Project Almanac Quotes

  • Quinn Goldberg: We can all agree on something, right? I mean, you have to kill Hitler. That's like Time Travel 101.

    David Raskin: Naturally, but none of us even speak German. So...

    Christina Raskin: Well, that's why God invented Google Translator, David.

    Quinn Goldberg: Exactly!

    David Raskin: They didn't have wifi in 1939.

  • Jessie Pierce: So wouldn't the next thing be, like, testing it on us?

  • Jessie Pierce: You know that you can do this. What are you waiting for?

  • Quinn Goldberg: I've done all the boring things with you since like the 1st grade. Of course I'm with you.

  • Jessie Pierce: I told you we couldn't die.

  • David Raskin: I got my wallet. Never mind. I thought it was...

    Jessie Pierce: You thought it was on my side of the car?

  • David Raskin: We didn't invent time travel. We just put it together with the instructions.

    Quinn Goldberg: You make it sound like we got it at Ikea.

  • Quinn Goldberg: You see, I was either going to buy one of these, or 17 Toyota Corollas.

  • Jessie Pierce: When you said time machine, I thought dinosaurs or at least Woodstock, you know?

  • Adam Le: I'm not gonna go and play God with you guys.

  • Adam Le: You're coming clean.

    David Raskin: I can't because I'll lose her.

  • David Raskin: Sorry guys. I would never do anything to hurt you guys. You'll never even know it happened.

  • Jessie Pierce: After everything, you're just a liar. You played me.

  • Jessie Pierce: Did you ever stop to think that maybe I've liked you since the first time I met you?

  • Jessie Pierce: You know what I would've done if I was smart enough to build a time machine? I would've gone back in time to meet you sooner.

  • Quinn Goldberg: The machine has given us everything.

    David Raskin: It's not just about us. This thing is better than us!

  • David Raskin: This is Project Almanac, Experiment 1, Trial 1, temporal distance: 60 seconds.

    Christina Raskin: In English, please.

    David Raskin: Uh, it means we're gonna send your crappy toy a minute back into the past.