Poltergeist Quotes

  • Robbie Freeling: I got beat up once by three kids. They took my lunch money. Maybe they got hit by a truck, and they're upstairs right now.

  • Carol Anne Freeling: They're here.

  • Diane Freeling: Sweetheart, last night, when you said "They're here'...

    Carol Anne Freeling: Can I take my goldfish to school?

    Diane Freeling: Sweetheart, do you remember last night when you woke up, and you said "They're here'?

    Carol Anne Freeling: Uh huh.

    Diane Freeling: Well, who did you mean?

    Carol Anne Freeling: The TV People.

    Robbie Freeling: She's stoned.

    Dana Freeling: Oh yeah? What do you know about it?

    Robbie Freeling: More than you. Ask Dad.

  • Diane Freeling: TV people?

    Carol Anne Freeling: Uh-huh.

    Diane Freeling: Do you see them?

    Carol Anne Freeling: Uh-uh. Do you?

    Diane Freeling: Uh-uh.

  • Tangina: This house is clean.

  • Diane Freeling: You were saying about poltergeists.

    Dr. Lesh: Poltergeists are usually associated with an individual. Hauntings seem to be connected with an area. A house usually.

    Marty: Poltergeist disturbances are of a fairly short duration. Perhaps a couple of months. Hauntings can go on for years.

    Diane Freeling: Are you telling me that all of this could just suddenly end at any time?

    Dr. Lesh: Yes, it could. Unless it's a haunting. But hauntings don't usually revolve around living people.

    Diane Freeling: Then we don't have much time, Dr. Lesh, because my daughter is alive somewhere inside this house.

  • Steve Freeling: Tomorrow I'm going to call someone.

    Diane Freeling: Like who? I looked in the Yellow Pages. "Furniture Movers" we've got; "Strange Phenomenon", there's no listing.

  • Tangina: Help me tie this around my waist.

    Diane Freeling: What do you think you're doing?

    Tangina: I'm going in after her.

    Diane Freeling: She won't come to you. Let me go.

    Tangina: You've never done this before.

    Diane Freeling: Neither have you.


    Tangina: You're right. You go.

  • Diane Freeling: Don't touch my baby!

  • Dana Freeling: [screaming] What's happening?

  • Diane Freeling: You bastard. She's just a baby. Help her. Help her. Can you hear what's happening? Help her.

  • Dr. Lesh: Well, I'm off. I'm taking these back to the lab along with the tapes. I'm going to have to display these, you know.

    Steve Freeling: Please, not on "60 Minutes".

    Diane Freeling: Or "That's Incredible!"

  • Diane Freeling: Carol Anne - listen to me. Do *not* go into the light. Stop where you are. Turn away from it. Don't even look at it.

  • Diane Freeling: We were wondering if you had experienced any... disturbances?

    Ben Tuthill: What kind of disturbances?

    Diane Freeling: Oh, you know... dishes or furniture, moving around by themselves.

  • Dr. Lesh: Some people believe that when you die there is a wonderful light. As bright as the sun but it doesn't hurt to look into it. All the answers to all the questions you want to know are inside that light. And when you walk to it... you become a part of it forever. Now, some people die, but they don't know they're gone.

  • Tangina: Now clear your minds. It knows what scares you. It has from the very beginning. Don't give it any help, it knows too much already.

  • Diane Freeling: She just moved through me. My God. I felt her. I can smell her. It's her. It's her. Smell my clothes. It's her. She's all over me. It's her. She's on me. It's her. I felt her. It's her. It is. It's... it is... it's my baby. It's my baby. She went through my soul.

  • Robbie Freeling: The storm is getting closer.

  • Dr. Lesh: Diane, the determination is to whether your home is haunted is... is not very easy. I... what I meant to say was it might very well be a poltergeist intrusion instead of a classic haunting.

  • Diane Freeling: Ahhh... this is probably going to be seem a little strange. We hear better on this channel. Don't ask me why. Well... ah... I guess I will call her. Carol Anne. Ah... it's mommy, sweetheart. Ah, we want to talk to you. Please answer me, baby. Please answer me. Please talk to me, bunny.

    Marty: Look at the dog.

    Diane Freeling: Are you with us now? Can you... can you say hello to daddy?

    Carol Anne Freeling: Hello, daddy.

    Steve Freeling: Hello, sweet pea.

    Diane Freeling: It's mommy, sweetheart.

    Carol Anne Freeling: Hello, mommy.

    Diane Freeling: Hello, baby. Can you see me? Can you see mommy?

    Carol Anne Freeling: Mommy? Where are you? Where are you?

    Diane Freeling: We're home, baby. We're home. Can you find me? Can you find a way to us, baby?

    Carol Anne Freeling: Mommy, where are you? I can't find you. I can't. I'm afraid of the light, mommy. I'm afraid of the light.

  • Dr. Lesh: I'm leaving Ryan here with you. Marty won't be coming back. I... I'm coming back. And I'll bring some help. Try not to worry.

  • Steve Freeling: Not much room for a pool is there?

    Mr. Teague: We own all the land. We have already made arrangements for relocating the cemetery.

    Steve Freeling: Oh, you're kidding. Oh, come on. I mean, that's sacrilegious, isn't it?

    Mr. Teague: Oh, don't worry about it. After all, it's not ancient tribal burial ground. It's just... people. Besides, we have done it before.

  • Tangina: Cross over, children. All are welcome. All welcome. Go into the light.

    Steve Freeling: No! No, you said no!

    Tangina: There is peace and serenity in the light.

    Steve Freeling: You said don't go into the light!

  • Tangina: Y'all mind hanging back? You're jamming my frequency.

  • Diane Freeling: Get away from my baby.

  • Tangina: No, no, no... Go down stairs and wait by Ryan and pull. Only when I say so. Only When I say.

  • Steve Freeling: [shouting in Teague's face] You son of a bitch! You moved the cemetery, but you left the bodies, didn't you? You son of a bitch, you left the bodies and you only moved the headstones! You only moved the headstones! Why? Why?

  • Steve Freeling: You know Teague, he won't take "Go to Hell" for an answer.

    Diane Freeling: What are you going to do?

    Steve Freeling: I'm gonna give him directions.

  • Diane Freeling: Mmmmm... smell that mimosa.

    Steve Freeling: Well you better cut a bouquet and take it with you, because we're not staying.

  • Diane Freeling: [the canary has died] Oh... Oh shit, Tweety, couldn't you have waited until a school day?

  • Ben Tuthill: Mosquito ever suck on you, son?

    Tuthills's Son: I don't know, Dad.

  • Tangina: You can't choose between life and death when we're dealing with what is in between. Now tell her before it's too late.

    Diane Freeling: Run to the light, baby. Mommy is in the light.

    Tangina: Tell her you're waiting for her.

    Diane Freeling: Mommy's waiting for you in the light.

    [under her breath to Tangina]

    Diane Freeling: I hate you for that.

  • Robbie Freeling: Hey Mom! When it rots can we dig up the bones?

  • Carol Anne Freeling: No more!

  • [first lines]

    Carol Anne Freeling: Hello? What do you look like? Talk louder, I can't hear you! Hey, hello! Hello, I can't hear you! Five. Yes. Yes. I don't know. I don't know.

  • [last lines]

    Robbie Freeling: Faster! Faster!

    Steve Freeling: Don't look back!

  • Tangina: This house has many hearts.

  • [Steve opens the window next to the neighbor's house]

    Steve Freeling: We've got a good game going on here.

    Ben Tuthill: My kids wanna watch Mr. Rogers.

    Steve Freeling: I don't care what you're watching, Ben, just show a little mercy with that thing!

    Ben Tuthill: Move your set.

    [Ben flicks remote]

    Steve Freeling: Move yours, Ben.

    [Steve flicks his remote]

    Steve Freeling: [Steve and Ben flick each other off]

  • Carol Anne Freeling: [puts a twizzler in the Tweety's coffin] For when he's hungry.

    Carol Anne Freeling: [puts a picture in Tweety's coffin] For when he's lonely.

    Carol Anne Freeling: [puts a piece of cloth in Tweety's coffin] For when it's bedtime.

    [breaks down in tears in Mom's arms]

  • Mr. Teague: [while tapping the supernaturally glaring porch light] You afraid of burglars or you trying to attract every insect in Cuesta Verde?

  • Tangina: There is no death. There is only a transition to a different sphere of consciousness. Carol Anne is not like those she's with. She is a living presence in their spiritual earthbound plane. They are attracted to the one thing about her that is different from themselves - her life force. It is very strong. It gives off its own illumination. It is a light that implies life and memory of love and home and earthly pleasures, something they desperately desire but can't have anymore. Right now, she's the closest thing to that, and that is a terrible distraction from the *real* light that has finally come for them. You understand me?

    [Diane shakes her head]

    Tangina: These souls, who for whatever reason are not at rest, are also not aware that they have passed on. They're not part of consciousness as we know it. They linger in a perpetual dream state, a nightmare from which they cannot awake. Inside the spectral light is salvation, a window to the next plane. They must pass through this membrane where friends are waiting to guide them to new destinies. Carol Anne must help them cross over, and she will only hear her mother's voice. Now... hold on to yourselves.

    [brief pause]

    Tangina: There's one more thing. A terrible presence is in there with her. So much rage, so much betrayal. I've never sensed anything like it. I don't know what hovers over this house, but it was strong enough to punch a hole into this world and take your daughter away from you. It keeps Carol Anne very close to it and away from the spectral light. It *lies* to her, it tells her things only a child could understand. It has been using her to restrain the others. To her, it simply *is* another child. To us, it is the Beast.

    [long pause]

    Tangina: Now, let's go get your daughter.

  • Dr. Lesh: I feel like the proto-human coming out of the forest primeval and seeing the moon for the first time and throwing rocks at it.

  • Steve Freeling: Whoever might complain?

    Mr. Teague: Nobody's complained until now.

  • Diane Freeling: God, *help me!*

  • Dr. Lesh: Hmm! Think we'll spend the night downstairs.

  • Carol Anne Freeling: [her first words after being rescued] Hi, Daddy.

  • Steve Freeling: I was trying to answer her with my mind and she couldn't hear me. Now I thought you said this Tangina Barens was an extraordinary...

    Tangina: [offscreen] I *am*.

    Steve Freeling: ...clairvoy...

    Tangina: [steps out again at the top of the stairs] I just don't like trick answers.

  • Diane Freeling: Look, I'm the one who has had to live with this freaky thing all day. It's like another side of nature, that you and I aren't qualified to understand. When you overreact, it makes what happened much too important.

    Steve Freeling: No one is going into the kitchen until I know what's happening.

  • Tangina: Tell her to go to the light!

    Diane Freeling: No!

  • Neighbor: Who the hell is this guy?

  • Jeff Shaw: Open up! Ahh shit!

  • Steve Freeling: You know we have a saying around here; "The grass grows greener on every side."

  • Diane Freeling: How is it?

    Pool Worker #1: Great, Mrs. Freeling!

    Diane Freeling: Okay Bluto, give me my cup.

    Pool Worker #1: You sure make good coffee!

  • Steve Freeling: Listen to me, Jeff! No, I'm not kidding! I know, right? How can anybody sleep through a 6.5?

  • Carol Anne Freeling: I want pepperoni pizza!

  • Dana Freeling: Are you gonna do something about this?

    Diane Freeling: About what?

    Dana Freeling: Your new gray!

    Diane Freeling: Oh! You don't like it? You don't think it's kinda punk?

  • Dana Freeling: Mom! I'm going to dinner with Janice and Brian.

    Diane Freeling: Is your room all packed up?

    Dana Freeling: Everything but the bed!

  • Dana Freeling: I'll go check the kitchen!

    Steve Freeling: No! No, I'll do it! I'll check the kitchen, you check your room!

    Steve Freeling: Carol Anne!

    Dana Freeling: Carol Snne!

    Diane Freeling: Carol Anne! Sweetheart!

    Steve Freeling: Diane!

    Diane Freeling: Did you find her?

    Steve Freeling: No, I looked everywhere! This is crazy!

    Diane Freeling: Oh my! My God! She is in the swimming pool, the swimming pool, the swimming pool!

  • Mr. Teague: How's that spot for a bay window?

  • Carol Anne Freeling: [burying the canary, Carol Anne says a prayer] Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep.

    Dana Freeling: [sarcastically] Oh brother!

    Diane Freeling: [to Dana] Stifle it.

    Carol Anne Freeling: If I shall die before I wake...

    Dana Freeling: [whispers to Diane] It did.

    Carol Anne Freeling: ...I pray the Lord my soul to take.

  • Dr. Lesh: Would your family welcome a serious investigation of these disturbances by someone who can make firsthand observations?

    Steve Freeling: Look, Dr. Lesh. We don't care about the disturbances, the pounding and the flashing, the screaming, the music. We just want you to find our little girl.

  • Tangina: [offscreen upstairs] Why is this door locked, Mr. Freeling?

    [Steve Freeling closes his eyes, clasps his hands, and appears to be concentrating for several seconds]

    Diane Freeling: [quietly] Answer her, Steven!

    Steve Freeling: [sotto voce] I *am*.

    Tangina: [steps out to the top of the stairs] I am addressin' the living!

    Steve Freeling: I'm sorry. Sorry. That's the room my son and daughter used to occupy.

    Dr. Lesh: We believe it's the heart of the house.

    Tangina: This house has many hearts.

    [Tangina steps away from the stairtop. Diane approaches Steven]

    Diane Freeling: [quietly] What is the matter?

    Steve Freeling: [with laughter] "What's the matter"?

    Steve Freeling: [he composes himself, whispers] I was trying to answer her with my mind and she couldn't hear me.

    Steve Freeling: [to Dr. Lesh, whispering even softer] Now, I thought you said this Tangina Barrons was an *extraordinary*...

    Tangina: I *am*!

    Steve Freeling: ...clairvoy...

    Tangina: [steps out again] I just don't like trick answers.

  • Steve Freeling: Get in the car, Dana.

  • Steve Freeling: [skeleton hits the windshield] Oh, shit!

  • Steve Freeling: No. I'll do it. Let me go.

    Diane Freeling: You can't go. You're the only one strong enough to hold the rope.

  • Steve Freeling: I'm outta here! See ya early.

    Robbie Freeling: I'm outta here!

    Diane Freeling: You I can handle.

    Robbie Freeling: I got school!

    Diane Freeling: Breakfast first.

    Robbie Freeling: All right, I'll just flunk.

  • Diane Freeling: Jesus, don't do that. You wanna see your mommy lying in a cigar box covered in licorice?

  • Diane Freeling: The TV people?

    Carol Anne Freeling: Up there.

    Diane Freeling: Do you see them?

    Carol Anne Freeling: Uh uh... do you?

    Diane Freeling: Uh uh.

  • Carol Anne Freeling: Mommy didn't cook any dinner.

    Diane Freeling: We'll go to Pizza Hut, all right?

  • Carol Anne Freeling: That burned!

    Diane Freeling: Sorry, baby, floor needed more wax.

  • Steve Freeling: I hate Pizza Hut! Where's supper? I don't understand, Diane. What the hell's going on around here?

  • Carol Anne Freeling: You promised pizza.

  • Dr. Lesh: Some people believe that when people die, there's a wonderful light, As bright as the sun. But it doesn't hurt to look into it. All the answers to all the questions that you ever want to know are inside that light. And when you walk to it, you become a part of it forever. And then, some people die but they don't know that they've gone.

    Robbie Freeling: They think they're still alive?

    Dr. Lesh: Yes. Maybe they didn't want to die. Maybe they weren't ready. Maybe they hadn't lived fully yet or they'd lived a long, long time and they still wanted more life. They resist going into that light, however hard the light wants them. They just... hang around. Watch TV, watch their friends grow up feeling unhappy and jealous and those feelings are bad. They hurt. And then, some people just get lost on the way to the light, and they need someone to guide them to it.

    Robbie Freeling: So some people get angry and throw things around - like in my bedroom?

    Dr. Lesh: Yes. Just like in school. Like some kids are nice to you, some kids are mean.

    Robbie Freeling: I got beat up once by three kids. They took my lunch money. Maybe they got hit by a truck and they're upstairs right now!

  • Diane Freeling: So you better get Brian to bring you home right after dinner because Dad wants us to stay at the Holiday Inn on I-74.

    Dana Freeling: Oh, yeah. I remember that place.

  • Dr. Lesh: Well, I'm off. I'm taking these back to the lab along with the tapes. I'm going to have to display these, you know.

    Steve Freeling: Please, not on "60 Minutes".

    Diane Freeling: Or "That's Incredible!".

  • Robbie Freeling: [destroying the clown] I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!

  • Marty: There's been some ionization flux. I'd like to make sure it's not caused by humidity coming from structural leakage, but I'm not goin' up there to find out.

    Ryan: We have got much more than the paranormal episode taking place here.

    Marty: There's measurable physical science in this house that goes far beyond any of the creaking doors or cold spots I've ever experienced.

    Dr. Lesh: The voice source on television, where is it coming from?

    Ryan: The absence of a signal on the channel that is not receiving a broadcast means that it is free to receive a lot of noise from all sorts of things, like short waves.

    Marty: Solar disturbances, car ignition sparkings...

    Ryan: Outer space... or inner space. Yes, what if these people had an area of bi-location in their own living room? No, I mean: if that is the way out then maybe somewhere in this house, there's a way in.

  • Robbie Freeling: The house is coming!

Extended Reading
  • Rosetta 2022-04-24 07:01:05

    I wanted to watch the 1981 Italian version of Ghostbusters, but I didn't expect this version. Many of the horror elements in it were borrowed from later movies, and the movie was spoofed in Scream and Laughter 2.

  • Rebeca 2022-03-24 09:01:37

    Very good~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spielberg 囧 Hahaha