Pokémon Quotes

  • Pikachû: Pi, ka, chu.

    Kasumi: Fine, fine, too.

  • Officer Junsâ: [shouting] I can tell by your criminal record that you've been in jail!

    Satoshi: I never have been in jail.

    Takeshi: Me neither.

  • [Puffing up]

    Jigglypuff: Jiggly puff puff.

  • Ash: If anybody's out there, you can come out. And if you're a monster or a ghost, you can stay where you are.

  • James of Team Rocket: Drat. We just wasted this whole episode cheering for the good guys.

  • Narrator: So the story continues

    James of Team Rocket: Drats! We just wasted this entire episode cheering for the good guys.

    Narrator: That's right James.

  • Ash: You miss your mom don't you Larvitar? Don't worry because we're going to get your mother back. I promise.

    Ranger Mason: He's right Larvitar. We're going to do everything we can to get your mother back.

    [Larvitar freezes]

    Misty: Uh-oh. It's freezing again.

    Ranger Mason: What's the matter? Did I make it freeze?

    Brock Harrison: This Larvitar needs time to warm up to people

  • Ash: You miss your mom don't you Larvitar? Don't worry because we're going to get your mother back. I promise.

    Ranger Mason: Don't you worry Larvitar. We're going to do everything we can to get your mother back.

    [Larvitar freezes]

    Misty: This Larvitar hardens everytime someone it doesn't know tries to talk to it.

    Ranger Mason: What's the matter? Did I make it freeze?

    Brock Harrison: This Larvitar needs time to warm up to people

  • James of Team Rocket: We have a proud tradition of failure to uphold.

  • James of Team Rocket: With enemies like that, who needs friends?

  • Misty: Isn't that color a little bright for a ninja?

  • Misty: Just when you give him a break, he has to be a nice guy, too.

  • Jessie: Prepare for trouble.

    James of Team Rocket: And make it double.

    Jessie: To protect the world from devastation.

    James of Team Rocket: To unite all people within our nation.

    Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love.

    James of Team Rocket: To extend our reach to the stars above.

    Jessie: Jessie.

    James of Team Rocket: James.

    Jessie: Team Rocket blasting off at the speed of light.

    James of Team Rocket: Surrender now or prepare to fight.

    Meowth: Meowth. That's right.

  • Misty: Oh no. Staryu's in real pain.

    Ash: How can you tell? It doesn't even have a face.

    Misty: It's because I'M sensitive to others feelings.

    Ash: Oh yeah, like I'm not.

  • Brock Harrison: When you have lemons, you make lemonade; and when you have rice, you make rice balls.

  • Mrs. Ketchum: Don't forget to change your you-know-what every day.

  • Meowth: I hate water, especially WET water.

  • Jessie: We may be mean and nasty, but we'd never turn our backs on a teammate in trouble.

    James of Team Rocket: As long as we're not exposed to any actual physical danger.

  • Jessie: That boy on the poster looks just like you, James.

    James of Team Rocket: He does? I think he looks pathetic.

    Meowth: That's what she meant, James.

  • Meowth: My brain says to run but my legs ain't listening.

  • Jessie: Just once, I'd like to make a dramatic exit that DOESN'T involve a life-threatening explosion.

  • Jessie: Where did you get all that chocolate? You're holding out on us.

    James of Team Rocket: This is mine. Remember? We all got one yesterday.

    Meowth: You ate half of mine.

  • James of Team Rocket: Thundershock, Thunderbolt... I've been destroyed by Pikachu's attacks so many times I know them all by heart.

  • Officer Jenny: Oh, I left my motorcycle at the front desk.

  • Ash: Hey Pikachu. You did a great job.

    Pikachu: Big-Pikachu.

  • [Brock growls at Charmander]

    Brock Harrison: Light the candle not me!

    [Pikachu laughs]

  • [Pikachu runs circles around Leiutennat Surge's Raichu]

    Misty Williams: The plan is working like you said it would Brock.

    Brock Harrison: Right. Raichu evolved too fast and it never learned any of the speed attacks it can only learn in the Pikachu stage.

  • Brock Harrison: It's all too clear to me now. It was because of a painful separation from its mother that Larvitar is petrified of the outside world. With zero trust in humans.

    Misty: That Tyranitar must be Larvitar's mother.

    Ash: Poor Larvitar. Lavitar please you have to remember all of the good times that we had together.

    Brock Harrison: Not all humans are bad. You just have to give us a chance.

  • Misty: Where's Professor Ivy?

    [Brock groans and turns blue]

    Ash: Brock? What's wrong?

    Brock: I don't want to talk about it

    Ash: Why not?

    Brock: She mentioned... that name.

  • Lily Williams: I guess you could say it

    [the pokemon match between Ash and Misty]

    Lily Williams: was called on account of "drain?"


  • Jessie: This couldn't have worked better if we'd planned it.

    James of Team Rocket: If we'd planned it, it wouldn't have worked at all!

  • Bryce: What kind of idiot would forcibly steal someone else's Pokemon?

    James of Team Rocket: Well, how many kinds are there?

  • May: Come on! I've seen slugma run faster than you. Nuuuuummmm!

    Max , Caterpie, Butterfree, Additional Voices: [growling] You are a slugma!

    Brock Harrison: [sighs] It's great to see those two get along so well.

  • Ash: It's following Pikachu around like its a streaker or something,

    Brock Harrison: Huh Ash you mean a STALKER!

  • Flint: Pewter City is grey, the color of stone. My name is Flint, and you're sitting on my merchandise, young man.

    Ash: You sell rocks?

    Flint: Pewter City souveneirs, you want to buy some?

    Ash: No thanks. I'm traveling trying to become a Pokemon trainer.

    Flint: Well, your Pokemon is in bad shape. Come on, I'll take you to the Pokemon center.

    Ash: He seems like a nice guy.

    Misty: Are you sure?

    Flint: By the way, that'll be a two dollar charge for resting on my rock.

  • Jessie: Buried alive and trampled. We've hit rock bottom!

  • Lily Williams: [to Seel] Which side are you rooting for?

  • Ash: I was so kicking your butt there, Misty!

    Misty: What? You know you lost with Butterfree!

    Ash: That was just Round 1. After that, I made a huge comeback!

    Misty: If Team Rocket hadn't busted in, I would have destroyed you!

    Ash: You're lucky they showed up; you were about to lose.

    Misty: Lose? I was just getting started!

    Ash: Oh yeah?

    Misty: Oh yeah!

    Brock Harrison: Oh brother!

  • Ash: I thought you said, "pacing", not "passing"!

    Pikachu: Pikachu!

    [holds up a ping-pong paddle]

    Ash: I said, "padding"... I mean, I said "pacing"!

  • Nurse Joy: I know why you're surprised. I look like all the other nurses, don't I? My first cousin works in Pewter City, and my second cousin works in Viridian City. I think I'm the prettiest one, don't you?

  • Surge: I guess you'll learn that playing with the big boys can be a shockin' experience.

  • Jessie: If Pikachu loses this battle...

    James of Team Rocket: You're right! It's not worth stealing after all. We've wasted all this time.

    Meowth: Maybe you can steal Raichu.

  • Meowth: Pikachu won't change. If it's going to battle Raichu, it's going to do it just as it is. It's going to battle in the name of all Pikachus!

  • Ash: Pikachu, our lucky star is shining today!

    Misty: Where? I don't see it. How can you see a star in the middle of the day?

    Ash: I don't mean it's actually shining!

  • Brock Harrison: [Team Rocket has just performed a cheer for Ash and Pikachu] That was really disturbing.

  • James of Team Rocket: I want food.

    Jessie: Stop that!

    Meowth: Yeah, that whining only makes you hungrier.

  • Jessie: Good thing we ran into this sign.

    James of Team Rocket: Yes, it's a good sign.

  • Ash: Hey, guys, help me out of this hole.

    Misty: We'd love to help you, Ash, but unfortunately, you're standing on us.

  • Ash: I had to send in about a million postcards to get that hat!

    Misty: Well, no wonder I didn't get mine. I only submitted one.

  • Gary Oak: Why don't you let your stomach do the talking?

  • Jessie: That is the Fushia Gym.

    James of Team Rocket: It looks to me like a Japanese restaurant.

  • James of Team Rocket: I can't see a foot my front of my face.

    Meowth: If you don't shut up, you'll see a foot in front of your face!

  • James of Team Rocket: Team Rocket's blasting off again!

    Jessie: Team Rocket's blasting off again!

    Meowth: Team Rocket's blasting off again!

  • Professor Birch , Additional Voices: [growling] You know that's not a Silcoon that you have. That's a Casscoon.

  • May: Hey! That's my egg!

    James of Team Rocket: Ahh! That's my Mime Jr.

    Jessie: We're here for Elekid and Pikachu.

    James of Team Rocket: TIME OUT!

    [James comes running out of Team Rocket's Golem machine]

    May: [May runs up to James] I'll trade you.

    James of Team Rocket: That sounds like a plan.

    May: Here you go!

    James of Team Rocket: Thanks.

    MayJames of Team Rocket: Bye!

    James of Team Rocket: Ahh! My Mime Jr is back where it belongs.

    May: [Giggling] I got my egg back.

    James of Team Rocket: Now Where were we?

    Meowth: We were about to take Elekid and Pikachu.

  • Torchic: Torchic? Torchic?

    [Torchic starts crying]

    Max , Caterpie, Butterfree, Additional Voices: Oh Torchic! There you are.

    Meowth: What's wrong?

    Max , Caterpie, Butterfree, Additional Voices: Torchic is afraid it will never see May again.

    Meowth: Well, crying ain't gonna help, I already tried that.

  • Pikachu: [screaming as a gigantic Ryhorn comes charging towards them] PIKA PI!

    Meowth: My head says to move but my feet ain't listening!

  • Jessie: [after encountering a smelly Gloom] It smells TERRIBLE.

    James of Team Rocket: It smells like old sneakers mixed with rotten eggs and dead fish with just a hint of skunk fumes.

    Meowth: My nose feels like it's on fire!

    Jessie: Meowth, you don't have a nose.

    Meowth: Huh?

    [Looks at the empty space]

    Meowth: My nose! What happened? The stink dissolved it off my face!


    Meowth: Hmm? Oh! Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. The cartoonist never gave me a nose.

  • Meowth: [after successfully binding a Hypno and Drowzee to their metal-winged flying system] We got them! Now, we'll fly away with our catch!

    James of Team Rocket: I don't get it. Why didn't we do this from the beginning?

    Jessie: [referring to the show runtime] Well, we HAVE to fill a half-hour!

  • Old Woman/Ghastly: I've been watching you. You're up to no good! And there's no good in your future!

    James of Team Rocket: Who? The police, the sheriff, the FBI?

    Old Woman/Ghastly: I see a young and beautiful woman who will lead you to a cruel fate.

    James of Team Rocket: I don't need a fortune teller to know that. Some woman is ALWAYS causing me trouble! It's a curse...

    Jessie: [stares suspiciously towards James] WHO exactly do you mean?

  • Pokedex: Ratata forages in the forest for fruits, roots, nuts, and berries.

    Ash: But this isn't a forest! It's an open field!

    Pokedex: They also come out to open fields to steal food from stupid travellers.

    Ash: D-Does that mean that... I'm stupid?

    Pikachu: [laughing hard] Pika, pika, pika!

Extended Reading
  • Tristin 2022-04-21 09:02:56

    "Computer Warrior 3D Dragon" such a good Cyberpunk plot is banned

  • Agnes 2022-03-26 09:01:10

    The ending is a god horse! One of the animations with no ending in childhood, full of doubts