Pickup on South Street Quotes

  • Skip McCoy: [after first kiss with Candy] Sometimes you look for oil, you hit a gusher.

  • Skip McCoy: I know you pinched me three times and got me convicted three times and made me a three-time loser. And I know you took an oath to put me away for life. Well, you're trying awful hard with all this patriotic eye-wash, but get this: I didn't grift that film and you can't prove I did! And if I said I did, you'd slap that fourth rap across my teeth no matter what promises you made!

  • Skip McCoy: So you're a Red, who cares? Your money's as good as anybody else's.

  • Skip McCoy: You boys are talking to the wrong corner. I'm just a guy keeping my hands in my own pockets.

    FBI Agent Zara: If you refuse to cooperate you'll be as guilty as the traitors who gave Stalin the A-bomb.

    Skip McCoy: Are you waving the flag at *me*?

  • Capt. Dan Tiger: You'll always be a two-bit cannon. And when they pick you up in the gutter dead, you're hand'll be in a drunk's pocket.

  • Skip McCoy: Pack up the pitch with the charge or drive me back to my shack.

    Capt. Dan Tiger: I'll drive you back in a hearse if you don't get the kink out of your mouth!

  • Candy: You've been recommended as the best pickpocket stoolie in the business.

    Moe Williams: What kind of talk is that, calling me a stoolie? I was brought up to report any injustice to the police authority. I call that being a solid citizen.

    Candy: But you get paid for it.

    Moe Williams: You gonna knock it?

  • Moe Williams: You got any Happy Money?

    Candy: Happy Money?

    Moe Williams: Yeah, money that's gonna make me happy. What else?

  • Moe Williams: What's the matter with you? Playing footsie with the Commies!

    Skip McCoy: You waving the flag, too?

    Moe Williams: Listen, I knew you since you was a little kid. You was always a regular kind of crook. I never figured you for a louse.

    Skip McCoy: Stop, you're breaking my heart.

    Moe Williams: Even in our crummy line of business you gotta draw the line somewhere.

  • Moe Williams: I have to go on making a living so I can die. But even a fancy funeral ain't worth waiting for if I've gotta do business with crumbs like you.

  • Moe Williams: I've got almost enough to buy both the stone and the plot.

    Capt. Dan Tiger: If you lost that kitty, it's Potter's Field.

    Moe Williams: This I do not think is a very funny joke, Captain Tiger!

    Capt. Dan Tiger: I just meant you ought to be careful how you carry your bankroll.

    Moe Williams: Look, Tiger, if I was to be buried in Potter's Field, it would just about kill me.

  • Moe Williams: Ask a silly question, you get a dopey look.

  • Joey: You'd sell anybody for buttons.

    Moe Williams: Yeah, but not to *you*, Mister!

  • Moe Williams: Listen, Mister. When I come in here tonight, you seen an old clock runnin' down. I'm tired. I'm through. Happens to everybody sometime. It'll happen to you too, someday. With me it's a little bit of everything. Backaches and headaches. I can't sleep nights. It's so hard to get up in the morning, and get dressed and walk the streets. Climb the stairs. I go right on doin' it! Well, what am I gonna do, knock it? I have to go on makin' a livin'... so I can die. But even a fancy funeral ain't worth waitin' fer if I gotta do bus'ness with crumbs like you.

  • Skip McCoy: [to Capt. Tiger] You're sittin' on a hot rock. I'd like to see you jump!

  • Moe Williams: Oh, you're the muffin.