Sigurd: Brage, have you been on my computer again? There were masses of strange e-mails.
Brage: Spam?
Sigurd: Yeah. Ragnhild?
Ragnhild: I told you that you should get a new one. Two, because you owe me one.
Sigurd: You have to take the bus today, too.
Sigurd: Oh, you look very nice and pretty. Is it someone's birthday today, or what?
Brage: No. It's the last day of school. Ragnhild is singing.
Sigurd: Yes, yes, yes, yes. At 3 p.m. in the gymnasium. It'll be really great. Ok. See you there.
Åsa: I do not like this.
Vikingkongen: It is Odin's wish.
Sigurd: But on the hulls of the ship, we found these. These are microscopic shells - and they live only on the coast of Finnmark. So, ladies and gentlemen, the Oseberg Vikings may have been in Finnmark. And that is completely fantastic.
Sponsorsjef: But do you have any evidence, besides those shells?
Sponsorkvinnen: Is this all that you have? Is this where our money has gone?
Brage: But it's not that easy when you're a single parent.
Sigurd: Hm? No.
Brage: But there are other ladies out there somewhere.
Sigurd: Ok. Where then?
Brage: On the internet.
Sigurd: Brage.
Brage: I just came across a button.
Sigurd: You didn't do that. What did you write?
Brage: I wrote that you are an archaeologist and like Viking stuff.
Sigurd: Ok.
Brage: And you...
Sigurd: And did you write how old I was?
Brage: Yes?
Sigurd: Yes, because today I received a message from a lady who is 57. Fifty-seven. Think that's a good match?
Brage: Oh. Um, no.
Elisabeth: The Eye of Odin? What are we looking for?
Allan: The rune stone we found - it was a map.
Elisabeth: Map?
Allan: Probably a treasure map. Certainly it is. The Vikings, they plundered around, and then they needed a place to hide everything they found. And they found it -
[points to map]
Allan: - there.
Allan: This is Leif. He'll help us inland. Best acquaintance I've found. Isn't that right, Leif? So nice. This is Sigurd.
Sigurd: Yes, this is going to be exciting.
Leif: [not impressed] Pre-payment.
Ragnhild: Get it away! What is that?
Brage: It's just a dead person, Ragnhild.
Ragnhild: Just?
Ragnarok Quotes
Extended Reading
Director: Mikkel Brænne Sandemose
Language: Norwegian,Norse, Old,Swedish Release date: October 4, 2013