riley: Always believe. Always.
Riley: Roll up your sleeves, prepare the dynamite. Do what you do best. You have a grave to rob.
Riley: [in English] Who are you? Where are my men?
Rauno Kontio: [in Finnish] Say something.
Aimo: [in English] Yeah, yeah, we are men. Let's do business.
[repeated line]
Aimo: Plus twenty-two percent VAT.
Pietari Kontio: The real Santa was totally different. The Coca-Cola Santa is just a hoax.
Aimo: My wife's hairdryer was stolen from the bathroom.
Sheriff: Who'd want an old piece of rubbish like that?
Aimo: It's cutting-edge technology in Russia.
Piiparinen: See for yourselves. There's something really weird about him. Don't you think?
Aimo: He's a foreigner.
Aimo: [in English] How do you like the land of the Northern Lights?
Riley: Santa is going to find out who's naughty or nice!
Aimo: Looks like we've been naughty.
Aimo: Have a Merry Christmas. And a happy bloody New Year.
[last lines]
Aimo: Nothing in there for you, fuzz face!
Pietari Kontio: What happened?
Piiparinen: The miracle of Christmas!
Riley: Just follow the instructions!
Brian Greene: FUCK your instructions!
Rauno Kontio: If you ever wondered how Santa can be in a zillion places at once, now you know.
Aimo: That's the magic of Christmas.
Rare Exports Quotes
Extended Reading