Planet of the Apes Quotes

  • [Prying open Leo's mouth and looking down his throat, as though looking for a soul]

    General Thade: Is there a soul in there?

  • Attar: Get your stinking hands off me, you damn dirty human!

  • Limbo: Can't we all just get along?

  • Thade's Father: Damn them!

    General Thade: I will stop him, father.

    Thade's Father: Damn them... damn them all to hell!

  • Tival: Apes are afraid of water. They can't swim.

    Ari: We drown!

    Daena: That is why every day we pray for rain.

  • Captain Leo Davidson: Never send a monkey to do a man's job.

  • Limbo: [emerging from his hiding place] Oh! It's over already? I was *just* about to make my move...

  • Captain Leo Davidson: How did the apes get this way?

    Daena: What other way would they be?

    Captain Leo Davidson: They'd be begging me for a treat right now.

  • General Thade: Get me the spaceman!

  • Daena: What tribe are you from?

    Captain Leo Davidson: United States Air Force, and I'm going back.

  • Captain Leo Davidson: Shut up! That goes for all species.

  • Ari: You know one day they'll tell a story about a human who came from the stars and changed our world. Some will say it was just a fairy tale, that it was never real. But I'll know.

  • Tival: They all want to see this human who defies the apes.

  • Captain Leo Davidson: Our apes couldn't talk.

    Ari: Maybe they chose not to... given the way you treated them.

  • General Thade: Extremism in defense of apes is no vice.

  • [When telling the human tribes to run away while they can]

    Captain Leo Davidson: Look, you gotta make your people understand, it's over there's no help coming.

    Daena: You came.

  • [When confronting each other on the battle field]

    Krull: My fight is with Thade, not you.

    Attar: Then your fight is with me.

  • Captain Leo Davidson: I think it's fair to call this hostile territory.

  • Ari: It's disgusting the way we treat humans.

  • Captain Leo Davidson: Time to explain evolution to the monkeys.

  • Limbo: The young ones make great pets. Just make sure you get rid of them before they mature. Believe me, the last thing you want is a human teenager running around your house.

  • Captain Leo Davidson: I'm going to get my chimp.

  • Lt. Col.Grace Alexander: What? Was the Homo sapien mean to you again? We all know its just rocket envy, don't we?

    Captain Leo Davidson: Ever consider an actual boyfriend?

    Lt. Col.Grace Alexander: You mean do I enjoy being miserable? No thanks, I'll stick with my chimps.

  • Ari: Stop it! Who told you, you could throw stones at humans?

    Gorilla kid: My father

    Ari: Did he? He's wrong, very wrong. You can tell him for me I said so.

    Gorilla kid: Human lover!

  • Limbo: Apes in cages... right!

  • [while holding a gun on Limbo]

    Captain Leo Davidson: Play dead.

  • [to Leo in regarding Earth]

    Ari: I'd like to see your world.

    Captain Leo Davidson: I know. But they'd probably pry you and poke you and throw you in a cage too.

    Ari: [smiles] You'd protect me.

    [Leo smiles]

  • [Leo notices the human mark on Ari's hand]

    Ari: I can't go home either now. So, maybe we're not so different.

    Captain Leo Davidson: No, we're very different.

    [Ari looks at him sadly]

    Captain Leo Davidson: You care about everybody, but yourself.

  • Limbo: [Referring to the captured humans] All right, get 'em out and get 'em clean! Chop chop!

  • Sandar: Senator Nado, good evening!

    Senator Nado: [Mutters]

    Sandar: My dear, you look lovely!

    Nova: Thank you, but I'm having a bad hair day.

  • General Thade: Everything in the human culture takes place below the waist!

  • Krull: Monkeys are further down the evolutionary ladder,


    Krull: just above humans!

  • Zaius, Thade's Father: [about humans] I warn you their ingenuity goes hand in hand with their cruelty. No creature is as devious, as violent. You must find this human quickly! Don't let him get to Calima!

  • Captain Leo Davidson: We're in control now! We're the 800 pound gorilla!

  • Limbo: [referring to cuffs] No, no, no, I don't need those anymore.

    Gunnar: Says who?

    Limbo: Says them! They tried to KILL me! Like I was nothing but a - miserable...

    Gunnar: Human?

  • Limbo: [after being cuffed with cuffs used for humans] Ow! These things hurt!

  • Limbo: How many times do I have to tell you? Wear you gloves when you handle humans!

  • Ari: [blocking Limbo] You kill him, and you'll only lower yourself to his level.

    Limbo: Exactly!

  • Ari: Hm, I knew it, you're sensitive. An uncommon quality in a man.

    Krull: [groans]

  • Captain Leo Davidson: [referring to Calima] Well, that's where my crew is, so that's where we're going.

    Limbo: Doesn't he ever stop?

  • Gunnar: You're letting him go?

    Captain Leo Davidson: No, he rides with us.

    Limbo: Wha? Wha?


    Limbo: This is suicide!

    Limbo: [after others move away] Only a human would think riding through an army encampment could work.

  • Limbo: Y'know, I'd like to thank you, for opening my eyes to a brave new world of trade with the humans.

    Captain Leo Davidson: Yeah, no problem.

    Limbo: Farewell, Spaceman!

    Limbo: [immediately turns around to a group of children] Now, who wants to buy some aspirin?

  • Limbo: [looking at captured humans] Are you trying to put me out of business? These are the skankiest, scabbiest, scuzziest humans I've ever seen.

  • Senator Nado: [to Ari about humans] Next you'll be telling us that these beasts have a soul.

  • Captain Leo Davidson: The smarter we get, the more dangerous we become.

  • [first lines]

    Captain Leo Davidson: [to Pericles, who is panicking during a simulated space mission] You lost.

    Captain Leo Davidson: [stops the simulation] Again.

  • Ari: It doesn't matter: apes, humans, your planet, my planet, the universe seems only to reward cruelty with power.

  • Senator Nado: Trite but true: "Youth is wasted on the young."

  • Sandar: She spends a fortune grooming herself.

    Nova: And I'm worth every penny.