Premonition Quotes

  • Linda Hanson: I wake up and he's dead. I wake up and he's alive.

  • Linda Hanson: Something is seriously fucked up!

  • Linda Hanson: If I let Jim die, is that the same thing as killing him?

    Joanne: Honey, Jim's already dead.

  • Father Kennedy: You see, history's full of unexplained phenomena. Nobody knows why. Some people thought they suffered from what the ancients called "Blasphemare absens fides": The dangers of the faithless.

    Linda Hanson: The faithless?

    Father Kennedy: It's the notion that nature abhors a vacuum, even a spiritual one. People who've lost their beliefs, they're like empty vessels, more susceptible to having their lives taken over by forces bigger than themselves

    Linda Hanson: Almost like a curse.

    Father Kennedy: Or a miracle.

    Linda Hanson: Yeah, well, I don't believe in miracles.

    Father Kennedy: Every day we're alive can be a miracle, Linda.

    Linda Hanson: Well, it doesn't feel that way. Not that way. Father, something bad is going to happen. I need your... I need your help. I need your direction. I need faith.

    Father Kennedy: Faith is just believing in something beyond yourself, something you can't feel, or smell, or touch... like hope or love.

    Linda Hanson: I believe I've let all that go.

    Father Kennedy: Maybe you should try and get it back again, huh?

    Linda Hanson: But if it's too late...

    Father Kennedy: It's never too late to realize what's important in your life, to fight for it.

    Linda Hanson: I don't know what to fight for.