Madison Bowen: They're here.
Dr. Brooke Powell: Is everything alright?
Carrigan Burke: If it was I wouldn't be here.
Eric Bowen: [the moving truck smashed his mail box] Oh c'mon, man!
Madison Bowen: They're coming.
Eric Bowen: I'm counting on you.
Eric Bowen: You're all I've got, so let's do it.
[repeated line]
Carrigan Burke: The house... is clean!
Amy Bowen: Take your pants off.
Eric Bowen: Yes, ma'am. Really?
Amy Bowen: Yes.
Eric Bowen: Wow.
Amy Bowen: Take if off.
Eric Bowen: Alright.
Griffin Bowen: [Eric's pants are down just when his kid enters the room] Dad?
Eric Bowen: Yes?
Amy Bowen: Aaah!
Eric Bowen: Hey... What's up buddy?
Griffin Bowen: There's something upstairs. I think there's something in my room.
Eric Bowen: I'll be up there in a second.
[the kid exits]
Eric Bowen: So much for my luck. Don't move.
Amy Bowen: Ok.
Eric Bowen: I'll be right back, think dirty thoughts.
Kendra Bowen: I'll get a job when you get a job.
Eric Bowen: Hey, she has a job! You kids are her job!
Eric Bowen: We just want our daughter back, okay? We just want our daughter back.
Boyd: Screw it.
[first lines]
Amy Bowen: Griffin, what did I say?
Griffin Bowen: I'm in the middle of a game.
Amy Bowen: You can't play that in the car unless you take your Dramamine.
Eric Bowen: Too late for Dramamine. We're practically there.
Madison Bowen: We're gonna get in big trouble.
Boyd: Let me ask you something. Your dad... he's been out of work a while, right?
Griffin Bowen: Yeah, I guess.
Boyd: Hmm. That's okay. Nobody's perfect. I was just thinking about it. You know if he really wanted to make some money quick... a poltergeist abduction isn't a bad idea. Even if it turned out to be a fake. You go public with it, do some TV appearances. You get your own reality show. How cool would that be?
Griffin Bowen: We don't want a reality show. We just want Maddy back.
Boyd: You're good, kid. Very good.
Eric Bowen: What happened?
Dr. Brooke Powell: That, Mr. Bowen... that's Maddy's way out. But I think we're gonna need some help in getting her there.
Amy Bowen: What kind of help?
Dr. Brooke Powell: Have you ever heard of Carrigan Burke?
Kendra Bowen: No effing way.
Carrigan Burke: Brooke tells me that this development was built on a cemetery. Right?
Kendra Bowen: Dad, really?
Eric Bowen: Calm down. It's a former cemetery. Former. They moved the bodies a long time ago. They relocated...
Amy Bowen: Yeah, they moved them to a nicer neighborhood.
Carrigan Burke: I don't think that they are. I think that they just told people they moved the cemetery. I think they just moved the headstones.
Amy Bowen: And they left the bodies? Oh, my God.
Dr. Brooke Powell: Why do you do that?
Carrigan Burke: What?
Dr. Brooke Powell: You tell your old war stories and you make yourself sound like an old man.
Carrigan Burke: Comes with the territory. We age in dog years.
Amy Bowen: Do you have kids, Mr. Burke?
Carrigan Burke: Sadly, no. My wife didn't think it was a good idea given our line of work.
Dr. Brooke Powell: It wasn't just the work.
Amy Bowen: Oh! The two of you were...
Dr. Brooke Powell: Briefly.
Carrigan Burke: We were young and stupid.
Dr. Brooke Powell: Only one of us was stupid.
Carrigan Burke: Ah, don't be so hard on yourself. I was irresistible back then.
Dr. Brooke Powell: I'm gonna check the readings upstairs.
Carrigan Burke: And she goes, just like she fled our marriage. Straight into the arms of academia. Safe, stable academia. Still misses me, though.
Dr. Brooke Powell: No, I don't.
Carrigan Burke: You do, a little.
Dr. Brooke Powell: No, not even a little bit.
Carrigan Burke: She forgets I can sense these things. I have special powers, you know.
Dr. Brooke Powell: They're not that special.
Young Realtor: Wait till you see the inside: four proper bedrooms and the place is just swimming in closet space.
Amy Bowen: That's not really high on our wish list.
Madison Bowen: Our last closet ate me.
Dr. Brooke Powell: From my experience this doesn't seem to be a classic haunting. What you have... here, is probably closer to a poltergeist intrusion.
Eric Bowen: What's the difference?
Dr. Brooke Powell: Ghosts usually appear as harmless apparitions whereas poltergeists... they're noisy, they lash out, they're violent, they move objects. It comes, and then it can just suddenly go away.
Boyd: But I used a special time-lapse setting, on my camera. So, nailed the whole thing. Y-You can't catch that kind of thing with the naked eye so I...
[attempts to sit down on chair before it suddenly and violently flies up from underneath him and smashes against wall]
Eric Bowen: [says sarcastically] Did you get all that on your time-lapse camera?
Madison Bowen: [while packing up the car to leave the house] Are we ever coming back?
Amy Bowen: No, sweetie. There's no way in hell.
Poltergeist Quotes
Extended Reading